Chapter 292: Fighting to Fame (2)
A sword against the chest.


Situ He opened his eyes wide in disbelief, looking at her face who was so close.All the people on the battlefield and on the tower were stunned.Situ He betrayed the country, so Princess Jing killed him recklessly?

However, this doesn't mean it's over.

Bai Lijing suddenly grabbed Situ He's face, and ruthlessly peeled off a layer of human skin mask!

"Want to pretend to be He? Unfortunately, I'm here." Baili Jing sneered and pulled back the blade, and the blood gushing out with her movements splashed on her face, making her look extremely hideous and terrifying.

Situ He, who came as the forward general of the Turks, suddenly fell off his horse and lay on his back on the ground, dying, but his face was quite different from before. This incident caught the soldiers of both sides by surprise.

Under the cover of the personal guards, Bailijing held up the human skin mask and said loudly: "I am Bailijing, Princess Rongchang of Daxing! This General He is clearly a fake! The human skin mask in my hand is the reason for this!" Proof! Everyone can’t recognize General He, it can only show that the Turkic people have worked hard! If all the soldiers still don’t believe it, you can take off this man’s armor and strip his clothes. I bet his body must be There are no countless scars left on the battlefield! General He’s repeated military exploits over the past four years are all based on these scars, not cheated by the reputation of the Situ family! When he was 17 years old, he once said, He wants to be the great general of the Daxing Kingdom, defend Daxing's territory without losing any territory, and protect the people of Daxing from any worries! How could a person like him betray the people of the country just for the petty gains of the Turkic barbarians?"

Bai Lijing turned to look at the Turkic man, and said with a sneer, "If Situ He wanted to be a son-in-law, which one of my princesses in Daxing would not rush to marry him? Use your brains to think about it, the Turkic land is just a barren land. , What is better than my Daxing? It is worth Situ He not to risk your bright future, and personally lead you cruel and shameless barbarians to invade my Daxing land?! Your purpose is nothing more than to sow discord! Situ He can die in battle and be buried Bone in a foreign land, even death without a place to bury, but it must not be used as a tool for others to suffer such unreasonable injustice!"

After Bailijing shouted hoarsely, the eyes full of murderous intent were moistened by the floating layer of water vapor, and they became blacker and brighter, with an indestructible determination.

"Kill all the Turkic barbarians! Get out of my Daxing territory!"

"Kill all the Turkic barbarians! Get out of my Daxing territory!"


Most of the Daxing soldiers on the battlefield had met Situ He or served under his command. At the beginning, they were furious when they heard the news that Situ He had defected to the Turks. After tearing the Turkic people into pieces, they chanted slogans loudly, and their morale was so high that it was out of control.

The Turkic army lost its main general, and the morale of the Turkic army was already slackened. Seeing that the strategy was exposed, the enemy was unstoppable. For a while, they only rushed to the left and right to flee for their lives. In the battle of Huangshui Pass, more than half of the Turkic army was killed and injured, and Bailijing became famous in the first battle.

In the evening, the soldiers were busy cleaning up the battlefield. Du Haoyu walked down the tower to meet Baili Jing's horse, and said, "Princess Jing acted too recklessly. If something happens, how will I be able to bear it?"

Bai Lijing was still holding the human skin mask in her hand, the blood on her face hadn't been wiped off, she smiled coldly: "Don't General Du think that we should go to the court to rectify Situ He's name first?"

Du Haoyu choked.

But Bai Lijing refused to give up: "The previous rumors are all false. Someone deliberately framed the Situ family and tried to use a human skin mask to make the Situ family doomed. Moreover, even I, who doesn't know the art of war and tactics, can see it." Come out, the Turkic people did not send enough troops to go all out in the battle just now. Huangshuiguan is the northwest gate of Daxing, a frontier fortress. Why do they think that Situ He can easily win? There is only one explanation The reason why they came to attack Huangshuiguan was not thinking of winning, but to confirm the fact that Situ He surrendered to the Turks, let the Daxing court set off civil strife, and let the Situ family fully surrender military power. When it is stable, attack the city and seize the territory without any effort!"

After all, Bai Lijing squinted her eyes and looked at Du Haoyu: "Why can't even General Du see through such a small trick?"

Du Haoyu lowered his eyes slightly, and said in silence for a while: "Without Princess Jing, the Northwest Army would have lost this battle completely. The princess' performance just now surprised the general."

Bai Lijing knew that he was referring to seeing through and killing the fake Situ He, so she smiled wryly: "I am almost 17 years old now, and I have been with him for 12 years... It is normal for you not to recognize him .Anyone can dislike him, but he must not ruin his reputation by accusing him of doing things he has never done, just because I know what kind of person he is."

After riding shoulder to shoulder for a certain distance, Du Haoyu suddenly said quietly: "It seems that General He seems to be very important to Princess Jing. However, there is a question that I still need to ask, whether General He's armor and weapons are real or not. Is it?"

Bai Lijing nodded: "Yes."

"Then, Princess Jing exposed the fake General He on the battlefield this time. If the real General He did not die but was trapped in the Turkic camp, then would he be very dangerous?" Du Haoyu asked.

Bai Lijing frowned: "Yes, it's very dangerous." Since the armor and weapons fell into the hands of the Turks, He was undoubtedly captured. If the Turks became angry, He would die.

However, she had no other choice, she did what she had to do today, compared to life and death, He would not be willing to suffer such a great injustice.

Du Haoyu specially arranged a clean courtyard for Baili Jing in the inner city. After freshening up, Liu Changqing came over and said with a smile: "Princess Jing, the news of the victory to Shengjing has been sent out. I believe that General He can be cleared soon. You Today's bravery amazed me, and the conversation with General Du was well-founded, so I won't let you down."

Bai Lijing said embarrassedly: "It was all taught by Master Liu Jun along the way."

"I have never taught the princess to take the life of the leader on the battlefield..." Liu Changqing laughed.

But Bailijing couldn't laugh: "I'm worried that He has already been murdered."

Liu Changqing sat down at the table, looked at the last quarter moon in the sky, and said, "Princess Jing, do you know how many people the Situ family sacrificed for Daxing's society?"

Bai Lijing frowned, and thought about answering: "Grandfather died of illness, and eldest cousin died on the battlefield a few years ago, if He is counted..."

"Hehe, Princess Jing, the so-called sacrifice does not necessarily mean death." Liu Changqing stroked his beard, "Little General Rui was also trapped in the Dingxiang Pass during the battle with the Turks. Once the Dingxiang Pass was breached, his body was killed." Hanging on the city tower for three days and three nights, it almost dried up. The government and the people were shocked, and the empress was so angry that she almost put on her armor again and went to the battlefield."

(End of this chapter)

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