Chapter 854 The Grand Finale (17)
"Yingying, it's really Yingying." Seeing the familiar figure on the ground, Li Meijuan's excited eyes instantly turned red.Tears of joy couldn't stop flowing down, and she couldn't bear to blink her eyes, looking at Liu Ying burningly.I was afraid that if I blinked my eyes, Liu Ying would disappear.

"It's really Yingying. Yingying misses grandma to death. Why did she take so long to come back? Grandma thought she would never see Yingying again in this life." Grandma Liu also blushed with surprise and rushed forward. He firmly grasped Liu Ying's hand.

"Yingying." Mr. Luo and Dad Liu were also very happy, but they were both men, and they were not as happy as Grandma Liu, and they burst out crying out of control.

"Everyone get up, don't be too polite. Grandma, Mom, how are you all? Yingying has something to do these days, so I haven't come back for so long, but now things are almost done. In the future, if there are no accidents, Yingying Ying can always be by everyone's side. If I have time, I can take everyone for a walk, grandma said, okay."

Holding grandma's hand back, Liu Ying didn't just focus on getting together with her family, and forgot about the people still kneeling on the ground.With a wave of Su's hand, a gentle force lifted up all the people kneeling on the ground on the island, and then Liu Ying smiled and took Grandma Liu's hand and said coquettishly.

"Xie Xianzu." Everyone was lifted up by a gentle force, with shock on everyone's face.He secretly said in his heart, this is the power of a fairy, and it is indeed different from a cultivator.With just a few gestures, he easily lifted up tens of thousands of people on the entire island. This alone is enough to impress people.

Sharp-eyed saw Liu Ying gathering with her family, and everyone knew that Liu Ying and the ancestors had not been back for a long time.It was a rare meeting, and everyone was sensible and didn't go to disturb, so as not to arouse the unhappiness of the ancestors and have to pay for the loss.Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard Liu Ying's words that they could always be by their family's side.Don't rush for a while, they still have a lot of opportunities to show their faces in front of Xianzu in the future.

"Really, Yingying didn't lie to grandma, that's a good relationship. Old man, did you hear that, Yingying will not leave in the future, and can often accompany us old guys to go around." Sniffing, Liu Ying's sudden arrival Grandma Liu nodded happily.As if afraid that Liu Ying would regret it, she hurriedly yelled for everyone to witness together.

"I heard, Yingying has already said, can you still lie to us?" Things and likes flock together, these years have been with Mr. Luo and Mr. Su for a long time, and now the old man of the Liu family has completely changed.Especially that stubborn and paranoid temperament has changed a lot.From time to time, I heard everyone's praise of Liu Ying in my ears. Mr. Liu even took her as the pride of the Liu family from the bottom of his heart for this granddaughter who was not very fond of him.

"Yingying girl, Grandpa Luo looks forward to the stars and the moon every day and finally he has brought you back. Grandpa Luo has a look. I haven't seen you for decades. Yingying is still as beautiful, her appearance has not changed at all, and she has become more energetic. As far as this temperament of not being angry and self-imposing, I am afraid that even the ancient female emperors did not have the domineering spirit of Yingying." Taking a careful look at Liu Ying, Mr. Luo said with a sigh of emotion.

Standing next to Mr. Luo was Luo Haizhi, and seeing his son and daughter-in-law returning safely, Luo Haizhi was also happy.Nodding from time to time, the whole person exudes a signal of joy.

"Mr. Luo, what you said seems to be as domineering as Yingying. You see that your grandson Luo Cheng is different, and his aura is not bad at all." Mr. Su and Mr. Luo are used to fighting, so he doesn't even think about it. He directly complained to Mr. Luo.His face was rosy, and he didn't look like an old man who was two hundred years old at all, and the most were seven or eighty years old.When speaking, he is full of energy.

"I'm praising Yingying, what are you, a bad old man, trying to provoke my relationship with Yingying. Are you jealous, jealous that Yingying is my granddaughter-in-law, I tell you, it's useless to be jealous, Yingying She is destined to be my family's granddaughter-in-law."

Mr. Luo knew in his heart that Su Zhenhua didn't have any malicious intentions, so he deliberately put on a look of embarrassment, and said beamingly and proudly.Seeing Mr. Su's suffocation, Mr. Luo felt indescribably happy.

"Grandpa, let's go back to Xianle Peak first, there are a lot of people here." Looking at Zhenghuan's grandpa who was full of energy, he was fighting with Mr. Su.The corner of Luo Cheng's mouth curved slightly, thinking of something, Luo Cheng hurriedly reminded him.

"That's right, that's right, what Luo Cheng said is right, there are a lot of people here, let's go back and talk about it first." Hearing his son's proposal, Luo Haizhi naturally agreed unconditionally.Everyone is also an adult, and after realizing it, seeing countless pairs of burning eyes staring at them all around, they also felt a little inconvenient, so they nodded in unison.

With Liu Ying's current cultivation level, returning to Xianle Peak from Taoyuan Island is just a matter of waving hands.Opening your eyes again, everyone has already returned to Xianle Peak. It was the first time to personally experience the supreme magic power of Master. Liao Keer was completely shocked by Liu Ying's sudden reveal.The bright eyes looked at Liu Ying with blazing admiration.

After meeting for a few days, Liu Ying has to deal with the endless stream of people coming to worship.Luo Cheng took the opportunity to secretly discuss the marriage with several old people, knowing that Luo Cheng was going to give Liu Ying an unexpected surprise and planned to have a child.The few old people were very happy, and they talked secretly together.After looking through the almanac of the almanac, those who prepared the dowry prepared the dowry, and Luo Cheng knew that everyone had no objections.

He also greeted Xiao Jin and the others, and asked everyone to hold Liu Ying temporarily, and not to disclose this matter to Liu Ying.He informed Liu Ying that he was going to Fansu to meet Song Quanliang and the others.In fact, I asked Song Quanliang and the others to prepare the details of the wedding, such as setting up the auditorium, buying wedding candies, and so on.

As for the jewelry dress required for the wedding, Luo Cheng decided to design it himself and make it himself.Having recovered his cultivation base and previous memories, Luo Cheng is able to grasp these simple refinements with ease.In addition, they called friends and relatives of both parties one by one, informing everyone to come to his wedding with Liu Ying.I was in a hurry, and I booked it a week later, which happened to be Sunday.

Everything is going smoothly, everyone is working together to prepare for a grand wedding for Liu Ying.After waiting for so long, the belated wedding, every good friend with Luo Cheng, Liu Ying, and the three brothers of the Liu family knew the news.Putting down all the things in hand and mobilizing everyone to help, without Liu Ying's knowledge, preparations for the wedding were proceeding in an orderly manner.

It doesn't matter if the bride doesn't know in advance, as long as she shows up on time and beautifully on the wedding day.

"Xiao Jin, what's the matter with everyone these days, you look at people with strange eyes." For several days, after meeting with the heads of each faction, Liu Ying stayed in the Mingyang faction to give lectures to some juniors in the sect. Practicing confusion.By the way, as before, I rewarded a lot of things that she didn't use but that were applicable to everyone.In short, as long as they are disciples of the Mingyang Sect, almost none are missed.

(End of this chapter)

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