Chapter 797 Mysterious Event (1)
"Have a bottle of the best red wine, and serve all the side dishes that are good in the store, and a large fruit plate." No need to look at the wine label, nor look at the waitress, Liu Ying tapped lightly with five fingers The desktop is calm and calm.Changing her face is like flipping through a book, as if the person who looked fiercely at the previous moment was not her.

Liu Ying would not have obediently averted her eyes just because the waitress was savvy.Just let her go and act bravely, since she seduced her man in front of her, she has to pay the corresponding price.Furthermore, looking at the appearance of this waitress, Liu Ying didn't think it was a good place.Find a man to relieve loneliness, I believe there is no loss.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Quickly wrote down what Liu Ying ordered, nodded, not daring to stop any longer.Back away quickly, anyway, smart people know that there is a super invincible beauty by his side.Beautiful women like them who rely on artificial powder makeup will look like ghosts.

I was really obsessed with ghosts just now, I was so busy looking at Brother Ku, I didn't pay attention to the woman sitting beside him at all.If he had seen such a thing clearly earlier, he was a dead man, and Twitch would come to hook him up.One mistake would be the eternal hatred. If the waitress knew that before she knew, Liu Ying had already done something cruel secretly, she would regret it all green.

You know, this unlucky waitress happened to come to the aunt today, and if she were to find a man, it would be a real bloody battle.Why do women make things difficult for women? It's all fucking nonsense.

The bar street is the most chaotic place in S City, especially the bar street in the scenic spot, where everyone is crazy tourists.Hold the gun and run away tomorrow, no one can find it.Therefore, the people who still play here are crazier and more relaxed than the guests in the city, because everyone is unfamiliar, so there is no need to be afraid of embarrassment or retaliation afterwards.

Some hooligans who love to play crazy are even more fond of the bar street here. In addition to Lu's bar, they also take over the indoor bars.Everything you need, even more exciting games in the middle of the night, such as sexy dances that can't be seen.As long as you are a man, after seeing the bag of nosebleeds, in order to attract customers, the boss spent a lot of money and specially invited starlets.Or beauties who are hotter than models come here from time to time.

Therefore, even though this place belongs to the outskirts of the city, it still can't stop the enthusiastic crowd, who come here specially to have fun.The open-air bar has no attractive features, and there are fewer people, but if it is replaced by an indoor bar.At this moment, it is already overcrowded, and there is no place for it to be crowded.

Drinks, snacks, and fruit plates were served very quickly. Within a few minutes of placing the order, everything came up one by one.Satisfied, Liu Ying took the wine glass handed over by Luo Cheng, clinked the glasses, and said with a smile, "cheers."

"Cheers." Liu Ying was poured beautiful red wine, while Luo Cheng himself drank strong high-strength whiskey.In the past, he drank foreign wine that felt quite choking, but now that he drank it in one gulp, Luo Cheng felt that it was no different from drinking plain water.Frowning slightly, Luo Cheng shook his head in disappointment.Sure enough, he was used to drinking the top-grade immortal wine, and then drank these inferior wines without any immortality.The taste is the same, but it tastes different in the mouth.

"Hey, it's a surprise that there is such a beautiful girl hidden here." He whistled provocatively at Liu Ying, a young man wearing sunglasses, his eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Liu Ying.A glamorous gleam flashed from the bottom of his eyes, and the wretched eyes made people feel cold.

"Boss, do you want me..." Several followers behind him caught the splendor in Hei Hu's eyes.Familiar with the habits of the boss, everyone showed an ambiguous smile on their faces and asked in ambiguous tones.

"Do you still need me to tell you how to do it? Go, get the man done for me, and bring the woman back to the room. It's rare to meet such a superb one. I want to play some special games tonight." Heihu said with a strange smile on the faces of several of his followers.

"Yes, yes, boss, let's go and get that man taken care of by the boss right away." After receiving the signal from Hei Hu's eyes, several followers understood the meaning of Hei Hu's eyes, and also showed a wicked smile.The dog-legged nodded, and swaggered to the bar.After ordering two glasses of beer, he quickly put a white pill into one of the glasses and asked the waiter to deliver it on his behalf.

The waiter has long been used to these things and knows that these people are not easy to mess with.Although he was not very happy to do these immoral things, but he didn't want to get himself into trouble, so he obediently helped deliver the two glasses of beer.Although you can't say it directly, it's okay to secretly hint to the guests to be careful with a wink.

"Hello, here are the beers from some guests over there." Following the instructions of the gangsters, the two glasses of beer were delivered to Luo Cheng and Liu Ying.The moment he lowered his head to serve the wine, the waiter gave Luo Cheng a wink, indicating that there was something wrong with the wine, and then glanced at some gangsters, signaling Luo Cheng to be careful.

"Thank you." Luo Cheng hadn't seen anything, even if the waiter didn't give any special hints.The added beer can still be seen at a glance, let alone Liu Ying, who is an alchemist.You don't need to look, just smell it with your nose, and you can guess what is under the wine.

"I don't know how to live or die, even if you have a small skill, you dare to come to the class to make an axe. Brother Luo, should we play with them?" Catching the lewd eyes in the eyes of a few gangsters, Liu Ying's eyes flashed a trace of cruelty.Dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head, really ignorant people have no fear, if you don't teach these little hooligans a lesson, they really don't know how to write dead words.Hitting her idea, the old birthday star is really tired of hanging himself.

"Okay, it's nothing to do anyway, just play with them." The hooked lips raised a smile that was not a smile, and they wanted to dismiss him with two glasses of beer. What a fun group of idiots.Luo Cheng and Liu Ying looked at each other. Under the expectant eyes of these gangsters, Luo Cheng picked up a large glass of beer and raised his head like drinking water.He drank a large glass of wine in one go.With sharp eyes, seeing a few punks smiling like fools, Luo Cheng pretended to have a drunken cough, and suddenly fell limply on the table.

Cooperating with acting, Liu Ying just finished drinking half of the wine when she saw Luo Cheng lying on the table.His face changed drastically with fright, he anxiously put down the wine glass in his hand, shook Luo Cheng with a worried face, and said anxiously: "Brother Luo, Brother Luo, how are you doing? You only drank so much, why did you get drunk so quickly? gone."

"It's a pity, I reminded them, why are they so stupid to drink this wine with spices." Seeing Luo Cheng lying on the table, the waiter who knew the knowledge shook his head regretfully, muttering in his heart.

"Boss, it's done, that little boy fell down. It's really useless, it's useless, and it fell down in less than a minute after drinking it. Boss, this kid looks good. Boss is not good at this, that, Can you give it to our brothers to try it out too?" Seeing Luo Cheng lying down, the gangsters were all overjoyed, and rushed to Heihu, asking expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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