Chapter 448 The Fate of Princess Qingyi! (3)
Princess Qingyi endured the bone-piercing cold, struggled to get up from the ground, and kept kowtowing to Miss Qing to beg for mercy.

Different from the high-ranking image in the past, Princess Qingyi at this time is in a terrible state of distress, with blood and white foam all over her body, and her face is covered with tears and snot, it is simply unbearable to look at.

"Let go of you?"

The smile on the corner of Miss Qing's lips was leisurely, she took two steps forward, ignored the filth on Princess Qingyi's body, and squatted directly in front of her, her eyes seemed not to be looking at an enemy, but at a wonderful work , but the coldness and darkness in his eyes bottomless.

"Have you ever thought about letting go of my two little guys?"

Do not!
will not!

Without Princess Qingyi's answer, Miss Qing knew that if her scheme really succeeded, she never thought of letting Zhuang Zhuang and Mian Mian go.

If she saw Zhuangzhuang and Mianmian poisoned to death with her own eyes, Princess Qingyi might still applaud.

"If Zhuang Zhuang and Mian Mian were really poisoned, you wouldn't have mercy on them. If that's the case, what right do you have to ask me to let you go?"

Perhaps Princess Qingyi's goal is not to be strong and soft, after all, only they are more likely to touch those teas, but even so, Miss Qing has no intention of letting Princess Qingyi go.

Her tolerance for her seems to be the reason for her to become more and more arrogant. She didn't touch Princess Qingyi before, because she felt that Princess Qingyi couldn't hurt her at all, but Zhuangzhuang is different from Mianmian, they have no self-defense ability.

Miss Qing's eyes seemed to be shrouded in a bloody red, and she could hardly restrain the killing intent and darkness in her heart.

Princess Qingyi looked at Miss Shangqing's eyes, and a shudder suddenly shuddered in her heart, a fear began to permeate from her bones, and even her soul was terrified!

"Bring the antidote." The smile in Miss Qing's eyes deepened, and as soon as she stretched out her hand towards Xiao Da, the antidote was put on her hand.

Miss Qing held the antidote in her hand, looked at Princess Qingyi with crooked eyes, and said with a smile: "Look, I told you that you won't die."

"Want to eat?"

Princess Qingyi's eyes were as big as copper bells, staring fixedly at the antidote in Miss Qing's hand. She was so cold that her hands and feet were stiff, like a door bolt that hadn't been used for a long time, and it clicked when it was moved. the sound of.

eat it!
eat it!
Princess Qingyi's eyes shone with infinite light, which was a desire to live, as if there was a voice in her heart telling her that if she ate it, she would be able to get rid of this pain.

But at the same time, there was another voice warning her, don't eat, eat it, and what awaits her is another round of endless torture.

The antidote in Miss Qing's hand is like a red apple that exudes a seductive smell, and Miss Qing is like a witch holding a red apple. Her smile tempts her to eat it, but her eyes exude the coldness of death. killing intent.

Still don't eat?

Princess Qingyi looked at the antidote in Miss Qing's hand, as if she was addicted to drugs, she couldn't resist at all, quickly reached out to take the antidote from Miss Qing's hand, and stuffed it into her mouth, almost without moving her mouth. Just swallowed it.

So stupid!
Xiao Da couldn't bear to look directly at Princess Qingyi's IQ, he knew that even if he took the antidote, there would be no good fruit to eat, and seeing his wife's appearance, he knew that this guy was going to evolve into a pervert , dare to take the antidote?

Did she think Madam would stop so easily?Don't you know what it means to be a blockbuster if you don't sing?

Don't look at Madam's gentle way of dealing with people on weekdays, once you get mad, it's not just as simple as smashing the bench, but even smashing the bench can smash you to death, half dead, life is worse than death!

Princess Qingyi is alive now, but it will be difficult to even think about dying by then!

The third kind of toxicity comes slowly but goes quickly. In almost a moment, Princess Qingyi felt the coldness on her body gradually disappear, and her hands and feet gradually returned to flexibility and normality. She breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, Miss Qing suddenly tapped her acupoints.

Princess Qingyi stared at Miss Qing with wide eyes: "What do you want to do?"

So stupid!
Qing Junlan and the others felt that it was too unbearable to look directly at them. How unscientific is it that such a stupid guy as Princess Qingyi can poison the kitchen?

Qing Junlan and the others inexplicably have the illusion that their IQ seems to have been trampled by a pig!

Miss Qing ignored Princess Qingyi's question, but directly said to Mo He: "Mo He, go and get my Long Yuan Sword."

Ever since Miss Qing became pregnant, she no longer carried Longyuan Sword with her.

Mo He hurried to get it, ran back quickly, and handed it to Miss Qing.

Miss Qing was holding the Longyuan Sword in her hand. It was still in the shape of a dagger at this time, but even so, Princess Qingyi could still feel the cold air coming from it when she was so close.

"Are you afraid?" Miss Qing asked with a smile at the terrified eyes of Princess Shangqingyi, "When you poisoned one after another, you should have guessed that you would end up like this."


Princess Qingyi was stunned for a moment when she heard Miss Qing's words, and then quickly denied it, swallowing hard, "I only poisoned you once, really, Qing Jingning, you have to trust me."

"So what?" Miss Qing suddenly sneered and said, "Do you think the next time you poison someone, you won't be able to kill anyone?"

Miss Qing was stunned when she saw Princess Qingyi, her expression was both mocking and disdainful, "Where did you get this illusion?"

Before Princess Qingyi could speak, Miss Qing directly removed her chin. It was already a fact that Princess Qingyi had poisoned her, and Miss Qing would not forgive her for the next time, or twice, or three times.

Princess Qingyi looked at Miss Qing in horror and horror, and the latter gave her a creepy smile.

The sharp and cold blade was close to Princess Qingyi's cheek, and with a slight swipe, the smooth skin split open, first it was still, and then blood flowed down continuously.


Princess Qingyi kept making noises, but after her chin was removed, no one could hear what she was saying clearly, but what she wanted to say now was not important to Miss Qing and the others, it was nothing more than Just beg for mercy.

A knife!

A knife!

Another knife!

Miss Qing seemed to be carving a perfect handicraft, her eyes were serious and cold, and the Longyuan sword in her hand became more and more excited after absorbing the blood, and there was a faint clanging sound.

(End of this chapter)

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