Chapter 326 Can I Go to the Island Country with You to Rescue Yang Mi?
Tang Chen came late, and when he arrived at the pier, Long Ze had already left with Yang Mi. Tang Chen's eyes were flickering as he looked at the mobile phone he fished out of the water.

"Honey, I'm late." Tang Chen grabbed the phone into pieces and threw it on the ground, staggering a few steps decadently.

Yang Mi was really taken away. Tang Chen felt that his heart was stuffy and painful. He had promised her to protect her and take care of her, but in the end he could only watch her being taken away in front of his eyes. Nothing can be done yet.

This made Tang Chen feel that he was useless and useless.

"What kind of bullshit am I to be the ultimate rich and handsome man, I can't even protect my own woman, I might as well die!"

Tang Chen punched angrily on the concrete guardrail. With a bang, Tang Chen's huge punch made a deep pothole on the concrete guardrail, which was enough to see Tang Chen's anger at this time.

"Dear host, please don't be sad. Although he said he didn't catch up in time, didn't Longze say that he wanted to take Yang Mi to the island country, and now there might be a chance to save Yang Mi in the past."

The system couldn't bear to see Tang Chen in such a decadent state, so he had to silently come up with an idea, hoping to ignite Tang Chen's fighting spirit again.

Tang Chen hummed, clenched his fists, straightened his body again, and said solemnly, "Yes, let's go to the island country. This time, I will definitely let the grandchildren of the Yamaguchi group go to hell. Go back to Yang Mi, I swear I won't be human!"

The system said: "Dear host, it's good if you can have this idea, but you are not suitable to go to the island country now. You have experienced several battles today, and your body can no longer support it. You should find a place to rest for the night. Have something to eat before going to the island country."

The system's humane opinion was beyond Tang Chen's expectation. Tang Chen said with a wry smile, "System, when did you become so conscientious? Why didn't you consider me when you gave me those perverted tasks? Will the small body be overwhelmed?"

The system said arrogantly: "Dear host, if you feel that what the system says is unreasonable, then you can use the local tyrant chariot to rush to the island country overnight, but you will probably get nothing."

Tang Chen twitched the corner of his mouth and said in a cold voice, "I know what you said makes sense. So many things happened tonight, and my head can't be buffered. I need to calm down before going to the island country. I need to go to Lu Xiaoqing first. Bar."

He also has his own plan to find Lu Xiaoqing, after all, Lu Xiaoqing is the only person who has had in-depth contact with the Yamaguchi-gumi, maybe he knows where the Yamaguchi-gumi's base camp is.

Tang Chen didn't linger at the pier, but got into the chariot of local tyrants and drove away. In the car, he took out his mobile phone and called Liu Yanran.

Liu Yanran had already locked Lu Xiaoqing in the interrogation room of the police station. The phone rang suddenly, and when she took it out, it turned out to be Tang Chen's number. With complicated eyes, she quickly connected the phone.

"Sister Yanran, is Lu Xiaoqing with you now?" Tang Chen's tone has calmed down now, he can't panic now, the more he is in such a crisis, the more he must keep his head clear, otherwise it will be difficult to rescue him successfully Yang Mi.

Liu Yanran sighed. He knew that Tang Chen called him for this reason. He nodded and said softly, "Yes, Lu Xiaoqing is indeed with me. Do you want to come over?"

Tang Chen hummed, and said quickly, "I have something to ask her, please don't leave, wait for me, I'll be right there." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, Lu Xiaoqing saw Tang Chen outside the gate. Tang Chen hurried over and said, "Sister Yanran, take me to see Liu Yanran. I have something very important to ask her."

Liu Yanran asked: "You want to ask Lu Xiaoqing if she knows where the headquarters of the Yamaguchi-gumi is? Tang Chen, I know you are in a hurry to rescue Yang Mi, but I still hope you can calm down. I just told you The director said that he will report to his superiors to see if he can think of a way, can you..."

