Chapter 830 Snatching the Corpse Emperor (1)
Couldn't the next corpse king not even be able to suppress the true fire of Sanwei?Soon, as they continued to go deeper, Liu Ying and Luo Cheng encountered a corpse king-level Gu corpse head-on.There is no trace of corruption on the body of the corpse king, and even his face is as rosy as a normal person, the only difference is that he is not breathing.The arrival of Liu Ying and Luo Cheng made these corpse kings very excited, and there was a hint of greed in their deep eyes.

The answer is obvious, these corpse kings regard Liu Ying and Luo Cheng as delicious food.

"Damn it, I didn't expect these corpse kings to be so difficult to deal with." Frowning could make a few knots, Liu Ying couldn't help cursing a few words when she saw the corpse king who was flexible and knew how to cooperate.Looking at Luo Cheng, not daring to take a peek, he swallowed a whole bottle of detoxification pill just in case.The corpse king not only has corpse poison on his nails, but also the hair on his body, and even the breath from his mouth, all carry corpse poison that can assimilate the other party.

If one is unfortunately stained with corpse poison, not only will one's cultivation be affected, but even one's body will gradually become stiff over time.In the end, you just wait to be eaten by the corpse king and watch yourself being eaten.

"Yingying, be careful, these corpse kings are not easy." Luo Cheng's face also became serious after catching these corpse kings knowing how to communicate with each other through eye contact.Not daring to be distracted at all, their own strengths are almost the same, and the opponent's numbers also have an advantage, and, in the fight, they have to guard against the opponent's corpse poison, so they are virtually at a disadvantage.

"Well, Brother Luo is also careful. I'll try to use Yin Corpse Gu to see if I can subdue them." These corpse kings are all possessed, but looking at dozens of corpse kings, each of them looks like an ordinary person .Not only have their own thinking, but the most important strength is good.Accepting them, might not be a happy event.

The Yin Corpse Gu refined by Liu Ying can even subdue the corpse king, how can a mere corpse king not be able to do it.Even though the corpse king already has corpse Gu in it, Gu can fight with each other, and they can all live together.Wouldn't it be perfect to devour the corpse gu in the corpse king's body, and another dove to occupy the magpie's nest?Thinking that he could easily take down dozens of corpse kings, Liu Ying couldn't help but glisten.The scorching eyes were fixed on the corpse kings who rushed forward, as if these corpse kings were already in her possession.

You don't need to work hard to refine it yourself, who doesn't like the cheap ones.

With a thought, Liu Ying released the Yin Corpse Gu kept in the urn.The logarithm is no more and no less than 32, only dozens of black streamers flashed, these clever ghost corpses have already submerged into the corpse king's body.The effect was immediate, and these corpse kings who were about to pounce again with murderous aura seemed to be frozen, standing motionless in place.In the next second, they all fell to the ground and rolled in pain.

The screams like beasts kept ringing out, adding a sense of eerieness to the gloomy and dark place where the corpses were kept.Ordinary people would probably be scared out of their wits when they saw it.However, Liu Ying and Luo Chengcheng are not ordinary people. They were not moved at all when they saw the terrifying scene before.

Gu worms fight each other, only the Gu worms themselves can exert their strength.Even the master can only drive it with his mind, but he doesn't need to help him.However, Liu Ying is confident that the Yin Corpse Gu she refined will be able to completely defeat the Wu Clan's Corpse Gu, and it is only a matter of time.Afraid of wasting time, if the Gu worms on these corpse kings were moved, their owners must know the details, so it is better to hurry up and find the corpse king.

No longer caring about the rolling corpse king, Liu Ying and Luo Cheng went deeper into the tomb again.As she walked further in, Liu Ying was shocked to find that the Yin Qi around here was almost thick enough to become fog.Even the condensed water vapor and Yin Qi hurt the body, so Liu Ying took a few amulets on her body to isolate the Yin Qi.Luo Cheng didn't dare to relax his vigilance, and added several layers of protective barriers.

Such a strong yin energy keeps the corpses every day, no wonder it can raise so many corpse kings, and it is even said that the corpse king is listening.With a cultivation level comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor's Corpse Emperor, Liu Ying was shocked to find that in this gloomy mist, his spiritual consciousness was actually seriously affected.Most can only see things within ten meters.

No way, afraid of accidents, Liu Ying and Luo Cheng had to slow down, getting deeper little by little.Relying on her intuition, Liu Ying went to the depths of the place that made her feel dangerous, and walked for 10 minutes without rushing.The front eyes suddenly brightened, and the strong yin energy also dissipated.When her sharp eyes saw the crystal coffin placed in the middle in front of her, Liu Ying gasped in shock, she couldn't believe the corpse emperor she saw in front of her eyes.

Similarly, Luo Cheng was not too far behind. When he saw the corpse emperor in the crystal coffin, his expression changed instantly.I couldn't believe what I saw before my eyes, the corpse emperor in the crystal coffin actually looked exactly like him.What's more, when Luo Cheng watched it, there was a resonance, as if the corpse emperor in the crystal coffin was also a part of his body.

"Brother Luo, what?" Liu Ying exclaimed in disbelief as she stared blankly at the crystal coffin that had been surrounded by barriers.

"Oh my god, it's actually the divine body of an adult?"

"Bastard, the old witch dared to do this, killing a thousand knives, isn't she afraid of being sent by heaven?"

As for the little spirits in the space, Nan Siding and others were also taken aback when they saw the scene outside.When he reacted and understood what was going on in front of him, his eyes were blood red with a murderous look in his eyes.I can't believe that the old witches of the Wu clan are so cruel.If he couldn't get it, he actually ruthlessly refined Luo Cheng's original body into a Gu corpse.

What's even more outrageous is that it even separated the godhead remaining in the corpse.With a flash of inspiration, everyone quickly guessed the intention of the witch god, why the corpse that should have been in the God Realm appeared in the Immortal Realm.

The Witch God really deserves to be recognized as a poisonous woman in the God Realm, and her methods are extraordinarily vicious.If he couldn't get it, he cruelly wanted to completely ruin it, and wanted Luo Cheng to never turn over.If it wasn't for Luo Cheng's accidental cultivation of the immortal body, even if he was lucky enough to regain the lost godhead in the future, he might not be able to implant the godhead into his body and restore his former cultivation base.

"It's me, I feel it, that's my body from the previous life. That old bitch of the witch god is really poisonous enough to separate my godhead, refine my body into a voodoo corpse, and throw it into the fairy world to deal with us instead. Okay Calculated, she must think that we dare not do anything to my body. The heart of a woman is the most poisonous, and that old bitch really has a heart that is more vicious than snakes and scorpions."

A look of cruelty flashed in his eyes, Luo Cheng mocked with disdain.It's just that, after all the witch god's organs have been calculated, I'm afraid I still missed a little bit, and there are always accidents in everything.He accidentally obtained an immortal body, and his body was continuously strengthened as his cultivation improved.Now, even if the strong godhead is forcibly injected, Luo Cheng is confident that his body can withstand it, and there is no need to worry about the danger of bursting.

Wanting to use his original body to restrain him was like being kicked in the head by a donkey.However, seeing with his own eyes that his former body was refined into a vomit by the old witch of the witch god, the Buddha would also go mad when he saw it.Luo Cheng secretly vowed in his heart that one day, when he returned to the God Realm, he would definitely let that old bastard, the Witch God, feel ashamed and give her a taste of how life would be worse than death.

(End of this chapter)

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