Chapter 303 Prepare to fight back
Investigating a person's information is simply a piece of cake for the system, and soon it will transfer all the information into Tang Chen's mind. Tang Chen read it carefully and found that Sima Yan really has a lot of background ah.

Sima Yan's family can be regarded as the largest family in Kyoto, even stronger than Wang Xiangyu's family. The Sima family has no political involvement, but in this shopping mall, it can be said to be the leading family with a monopoly.

Their family not only contracted the hydropower project in Kyoto, but also has many coal mines all over the country. Not only that, but their family is also involved in various industries. It can be described in one sentence, only you can't think of it, There is nothing the Sima family can't penetrate.

Because many businessmen in the capital are in awe of the Sima family. After all, just like that idiot Zhang Kangnian said, if the Sima family wanted to attack their Tangren film and television company, they would have destroyed their company long ago.

After silently reading these materials, Tang Chen fell into deep thought, thinking carefully about how to deal with Sima Yan. Although he didn't know exactly what aspect he had offended this guy, he dared to take the initiative to attack him. Then he is courting death.

After a moment of silence, Tang Chen's eyes lit up, and then he took out his mobile phone and called Wang Xiangyu, and the call was connected after a while.

At the moment, Wang Xiangyu is having a meeting in the office of the Wang Group in Kyoto. Don't look at how unreliable this guy is in front of Tang Chen, but when it comes to managing the company, he will be more serious than anyone else. Why is his father here? At your age, you should hand over the entire company to him.

"You smell of her perfume, it's me..."

At this moment, the cell phone suddenly rang, and several managers-level figures froze at the same time. It's over, it's over, who forgot to turn off the phone, it's over, they all know that the young master hates meetings the most Someone's phone rang at that moment, so one can imagine how angry the young master would be!

Sure enough, Wang Xiangyu put the pen in his hand on the table, and said in a cold voice: "Whose phone is not turned off, how many times do I have to say, don't turn on the phone during the meeting! Turn it off!"

The managers trembled, and quickly took out their mobile phones from their pockets to check, for fear that they had forgotten to turn off their mobile phones.

"Don't turn it off yet, do you want to die!" The words have already been spoken, but the phone is still ringing, Wang Xiangyu gradually loses patience, and Young Master Wang is about to lose his temper.

At this time, the manager of the marketing department looked at the other people, and said with a wry smile, "Master, our mobile phones are all turned off, it's not our mobile phones that are ringing."

Wang Xiangyu frowned, and patted the table: "Whose phone is that ringing, please turn off the phone for Young Master!"

At this time, the female secretary in uniform glanced at Wang Xiangyu, then gently put her mouth close to his ear, and said, "Master, this seems to be your cell phone ringing, it can't be your cell phone ringing."

The corner of Wang Xiangyu's mouth twitched, then he put his hand into his pocket, and when he took out the phone, the pleasant ringtone became even louder.

Everyone: "..."

Young master, young master, is this called a thief shouting "stop thief", it's obviously your own phone that is ringing...

Wang Xiangyu coughed in embarrassment, and muttered: "Young master, I can't forget, who's phone is so noisy." After speaking, he didn't even look at the name displayed on it, and directly connected and said: "Hey, who is it? !"

Tang Chen here is already getting a little impatient waiting in the car. Why hasn't this bastard Wang Xiangyu answered the phone? Do you want to die? Just when he was about to hang up, he answered the phone, Tang Chen said unhappily : "I call you uncle, it's your boss!"


Wang Xiangyu stood up straight away, startling the group of managers, ignoring everyone's surprised gazes, and excitedly said: "Boss, it's your phone number, why did you call me? Did you come to Kyoto? Want me to pick you up?"

The managers whispered to themselves, boss, who is the boss who can make the young master so excited, chairman?Well, this seems impossible.

Tang Chen curled his lips and said, "Forget it, I won't be going to the capital for the time being, so I just want to ask you, do you know Sima Yan, and whether the Sima family has any cooperation with your company."

