Chapter 320 Secret Transaction
The place Tang Chen and Lu Xiaoqing were going to was an abandoned factory built in the 80s. It was located in a remote place, and ordinary citizens of City Z couldn't touch this place.

Driving the car, Tang Chen thought carefully about the meaning of the text message in his heart. Number three seemed to be a code name, did it refer to a person, or was it something else, and what kind of deal was going to happen in the middle of the night? What about the holding?

"Tang Chen, it should be ahead." Lu Xiaoqing pointed to a building in the distance with sharp eyes and said to Tang Chen. Tang Chen took a look, then immediately turned off the car and turned off the lights.

"Lu Xiaoqing, just stay here and wait for me. It's too dangerous for me to go there by myself." Tang Chen said to Lu Xiaoqing, he was really worried about letting Lu Xiaoqing go with him to the dangerous place.

But Lu Xiaoqing shook her head stubbornly, and said, "No, I want to go with you. When I was in the United States, I specially studied karate. Don't look at me like this, I am also very good at fighting."

Tang Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly, but he didn't want to waste time at such a critical moment, so he asked with concern, "You can go with me, but you don't want to be brave, just hide behind me and don't come out."

Lu Xiaoqing nodded, as expected, she followed Tang Chen's buttocks and lurked outside the factory. The light inside the factory came through the gap in the gate, and it was like daytime inside.

Tang Chen didn't meet the secret whistle he imagined, so he took Lu Xiaoqing to hide in the corner outside the door, gently pushed the large rusty iron door open, and looked inside.

Following Tang Chen's line of sight, there were two groups of people inside. On one side was an old man in his 60s and [-]s, followed by seven or eight big men in suits, who looked like bodyguards, and another group of people stood opposite the old man. , wearing a white sportswear, there are about a dozen of them, all of them are vicious, and the leader is a shrewd and tough-looking moustache.

"This old man is, Sima Sanqian?!" Tang Chen stared at the old man for a few seconds, then blurted out in a low voice in horror, this guy turned out to be that old Sima Sanqian!
Why is this old guy Sima Sanqian here? His expression doesn’t look like he’s sad about his son’s death, but rather looking forward to it. This old guy doesn’t seem to see it clearly. It's as simple as it looks.

"Tang Chen, do you know him?" Lu Xiaoqing asked in a low voice, somewhat puzzled.

Tang Chen didn't explain too much, just said: "This is another story, I'll tell you next time, calm down first, I want to see what they want to do.

When he turned his attention to the transaction site, a look of displeasure appeared on Mustache's calm face, and he said to the subordinates behind him, "Sakamoto-kun, hasn't Ozawa come back with No. [-]?" (Japanese)

Sakamoto said: "Returning to the team leader, no one answered the phone call. I have already sent him a text message. Ozawa should see it."

Xiao Huzi hummed, always feeling a little uneasy, but it is not the time to be uneasy now, he looked up at Sima Sanqian, smiled and said in Chinese: "Mr. Sima, this should be the first time we have met."

Sima Sanqian nodded lightly, and said, "That's right, it's indeed the first time we've met since we cooperated, and I've admired Mr. Longze for a long time."

Long Ze stroked his goatee, then a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he said with a light smile: "There is no need to say more polite words, Mr. Sima, what I want."

Sima Sanqian said confidently: "Don't worry, since I'm here for the appointment, I will naturally prepare the things for you, come and bring them here!" The last sentence was said to the bodyguard behind him.

A big man with a round face walked up to Sima Sanqian carrying a black suitcase and handed the suitcase to him, while Sakamoto behind Longze put a round table in front of the two of them.

Sima Sanqian smiled and put the suitcase on the round table, then opened it, and there was a black chip inside.

"This is the chip you need to track weapons. It has been researched now. Just install this chip on your gun and input the opponent's fingerprint. No matter where the opponent is, you can definitely find them." Sima Sanqian said. Long Ze explained, with a very smug look on his face.

"Fuck, what are they trading, I can't hear clearly." Tang Chen felt a little irritated and scratched his head. Due to the distance, he could only see the smile on Sima Sanqian's face and the enthusiasm in Longze's eyes. No way. , This won't work, you must hear clearly what they are trading before you can destroy their plan.

Tang Chen turned to Lu Xiaoqing and said, "Lu Xiaoqing, stay here and don't move around, and call Sister Yanran, the matter tonight seems a bit tricky, it might be difficult for me to handle it alone, I have to ask her to bring someone over , I have to get closer."

Lu Xiaoqing didn't say anything this time, and she said concernedly: "Then you be careful, I'll call Police Officer Liu right away."

Tang Chen nodded, jumped up with both feet and kicked towards the front, flew up lightly, and jumped directly to the top of the building. Since this building is an unfinished building, there is no roof on the top of the building, just the floor slab Lay it on top, Tang Chen opened the floor slightly after going up, and then jumped down with a whoosh.

The moment his body fell, Tang Chen turned around again and threw himself on the window closest to the heads of Sima Sanqian and the others, and fell steadily. Due to his fast speed and light movements, no one noticed. Only then did Tang Chen take a closer look. It was clear that the box contained chips.

There was an excited expression on Long Ze's face, just as he was about to touch the suitcase with his hands, Sima Sanqian pulled the suitcase back in front of him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Long Ze, I have prepared what you want, So what do I want?"

Long Ze was not embarrassed either, he laughed and said to Sakamoto behind him: "Bring me the prepared box." Sakamoto quickly put the box on the table, and when he opened it, it turned out to be a box of green dollars.

Long Ze said proudly: "Here is the 5000 million US dollars promised to you. I keep my word. It can be traded now."

"Yes, yes!" Sima Sanqian lost his soul when he heard that it was 5000 million U.S. dollars. He quickly pushed the suitcase containing the chips in front of Longze, and then touched the U.S. dollars in the suitcase excitedly.

Long Ze closed the suitcase lightly, and said with a smile: "Then our transaction is over."

"Of course, of course!" Sima Sanqian excitedly picked up a dozen U.S. dollars. After a closer look, he found that only the front was green, and the back was blank!
"You're kidding me, give me fake money!" Sima Sanqian roared angrily, pushing a box of fake US dollars to the ground with force.Crashing all over the place.

Long Ze sneered, and said: "I didn't say I would give you the real deal, now is the real deal, kill them all, not one left!"

After Long Ze's voice fell, Sakamoto and the others directly tore off their clothes, pulled out submachine guns from behind, and fired at Sima Sanqian and the others.

"Damn it, you can't die yet!"

Tang Chen still had a lot of doubts about this deal. How could Sima Sanqian hang up so easily? He jumped down and kicked the round table in front of him into the air, blocking the incoming bullets. Then he hugged Sima Sanqian and rolled on the spot.


How did Long Ze think that someone would suddenly kill him, and it would fall from the sky. Facing the table flying towards him, Long Ze split him from the middle with a palm, and the dense bullets behind him wiped out all the useless bodyguards brought by Sima Sanqian. Sent to hell.

"Get rid of them, don't keep one!"

Long Ze backed away while roaring, Sakamoto and the others behind them raised their guns and fired at the ground and any possible hiding places, they had to get rid of Tang Chen and the others.

Tang Chen had already placed Sima Sanqian here in the corner. He looked and found a huge chandelier above his head. It should not be powered on, it was the kind of lamp used for lighting.

He was also thinking fast, and he slammed hard on the wall beside him, shaking the wall with a bang, then pulled out two bricks, and yelled: "Young Master, you must die!"

Tang Chen kicked his feet against the wall, slid out on the ground, and threw the brick in his hand at Sakamoto and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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