Chapter 825 The Road to Revenge (2)
"Master, you are back, I want to die every day." Originally, Tiantian thought that the time in the space was against the sky, and it was a pretty good function.However, when he spent 5 years by himself, it would be better if he fell asleep.But when he wakes up, such days are like years for Tian Tian.Especially knowing that Liu Ying eats and has fun outside makes Tian Tian feel uneasy.

"I don't think I miss the master anymore, but I'm tired of being alone in the space." Liu Ying joked as she rubbed Tian Tian's soft and shiny hair.

"Sister, who is he and where did he come from?" He captured the doting in Liu Ying's eyes, and rubbed the other's hair affectionately.Xiao Shitou felt sad, as if someone had snatched away his beloved toy.He pursed his mouth, leaned forward dissatisfied, and pushed Tian Tian aside without showing any trace.

Afraid that Liu Ying would be displeased, Xiao Shitou hurriedly put away the unkindness in his eyes.She pulled out a harmless smile, blinked her eyes, and asked cutely.

"You are the little stone in my sister's mouth, right? The original body is a sky-filling stone, which is not bad. It's just that my cultivation level is not good enough. My name is Tian Tian, ​​​​the master's weapon spirit. It's a pleasure to meet you." Little stone's eyes flashed away. How can you not notice the hostility every day.I just don't want it to be difficult for Liu Ying, and at the same time, I also want to build a good relationship with everyone, so I introduce myself with a smile every day.

It's just that he is used to speaking in this tone every day, but he hears it in Xiao Shitou's ears.It was obvious that he was picking on his thorns, mocking his low cultivation base.Xiao Shitou felt extremely upset, and was about to refute something, but Xiao Ling and Nan Siding's exclamations interrupted.

"Oh my god, master, he, is he a heavenly artifact?" As for the level issue, although Xiao Ling and Nan Siding couldn't tell what Tian Tian's original body was.However, both of them clearly felt that Tian Tian was extraordinary, and they obviously didn't let out the coercion, but the aura that naturally emanated from Tian Tian's body made them feel more pressured.

Looking at Tiantian's little body, Xiao Ling and Nan Siding immediately thought of a possibility.Since the spirit of an ordinary divine weapon can transform into a human form, it must be an adult.However, such a small weapon spirit that doesn't even show its level can transform into a human form, and what makes them feel frightened is that only a natural artifact can have this power.

The artifact has entered into a contract, but its power cannot be revealed. It must be because the master's power is too weak.His power cannot be activated, and it still belongs to the scope of the seal.As for why Xiaoling and Nan Siding are so clear about this, the answer is very simple. Luo Cheng also had a heavenly artifact in the past - the Nine Dragon Cauldron.

The other uses of the Nine Dragon Cauldron are not obvious, but it has unexpected effects when used for creation and refining various strange artifacts.And the star ring is the treasure that Luo Chengjiulongding spent countless years creating with painstaking efforts.It's a pity that he was guilty of being pregnant, and the news of Xingjie caused countless disasters when the gods learned about it.Just in case, Luo Cheng didn't want to create any more heaven-defying artifacts, so he directly destroyed the Nine Dragon Cauldron with all his heart, and it was over.

Even other created fetishes, after knowing that it is impossible to win, Luo Cheng is not willing to make things that he created with his own hands cheap for others.They were all destroyed. The Duduxing Ring was an accident, it was not destroyed but disappeared in the chaos.As if he was conscious, he ran to the earth by himself.Not only did it find its recognized owner, but it also attracted Luo Cheng, who created it, to return after reincarnation.

There is God's will in the dark, and it is surprising enough that the heavenly artifact appeared in the fifth heaven.However, who would have thought that the lower realms also contain a heavenly artifact that can be coveted by countless gods.Moreover, the person who owns the Celestial Artifact is none other than Liu Ying who owns the star ring.

Facing this sudden and unexpected joy, Xiaoling and Nan Siding glanced at each other, not knowing whether to be happy or worried.It should be half joy mixed with half worry, even Master Chuangshen, who once possessed the cultivation base of a god king, can't keep it. How can the master who has cultivated to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian protect this heaven-defying god.

Heavenly artifact, just thinking about it makes people jump in fear and tremble with fear.

If people in the God Realm knew about this matter, even if there were no grievances between the adults and the witch gods and many gods, there would probably be turmoil and countless dangers.No, it should have attracted countless gods to plunder and kill and rob by all means.Thinking of this, while Xiao Ling and Nan Siding were terrified, they couldn't help but see a scorching light in their eyes when they thought of seeing the legendary Heavenly Artifact with their own eyes again.

Those who can obtain the divine weapon and recognize their masters are either those whose luck is against the sky, or the darlings of the heavens and the earth.Along the way, Liu Ying, who has been blessed with countless blessings, is obviously the darling of heaven and earth.Blessed by nature, with the worst five spirit root luck to come to this step, people can't even feel jealous.

"A heavenly artifact?"

He suddenly heard the shocking words of Xiao Ling and Nan Siding, Suzaku and Xiao Jin, who had received the inheritance of the Shenlong family, and others.All gasped uncontrollably, and the faces of the group changed greatly in fright.The fire-breathing eyes stared at Tian Tian hotly, wishing to stare out a hole, she couldn't believe it, but in less than half a month, Liu Ying got such a heaven-defying thing again.

It is outrageous that even the main gods outside the Jiuchongtian can get something that the main gods covet.

But what everyone doesn't know is that, except for the unexpected joy of Tiantian.This is not the only thing that Liu Ying got against the sky during the days when everyone was away.The inheritance of Wuzu Chiyou, the practice experience and travel notes of Tongtian Cult Master, and the power of chaos sent every day.In one fell swoop, he broke through from the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian to the later stage of Da Luo Jinxian in an instant.No matter which one it is, it can scare people so much that they want to vomit blood.

Liu Ying, God doesn't just dote on her, he piles all the good things on her, it's just doting on her.

"Little Ling, Nan Siding, you guys actually know about the Heavenly Artifact, and you have sharp eyes to see it at a glance. That's right, Tiantian is the Heavenly Artifact. As for his body, it may shock everyone if you tell him. All of them came down from the God Realm, so they must be familiar with the deeds of the Great God Pangu."

Not in a hurry to draw the lottery right away, Liu Ying and Tiantian looked at each other and smiled mysteriously.The introduction is thrown out, let everyone have a bottom line first, and see who can guess the bottom line.Looking at the idiot whose eyeballs almost fell to the ground when everyone was scared again, the smile on Liu Ying's face became even brighter.

Sure enough, everyone still knew the name of Pangu Great God by heart, and they didn't say the main course yet.Hearing the name of the Great God Pan Gu, all the terrified souls almost flew away.

"God Pangu?"

As soon as Liu Ying said these words, the pot exploded immediately, and the Great God Pan Gu split the sky and smashed the earth, and then this great main god fell into a deep sleep.Bid farewell to the beginning of the long chaos, walked through the prehistoric land, followed by the battle of the gods.Countless billions of years passed, and the Great God Pan Gu who fell into a deep sleep never woke up again.However, his deeds will always be remembered in everyone's hearts, and they respect and look up to the might of Pan Gu.

(End of this chapter)

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