"I'm very calm now." Tang Chen waved his hand, interrupted her aloud, and continued, "It's precisely because I have calmed down now that I didn't directly kill the island country, otherwise a nuclear missile would have killed that tiny place. It's blown up, take me to see her quickly, I can't let go of any clues."

Liu Yanran still wanted to say something, but when she saw Tang Chen's temper, she swallowed her words back, and said helplessly, "Okay, follow me." As she spoke, she led Tang Chen into the police station middle.

This was the first time Tang Chen saw Lu Xiaoqing, but he didn't expect it to be in such an identity. Under such circumstances, Lu Xiaoqing sat numbly on the chair in the interrogation room, her hair was a little loose, and she looked extremely embarrassed.


The iron gate opened, Tang Chen walked in with Liu Yanran, Liu Yanran said, "Lu Xiaoqing, Tang Chen is here."

Lu Xiaoqing raised her head, her eyes seemed to light up the moment she saw Tang Chen, but when she thought of what she had done, she immediately lowered her head again, and gave a weak hum.

Tang Chen's expression was much calmer, he didn't yell or get angry, he just asked, "Lu Xiaoqing, I have something I want to ask you, I hope you can tell me honestly."

The corner of Lu Xiaoqing's mouth raised a bit of bitterness, and said: "I know, you want to ask me where the headquarters of the Yamaguchi-gumi is, right? If I say I don't know, will you believe me?"

Tang Chen walked over and said coldly: "I don't believe it, you told me that when you were in the United States, you were arrested into the Yakuza and forced to become a member of the Yakuza. Believe me, you will not know about the Yamaguchi-gumi."

Lu Xiaoqing was shocked, raised her head, and said, "I really don't know where the headquarters is. The place where I was caught was the branch of the Yamaguchi-gumi in the United States. I only know that most of the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi are They are all active in the area of ​​Ginza, which should be there.”

"You didn't lie to me?" Tang Chen looked closely at her, and now he completely lost trust in Lu Xiaoqing.

Lu Xiaoqing laughed, a little melancholy and desolate: "Tang Chen, I admit that what happened this time was my fault. I lied to you, and also caused Yang Mi to be taken away, but at least we were once friends. Don't you have the most basic trust in me?"

Tang Chen's eyes were deep, and he said word by word: "Trust, I used to trust you so much, but in the end, you still betrayed me, designed to frame me, and caused my wife to be taken away by the Yamaguchi-gumi, but this time I believe in you, not because I still regard you as a friend, but because I think your conscience has not been completely broken. "

Lu Xiaoqing didn't speak any more, she leaned weakly on the back of the chair, and suddenly laughed like a lunatic, what was she laughing at, was she laughing at herself for being pitiful, or laughing at herself for being mean?

Tang Chen left the police station and learned the news he wanted, so there was no need for him to stay any longer. As for whether Lu Xiaoqing would lie to him, Tang Chen thought she probably wouldn't. After all, Lu Xiaoqing just took a detour , this woman is not a bad person.

"Tang Chen, wait a minute." Liu Yanran hurried to catch up at this moment, and stopped Tang Chen immediately.

Tang Chen turned around and said, "Sister Yanran, what else can I do? I'm going back to recharge my batteries now, and then go to the island country to save my wife as soon as possible!"

"I..." Liu Yanran hesitated for a long time before saying, "Can I go to the island country with you to rescue Yang Mi?"

go?Why? " Tang Chen asked a question in confusion, which also made Liu Yanran stunned.

Yes, why did I go with him? Can I say that I am worried about you, am I afraid that something will happen to you?No, something has happened to Yang Mi now, it would be too ridiculous to tell him this at this time, Liu Yanran, Liu Yanran, you still need to have some self-respect.

"Because Yang Mi is also my friend, and it is very dangerous for you to go this time, I want to help you." How ridiculous, liking someone and finding a reason to fight side by side with him, Liu Yanran felt that her feelings were really funny .

(End of this chapter)

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