Chapter 849 The Grand Finale (12)
Taking a positive look at Liu Ying, looking at Liu Ying's dusty appearance, the witch god's eyes flashed with displeasure.The sharp eyes did not catch the fear in Liu Ying's eyes, which made the witch god very dissatisfied.Just in case, she specially called everyone to deal with this little girl with many accidents.I really don't believe it, even if this little girl is the darling of the heavens, she was lucky enough to escape under the siege of so many god kings.

"In the early days of the God King? You are a little girl with a star ring, so I really can't keep you. Everyone can't be soft today, otherwise, we may be the ones who will fall next." Thunder God standing on the left of the witch god also listened to Liu Ying's deeds Quite a few, after actually seeing it, Thor was still a little shocked.I couldn't believe it, not long after ascending from the fairy world, Liu Ying rushed to Cunda who could stand shoulder to shoulder with them like chicken blood.

It was unbelievable, but the facts were so real in front of them that it was hard for them to believe it or not.People are more popular than people, and sure enough, the darling of heaven is what they can imagine.According to the Wu God, this little girl has a lot of life-saving means. In addition to possessing the Chaos God Thunder, she also got the true biography of the ancestor of Wu Zu, Chi You.Even the corpse emperor sent by the witch god to the fairy world was snatched by this little girl.

"Hmph, I want to bully the few with more, I thought I would be afraid of you, it's a good idea. One by one, please come out and let them see how powerful we are." Murderous, Liu Ying snapped her fingers with a smile, and called out the long-awaited Yiyi and other partners who could fight against the gods and kings.

I have eaten so many gods and men of gods for you these days, and everyone's strength has risen in a straight line.Especially Yiyi and Keke broke through to the late stage of the God King in one fell swoop, even more fierce than Liu Ying.As for the other corpse emperors, their cultivation bases are not bad, they have all entered the late stage of the god general, and the early stage of the god king.Although it's a bit worse, but relying on the immortality of the Gu corpse, he can still compete with these old guys.

Even if they couldn't kill each other, it would be nice to hold them back temporarily and help her share a little pressure.

As for Xiaojin and the others, all of them have only broken through the cultivation base of the gods, so Liu Ying doesn't expect them to come out to help, lest they help more and more.I have been waiting for this for a long time, and finally waited until this day, where I can compete with the witch god.No matter what, Liu Ying would not allow her to be defeated.


Ke Ke is no longer a seven or eight-year-old little girl now, and her cultivation level is constantly rising.Now that she has grown up to be no different from a normal big girl, the only difference may be that Ke Ke's eyes, without a trace of human warmth.Cold, looking at the eyes of the witch god, the light can only be seen when seeing food.Apparently, Coco's target was locked on, and he used the witch god with all kinds of Gu insects around him as food.

"Huh, isn't this?" Staring blankly at Yi Yi in front of Liu Ying, Thor and the other gods were all stunned, blinking their eyes in disbelief.Isn't this the original body of Chuangshen?How it turned into a vomit is even more unbelievable.Chuangshen's body was not taken by the witch god, so why did it become the little girl's voodoo.

Stared at by everyone's questioning eyes, the witch god's face couldn't help but burn red.His fierce eyes slashed Liu Ying across the eye, and he explained briefly.

"You don't need to look at it, everyone guessed it right, that is Chuangshen's body. I refined him into a Gu corpse. I originally wanted to use it to deal with her, but I didn't expect to be bitten by this dead girl and took Chuangshen's body. The body was snatched away. Well, everyone, don’t just stand still, hurry up and take this dead girl down. If you don’t kill her, get the star ring back, and we won’t be able to sleep well in the future.”

After listening to the witch god's explanation, everyone was shocked again.It never occurred to her that Liu Ying received the inheritance of the ancestor of the witch, and the method of using Gu is actually stronger than that of the witch god.Even the witch god was defeated by her, and she didn't get any advantage, but even the body of Chuangshen was snatched away.Thinking of the defeat and death of all the men sent to intercept Liu Ying these days, it made everyone feel a sense of pressure for no reason.

After being awakened by the witch god, everyone no longer had any reservations, and tried their best to make their own moves.It's either you die or I die, showing the tacit understanding of dealing with Chuangshen back then, with a lot of tricks.Whether it is bright or dark, as long as it can kill the other party, it is the truth.

Facing the shameless play of these god kings, Liu Ying was very disdainful, majestic god kings.He actually thought of using a dirty trick to sneak attack from behind. If Tian Tian didn't block him, he might have been sneak attacked.In the field, Liu Ying decided to go all out, and she vowed not to give up until these enemies who had hurt Brother Luo were taken down.

Sensing the murderous aura boiling in Liu Ying's heart, Tian Tian also became interested.Moved out of the body by Liu Ying, she held it firmly in her hand, and instantly burst into light.The terrifying coercion of the world changed the faces of the gods who were fighting.The gods with the cultivation base of the god king are better, but the subordinates brought by those gods are miserable. They are directly shocked by the coercion of Tiantian and vomit blood, and all of them will be seriously injured if they don't fight.

"Damn, god, Tiantian artifact!" Staring blankly at the giant ax in Liu Ying's hand, Thor roared in shock.

"Damn it, how could it be possible, it's Master Pan Gu's sky-opening axe." Another more discerning King of Hundred Treasures saw the origin of the treasure in Liu Ying's hand at a glance.His eyes brightened, and a greedy light flashed away, and then he thought of something very quickly.The greed in his eyes quickly disappeared, turning into deep fear.

Just kidding, using a top-grade artifact to hit Liu Ying with the legendary Pangu God's ax that split the sky and the sky, it is more stupid than hitting an egg with a rock.Without even the slightest chance of winning, without even thinking about it, the King of Hundred Treasures turned around and wanted to run away without the courage.

But, will things be as simple as he wants?

Since Liu Ying was willing to take out the axe, she didn't intend to let these enemies have a chance to survive.Seeing the God King of Hundred Treasures who didn't have the guts to turn around and run away with sharp eyes, Liu Ying made a decisive decision and waved the sky-opening ax in her hand lightly.A terrifying gigantic ax slashed down the Hundred Treasures God King with perfect accuracy.The King of Hundred Treasures didn't even have a chance to scream, and even the god and man in his body were split in half, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

"No, the sky-opening axe, how is it possible, how can this bitch have the god Pangu's sky-opening axe in her hands?" Seeing that the king of all treasures didn't even have the strength to fight back, Liu Ying wiped it out with one move.The witch god was so angry that he almost went crazy, and stared at the sky-opening ax in Liu Ying's hand with a ferocious expression, and refused to believe the fact before his eyes.

Impossible, impossible, the power of the Wu clan will not be exhausted like this.Shaking his head violently, the witch god did not want to believe this fact.It's just that the fact is not something you can escape without believing.

Liu Ying struck very quickly, killing several powerful god kings in a blink of an eye, and relieved their pressure one by one.Seeing that everyone is entangled by them one by one, they can't separate themselves, let alone want to take the opportunity to escape.Then she could calm down and greet the witch god who she hated to the bone.

(End of this chapter)

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