Chapter 816 Bubble Hot Spring (1)
He is an interesting young man, maybe he stays in the hospital bed every day and doesn't get in touch with many people.Temperament is relatively pure and introverted, but the essence is not bad.Not in a hurry to ask anything, Liu Ying glanced probingly at the dantians of Master Shang and his son to see if there were hidden spirit roots lurking.It might not be easy for ordinary cultivators to find out, but when it comes to Liu Ying's cultivation level.It can be seen at a glance, unexpectedly, Liu Ying really noticed something strange.

Sure enough, he lived up to Liu Ying's expectations, this martial artist really had hidden spiritual roots, and he was not bad.It is a hidden heavenly spirit root, with wood attributes, so it's rare to have such a simple and gentle temper.The wood attribute has the ability to heal, and it can be used as an auxiliary function, and of course it can also be used for attack.But Master Shang didn't, and Liu Ying didn't insist on it. The result of choosing one of the two is already good.

"Senior, you are polite. Shang Wu took a elixir and he was fine. After eating another body, he was no different from a normal young man. By the way, senior, did senior open the thing that junior gave senior yesterday. The junior forgot to tell the senior that this thing needs the painstaking efforts of the Shang family to break the seal on the ring." Master Shang didn't suspect anything, and he was overjoyed to hear that Liu Ying could come to visit.Thinking of something, Master Shang hurriedly asked.

Yesterday, I was so focused on curing my son's illness that I completely forgot to open the ring. The Shang family's blood had to be instilled first.The old man couldn't help but blushed, and Master Shang lowered his head in embarrassment.

"No, it's already opened, and I can't tell you what's inside. But the only thing I can tell you is that the stuff inside is good, and it really helped me a lot. In return, I can give you a chance, Master Shang. My son has a hidden wood spirit root, I can help him activate the spirit root, and agree to accept him as a registered disciple. Of course, if you are unwilling and defenseless, you can make another request. As long as I can do it, I will I can do my best to help you."

Shang Bicheng's attitude was sincere, and he mentioned the matter of the seal, which deepened Liu Ying's favor a little.Liu Ying immediately told about Shangwu's possession of spiritual roots, and let them make their own choices.

"Xiao Wu has a spiritual root? Senior, is what you said true? Does this mean that Xiao Wu can also practice." Suddenly hearing what Liu Ying said, Master Shang suddenly raised his head in shock, and stared blankly at Liu Ying, then looked at her son ecstatically.I can't believe it, the hope that made the ancestors of the Shang family hopeless, actually happened to my son.

Master Shang believed that Liu Ying didn't need to lie to him, and Yinlinggen made Master Shang understand.No wonder Xiao Wu also tried to practice when he was a child, but there was no result at all. It turned out that the spiritual root had not been activated.

"Dad, senior said that he wanted to accept Xiao Wu as a registered student. God, Xiao Wu is dreaming." Shang Wu was also surprised by this sudden news. He couldn't believe it. So suddenly it hit him on the head.But in one day, he not only cured the hopeless illness, but Liu Ying also told him that he could actually practice.

Just like what the ancestors wrote, become an omnipotent practitioner.

"Of course you can. As long as you take the Poli Dan and activate your spiritual roots thoroughly, you can practice in the future. You can choose to become a cultivator, a martial artist, and whether you want to go on the path of cultivation. Since you all know the meaning of a cultivator I must also understand that the journey of cultivation is lonely and dangerous. If you don’t want to, I won’t force it, and you can make other requests.”

Looking at the father and son who were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, Liu Ying evoked a slight smile, and asked in a deep voice what the person involved meant by admiring martial arts.However, if there are no accidents, Liu Ying thinks that Shang Wu should choose to embark on the path of cultivation.The temptation of longevity is too great for ordinary mortals, especially mortals who know everything about cultivators, can't wait.

Pulling Shangwu is nothing to Liu Ying.It's just a registered disciple, Liu Ying only needs to bestow the exercises and some medicines and magic weapons for practice.Then bring Shang Wu to the Mingyang School and give him a safe environment to practice and everything will be fine.As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual.Liu Ying will have nothing to do with what will happen to the Martial Arts Society in the future.

"What is Xiao Wu doing here? Why don't you hurry up and agree to senior." Looking at his son who was stunned for a while and did not move, the anxious Shang Bicheng hurriedly urged.Opportunities come to your eyes, and you will be a fool if you don't grasp them firmly.Cultivators who can accept disciples should be said to be monks above the golden core stage. On the journey of cultivation, it is definitely a great blessing to meet such a master, and it can save a lot of detours.

"Oh, master, please accept my disciple's worship." Responding, Shang Wu knelt down in front of Liu Ying without hesitation, and kowtowed three times.Seeing that Liu Ying didn't avoid it, Shang Wu's eyes lit up with joy.

"Very well, get up, my teacher is surnamed Liu. This is the Ninth Grade Breaking Pill specially refined for you by my teacher. The process may be a bit painful. Only when you can endure hardships can you be a master. I believe you will be able to survive it as a teacher. .” With a flip of the hand, a green jade bottle was immediately created out of thin air.Give it to Shang Wu to take it and let him swallow it to activate the spirit root.

"Ninth Grade Breaking Pill? This is the legendary King of Pills. Thank you, Master. This disciple will definitely live up to Master's expectations." Supported by a gentle force, Shang Wu's eyes flashed with admiration.After receiving the jade bottle from Liu Ying, with a flash of inspiration, Shang Wu immediately guessed the level of the panacea.Both father and son were shocked, gasped uncontrollably, looked at Liu Ying with shock beyond words.It was hard to believe that the elixir that Liu Ying refined was actually a ninth-rank alchemy king.

One can imagine how strong Liu Ying will be if he can refine a ninth-rank alchemy king.At least they should have a cultivation level above the stage of transforming gods. The father and son looked at each other, and the eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets after being shocked by this shocking news.If they guessed correctly, the young and beautiful girl in front of her is definitely an ancestor-level existence in the cultivation world.

Originally thinking that the master who was able to meet a Jindan stage was just lucky, but unexpectedly, the surprise was far more than that.Quickly poured out the broken pill from the jade bottle, looking at the golden light, it was not an ordinary panacea.The Shang family's father and son stared straight at the eyeballs. They couldn't believe that they were so lucky to meet a strong man with profound strength.

Receiving the signal from Liu Ying's eyes, Shang Wu sat down cross-legged skillfully.Without even thinking about it, he swallowed the pill king in his hand.It melted in the mouth, and Shang Wu clearly felt a surge of heat pouring into every part of his body, and soon the severe pain like tearing came continuously.

With Liu Ying's reminder in advance, Shang Wu knew that this was a necessary process to stimulate his spiritual roots.After being tortured by countless illnesses, Shang Wu's ability to endure pain is several times stronger than that of ordinary people.Faced with these waves of severe pain, he gritted his teeth and stood upright, not a single roar escaped from his mouth.Shang Bicheng looked at his son's distorted face in pain, and the blood from the corner of his mouth, although his heart ached.

(End of this chapter)

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