Chapter 334 Old Jianghu, Noko Juro!

Noko Juro, who is like the godfather of the underworld in the island country, is 60 years old this year. He not only founded the Yamaguchi-gumi, a big gang that can't fall down when he was young, but also set foot in the political circle in the past two years. It can be said that no one The big guy who knows everyone.

In the past few years, Noko Juro has lost the hard work he used to, and began to retreat behind the scenes to point out the country, but his name is still so resounding. In the political world, there are many high-ranking officials who know him well, so It is said that Watanabe was so surprised after hearing the name Noko Juro.

Yezi coughed lightly over there, and then slowly said: "Watanabe-kun, the security in Osaka is not very good recently, I received news from your subordinates today, which makes me a little disappointed in your governance .”

Law and order is bad?Cold sweat broke out on Watanabe's forehead. Was the underground emperor warning himself when he said such words to himself?

"Mr. Yezi, tell me, if there is any negligence on my part, I will try my best to correct it!" Watanabe's attitude towards Yezi is to treat him like his own ancestor. All it takes to kill him is a phone call.

Noko Juro's voice could not tell whether he was angry or something, and said slowly: "Our Yamaguchi-gumi has an industry called Moguchi Building. Watanabe-kun, I think you know it. I heard the report from my subordinates. Today There was a Chinese attack there, and a Chinese man killed many of our brothers, isn't that considered your negligence in governance?"

It turned out to be this matter, Watanabe said quickly: "Mr. Yezi, don't be angry, I already know about this matter, I have just sent the most elite forces of our police department to arrest people, I believe it will be soon There will be good news."

"Good news?" Noko Juro sneered, and said coldly: "I think Watanabe-kun, you haven't received the report from your subordinates, and the people you sent not only failed to catch the Huaxia man, but also caught the Chinese man. Killed a police captain."

"Nani? I really haven't received any news about this matter." Watanabe was also taken aback. He was not caught, and a police captain died?No wonder Yezi was so angry, he was just angry that he didn't catch anyone.

Noko Juro continued: "Actually, those who come out to gangsters, life and death have already been judged. If I said that I just died a few men today, I would not call you, but the problem is, among the dead people, except for ordinary people. members of the Yamaguchi-gumi, and a team leader and a team leader, do you understand the seriousness of this matter?"

"You mean, there were two team leaders, one big and one small, who died in battle?" Watanabe was about to scold her, he was paralyzed, where did this Chinese man come from? You can just kill yourself and offend the Yamaguchi-gumi. You can't make trouble in Osaka!
Just like Noko Juro said, if it’s really just an ordinary subordinate, it’s fine, the key is not only the team leader, but also one of the five team leaders, who is paralyzed, and this matter will become a big deal!
"Mr. Yezi, please don't be angry, I will immediately send all the police forces to search the city, and we must catch this Huaxia man!" Watanabe was about to cry too, damn it, it was the Huaxia man who wanted to die on his own, but it turned out But he brought himself into bad luck.

Noko Juro said: "Then please trouble Watanabe-kun. In fact, I don't mean to blame you. Maybe our Yamaguchi group has been quiet for a long time in the past two years. People like cats and dogs dare to make trouble. Your side Send all the police to search the city, and I will also let my brothers find someone, we must find him, I will kill him with my own hands!"

Watanabe was shocked in his heart, and at the same time, he understood the seriousness of the matter. At Noko Juro's position, ordinary things were no longer enough to make him angry enough to kill the other party by himself. It seems that Noko Juro this time It's really hot.

Hanging up the phone with Noko Juro, Watanabe hurriedly called his subordinates on the phone again. After the call was connected, he yelled hysterically at the other side: "Baga, you bunch of trash, arrest every Chinese person!" If not, all the police officers will go out to look for me, the police car whistles, and the whole city is under martial law, we must find this Chinese man, or they will all commit seppuku!" Pa, after finishing speaking, he smashed the phone into pieces.

At the same time, Noko Juro was at his home. He was wearing a kimono, lying on the floor, covered with a quilt, looking very comfortable. Two island girls were beating his legs with their fists.


The traditional sliding door of the island country was opened, and a middle-aged man in his early thirties walked in. He had a very kind face, but his eyes always showed a chill.


The man took off his shoes and knelt down, and said respectfully, this man is Noko Juro's only son, Noko Yuan, who is now the director of the Inspectorate of the Island Government (a rather large government unit).

Noko Juro hummed, and said to the two girls: "You two go out first, and close the door."

Knowing that the master and the young master had something to say, the two girls bowed their heads and nodded, went out and closed the door.

Only then did Ye Zijuro start slowly, took a sip of tea, and said to Ye Ziyuan: "Son, come and taste it, this is the tea that Kinoshita and the others gave me."

Ye Ziyuan hummed, knelt on the ground and moved over, took a sip lightly, and said with a smile, "Father, it's good tea. It tastes mellow and slightly fragrant, not bad."

Noko Juro looked at his son in relief, then put down the teacup, and said straight to the point: "I just asked you to inform the other four team leaders, have you gone?"

Ye Ziyuan nodded, and said, "Hay, I have already gone to their homes and told them the news of the tragic death of Team Leader Huamu. They were also shocked and said that they would follow their father's instructions to strengthen their security recently."

Noko Juro nodded in satisfaction, lightly tapped the table with his finger, and said: "This Chinese man was so bold that he went directly to Maokou Building and killed two team leaders. Although it is still unclear what purpose he has , but since he dared to take the initiative to provoke, then our Yamaguchi group should not be afraid. You will instruct all the group members later, let them use all the connections to find me in Osaka City, and you must give me this Huaxia Someone found it!"

His words were not angry but majestic, even Ye Ziyuan, who was used to his father's harsh side, was a little terrified.

"Hay, I will convey it later, and I will definitely do it." Ye Ziyuan nodded, remembering something respectful and said: "By the way, father, there are still about ten days before His Majesty the Emperor will make an appointment with you to attend the quiet ceremony." The [-]th anniversary of the National Society is coming, do you want to prepare for it?"

Noko Juro waved his hand casually, and said domineeringly: "There is nothing to prepare, just go naturally when the day comes, there is no need to deliberately prepare anything, His Majesty the Emperor invited me to attend the [-]th anniversary ceremony of Jinguosha, mainly to let me The people of the country proved how friendly our Yamaguchi-gumi people are with the country. I just kept it simple that day. Don’t prepare too many guards for me. of."

It's not that Noko Juro doesn't understand the truth that companions are like companions to tigers. He has already cleaned himself up and is now climbing into the political circle, so he naturally wants to figure out the thoughts of the top leaders, but having said that, in this island country, there are really few people who can Such a harmonious relationship with the emperor like Noko Juro.

In fact, Noko Juro also understood that the reason why His Majesty did not move himself was because he was afraid of the strength of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

"At around 8000:[-] p.m. in the island country time, a terrorist attack suddenly occurred at the Maokou Building on Ginzuo Road. A man suddenly rushed into the Maokou Building and killed many guards. According to the information disclosed by the police, this man is likely to be from Huaxia. , Now the police have offered a reward of [-] million yen, I hope everyone can actively provide clues and help solve the case!"


Tang Chen turned off the radio in the taxi, and said to himself, "I didn't expect the news from the island country to spread so fast. It seems that things are a little tricky this time."

(End of this chapter)

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