"Sima Yan?" Wang Xiangyu was stunned for a moment, thought for a while and said seriously: "Yes, this guy is some kind of bullshit, the number one young man in Kyoto. He is actually an idiot. As for whether their family has cooperated with our family, do you know?" Not to mention, there really is, our company is building a new building recently, using their company's building materials."

Tang Chen got up and said sinisterly: "Well, immediately stop all cooperation with their family. If you need compensation, I will punch you directly. In short, don't cooperate with their family anymore."

Wang Xiangyu said: "Boss, it's not difficult to terminate the cooperation. I thought he was unhappy. This business was also negotiated by my father. As for the compensation, you don't need to do it. We Wang can pay it back. I just want to ask, Does this guy have a grudge against you, why did you mention him suddenly?"

Tang Chen didn't say it clearly, but only said one sentence: "The ant shook the big tree, he took the initiative to provoke, and he overestimated himself!"

So that was the case, Wang Xiangyu's eyes turned cold, and he said: "Don't worry, boss, I will leave the matter to me." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and said to several managers: "Marketing manager, we have a project cooperation with Sima Group this year. Right, cancel it immediately!"

The project manager was at a loss, why did the young master suddenly cancel the cooperation after making a phone call, and said in embarrassment: "But young master, we have already signed the contract, and the liquidated damages..."

"Give it to him, give him as much as you want, my Wang family is no weaker than his Sima Group, in a word, cancel all of them, and no cooperation will be allowed in the future!" Wang Xiangyu waved his hand impatiently. Wang Baobao was worried that he couldn't repay him. If he couldn't handle such a trivial matter, he would really lose face.

Talking back to the car in City Z, Tang Chen hung up the phone in satisfaction, and the system said puzzledly at this time: "Dear host, the chess-based system doesn't understand what you're doing, why did you ask Wang Xiangyu to send their company to you?" The Sima Group's contract has been cancelled, you know, their company is so rich, even if this contract is lost, there will be no loss."

Tang Chen chuckled, and said, "I know, this matter is just scratching Sima Yan's itch at most, and the more important thing is still to come, let's wait and see the good show." After speaking, he stepped on the gas pedal and swaggered away. go.

At the same time, in Sima Yan's villa in Kyoto, Sima Yan with fiery red hair was lying on the bed wearing a nightgown, while a hot woman in underwear was bending her body, pointing her head at Sima Yan little by little. The dark side of the body is moving.

After a while, Sima Yan let out a muffled growl, then shivered, and pushed the woman away. The woman also got out of bed and covered her mouth with a napkin, and then threw it into the trash can.

"Master Sima, are you alright?" The woman had a goblin-like sexy face, rinsed her mouth with mineral water, wrapped herself around Sima Yan's body, and stroked his chest with her hands.

Sima Yan slapped her butt with his big hand, and said with satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad, I never thought that you, a little fairy, looked so innocent on TV, but turned out to be so hot on the bed."

The woman started to laugh, and asked softly, "Master Sima, may I ask if the matter you promised me has been resolved?"

A look of displeasure flashed in Sima Yan's eyes, he sat up straight, picked up the cigar and lit it, took a puff, and said domineeringly: "I, Young Master Sima, never could not do what I promised you, but just now Linglai told me, It seems that our plan was discovered by a young boy, but don’t worry, it’s a trivial matter, I have already asked Lingxian to deal with Zhang Kangnian, and what I promised you will be realized soon.”

The woman nodded, blinked her eyes coquettishly, and said, "Then I would like to thank Young Master Sima. Thanks to you, I was able to vent my father's anger this time."

"Haha, it's okay, this is a trivial matter for me, Sima Yan, you have to remember, not only in the capital, but everywhere, I, Sima Yan, are the number one youngest!" After finishing speaking, Sima Yan threw the woman down , untied his own bathrobe, and asked for a lunch break all night...

(End of this chapter)

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