Chapter 851 The Grand Finale (14)
Thinking of this beautiful scene, Luo Cheng couldn't help showing a charming smile on his face.

Turning her eyes to the people still in the melee, Liu Ying flickered, ready for a quick fight.Knowing the location of Luo Cheng's godhead, Liu Ying wished she could put a pair of wings on her back and take Luo Cheng's godhead back.Let Luo Cheng restore his cultivation, and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief in the future, and don't have to practice so desperately day and night.You can also stop and go back to spend time with your family. By the way, ask your grandma if you would like to live forever with them.

The field of reincarnation is now mature, and has successfully collected a lot of life yuan.As long as she wants, she can add these lifespans to anyone, even if everyone still has no power.However, she can also be by her side, and the family will live happily ever after.

With a good wish, Liu Ying swiftly cleaned up the few remaining god kings.Afterwards, the cultivation bases are all gods below the god king, and Liu Yinglan will clean them up one by one.Directly use the reincarnation disk to take away their cultivation bases and life essence, and destroy their godheads by the way.Simple and efficient, I don't care about the space and space to share this surprise with you.

After putting away Zhan Likou, Liu Ying led everyone to rush to the old lair of the Wu clan.Following the memory of the witch god, he quickly found the side husband who was hiding Luo Cheng's cultivation level, and forced Luo Cheng's godhead out of the opponent's body.Carefully put it back into the space, let Luo Cheng re-melt the godhead by himself.

Immediately, Liu Ying continued to work with Ke Ke to join the battle and kill the remnants of the witch clan.In the end, all the treasures collected by the Wu Clan were taken back for use. In addition, Liu Ying also accidentally got nearly a hundred stars of different levels in the secret room of the Wu God.Liu Ying erased the remaining soul of the witch god, and injected it into her own soul. After re-recognizing the master, she collected all these accidental stars into the space.

Not surprisingly, with these stars, Liu Ying's cultivation has made new progress again, and she successfully broke through to the middle stage of the king of gods again.Strike while the iron is hot, can't even wait for a rest, and finish cleaning up the Wu clan.Continue to work hard, act resolutely, and wipe out all the descendants of the Gods of Luocheng, such as Thor and the Mother of Lightning, who participated in the frame of Luo Cheng's gods.

With the sky-opening ax in hand, this impossible thing has become so simple that it couldn't be simpler.While being pleasantly surprised, it also shocked Liu Ying, and she really understood the reminder of the witch god.Why do you say that without certain strength, you must not let the gods know every day.Otherwise, it will be a catastrophe. With such a powerful sky-opening axe, even the witch gods who possessed the late stage of the immortal emperor after the explosion can easily kill them.

Can you not make the real bosses of diving jealous?
After solving these problems, Liu Ying decided that she would never return to this God's Domain if she did not break through to the God Emperor, that is, the strength of a saint.After scooping up the booty, Huo Shao hurriedly hid into the space with Ke Ke and other partners.Because Liu Ying had a premonition that if she stayed outside again, there would be a catastrophe.

Sure enough, Liu Ying's conjecture had no source, and it wasn't long after Liu Ying hid in the space.Countless god emperors and even the main gods from beyond the Nine Heavens have attracted them, wanting to get involved and snatch the sky-opening axe, the heavenly artifact of Pan Gu, who suddenly appeared in the world.

Liu Ying sensed countless terrifying auras, fearing that even the space would be noticed, so she decisively cut off the space and the outside world.An Anxin hides in the space with peace of mind, and no longer participates in these right and wrong, you fight over each other.Seeing Luo Cheng walking out of the hall with sharp eyes, Liu Ying's eyes brightened instantly.

It's done, Luo Cheng's godhead has been fused together, and his cultivation has been officially restored.Moreover, perhaps because of the improvement of his state of mind, Luo Cheng was actually more vigorous than her, breaking through the cultivation base of the god king in one fell swoop, and his cultivation base advanced to the early stage of the god emperor.Looking at the bright smile on Luo Cheng's face, Liu Ying couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Congratulations Brother Luo, you have merged with the godhead, and your cultivation level has risen to a higher level." He stepped forward quickly, opened his arms joyfully and hugged Luo Cheng tightly, Liu Ying sincerely congratulated him.

"Thank you, Yingying. It's all thanks to you. Brother Luo didn't help you at all. Thank you for your hard work. From now on, it's Brother Luo's turn to protect Yingying." Looking at Liu Ying who came back safe and sound, Luo Cheng was relieved. tone.Let go of Liu Ying, and gently press a kiss on Liu Ying's delicate face.

"Where, everyone has a share." Liu Ying didn't want to take credit, and said with a hearty smile.

"Master is too modest. We are all soy saucers, so we didn't do much. The master is the great hero, sir. You have to treat the master well in the future, otherwise, we can't forgive you." One by one against Luo Cheng Liu Ying couldn't help but laugh out loud when he uttered a series of terrifying words.

But Yaya and the others were also smart people, they rolled their eyes and understood what Liu Ying was laughing at.Indeed, this scene is really funny. Being warned by a person who looks exactly like me, thinking about it, it is really not ordinary funny.Laughter came and went, and everyone couldn't help laughing along with it.

"Don't worry one by one, even if I treat myself badly, I won't be sorry for Yingying. Yingying, after finishing the matter of the God Realm, should we go back to the Realm of Cultivation to show our faces? Before we know it, another few decades have passed It's been a year, if I don't go back, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see her again in the future."

Luo Cheng didn't tell Liu Ying his real purpose, but went around and turned Liu Ying back to the realm of comprehension first.For the next thing, he will discuss with his family slowly, set a date, and give Liu Ying an unexpected surprise.He remembered that a long time ago, Liu Ying once told him that she was most envious of couples wearing white wedding dresses and holding weddings in churches on TV.

Every woman has a romantic feeling, especially for the wedding, which has infinite expectations.The same goes for Liu Ying, who has always been strong-tempered. Since Liu Ying likes that kind of Western-style wedding, as her fiancé, Luo Cheng naturally has to fulfill Liu Ying's little wish.Although Liu Ying never mentioned it again, Luo Cheng believed that Liu Ying must have been looking forward to it.Yingying has done so much for him, it's time for him to pay for Yingying.

A gleam of love flashed in the bottom of the downcast eyes, Luo Cheng reminded as if unintentionally.

"Brother Luo is right. It's time to go back. By the way, I'll ask everyone if you want to live forever with us and continue like this."

Everyone has their own life, Liu Ying doesn't want her to be blindly selfish and forcefully impose a long life on her elders without asking everyone's wishes.If everyone agrees, Liu Ying will naturally be happy. If the old man wants to live in peace and live in a normal way, Liu Ying will not stop him.After going through so many things, Liu Ying is no longer too persistent, and everything goes according to fate.

On the first stop back this time, following Luo Cheng's wishes, he went back to the cultivation world to meet the elders whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Time flies, decades have passed in the blink of an eye, and I return to the world of comprehension.Liu Ying has the illusion that it seems like a lifetime away. There is no way. On the surface, for other people, it may only be a few decades.But for Liu Ying, it is unknown how many billions of years have passed.There is no way, who made the time in the space pass so fast that people can't help but sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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