Chapter 336 The island country is too peaceful, it needs to be lively
The dinner plate full of sushi hit Hukou's face directly, and the plate shattered with a click, leaving several bloody gashs on his face. He let out a cry of pain, and fell to the ground involuntarily.


The remaining four guys roared at the same time, then drew out their daggers and rushed over. Yang Mi exclaimed, and looked at Tang Chen worriedly, only to see Tang Chen rushing out like a tiger, and when he went up, he kicked the two guys down. He fell to the ground, then lifted a chair with his right hand, and slammed it heavily on the two guys who fell to the ground.

They vomited blood from the solid wooden chair, rolled their eyes, and completely fainted. The remaining two guys yelled and attacked. Tang Chen first blocked their daggers with both hands, then grabbed and twisted the two. All the wrists were broken.

"The island pigs are all a bunch of rubbish!"

Saying coldly, Tang Chen kicked the knees of the two of them continuously with his right foot. The two of them felt as if their knees had been hit by a giant hammer. Passed a dagger, and then flicked his right hand across the throats of the two of them.


The throat bones of the two were cut at the same time, and their bodies twitched and limp on the ground. After struggling a few times, they died directly.

"Sir, you, you..." The boss was also stunned, damn, was he watching a movie just now, this guy looks young, how could he subdue these five guys so easily, is he a superman?

"If you don't want to die, take all your employees out. Remember, don't call the police!" Tang Chen looked at the boss coldly. The boss shook his head and said, "Don't call the police, don't call the police, you It can be regarded as helping us, so hurry up and leave!" After speaking, he left the restaurant immediately with the rest of the stunned guys.

Yang Mi came over at this time and asked, "Tang Chen, are the five guys you killed belonged to the Yamaguchi-gumi? Were they planning to arrest us just now?"

Tang Chen shook his head with a smile, and said, "Honey, you made a mistake. In fact, I only killed four people, and one of them survived." A foot stomped hard on his chest.

"Ahem! Don't kill me, don't kill me!" Huang Mao, who was pretending to be dead, felt that his breastbone was about to shatter. He gasped and coughed, and then covered his chest and moaned.

Tang Chen sneered, raised his eyebrows, and said lightly, "Looking at you, you are not an idiot. I didn't kill you. You should know that I have something to ask you. You have to answer truthfully, understand?!"

After listening to Tang Chen's words, Hukou looked at his slightly threatening smile, how could he not understand the meaning of his words, he didn't kill himself because he was still useful.

Hukou nodded hurriedly, and said, "Ask you, as long as I know, I will definitely tell."

Tang Chen hummed in satisfaction, he just likes this kind of bastard who is afraid of death, and it is very convenient for interrogation.

"First question, who is your boss and why did you recognize me?" Tang Chen put his foot on Hukou's lower abdomen and said with a smile, "You have to think about it before answering, otherwise you won't be able to Immediately abolish your second child!"

Hukou feels chilly in the crotch, crippled his dick, you are paralyzed, this is a pervert!
Although he cursed in his heart, Huang Mao's mouth was honest and ruthless, and he quickly said: "I am a member of the fourth team, my boss is the team leader of the fourth team, Jing Shita, and my boss is the leader of the fourth team." Inoue, as for why I was able to recognize you, it was because we all received photos or something sent to us by the team leader, and he asked us to launch our own forces to search for you everywhere in Osaka."

Hukou felt that he was quite sad, and the higher-ups explained that if these two Chinese people were found and brought back, then there would be a huge reward. Originally, Huangmao still wanted to dream of getting rich, but now Fortunately, the dream turned into a nightmare!

"Your boss is the leader of the fourth team?" Tang Chen didn't expect that he had just killed a second team leader not long ago, and now he happened to meet the subordinate of the bullshit fourth team leader. Maybe it was God's hint that he hadn't done enough. Going overboard isn't big enough!
"Yes, it is the leader of the fourth group. I said everything. You let me go. I didn't do anything to you!" Hukou's lips were trembling. This guy is so powerful that he can't help being afraid ah.

Tang Chen thought about it, then stepped on Huang Mao's face, and said to him: "Ask your group leader to come over to Ben Shao, and you tell him that you caught me."

Hukou froze, let me call the team leader over, did I make a mistake, is this trying to throw myself into a trap?

"Hurry up! Or you'll die!" Tang Chen stepped on Hukou's face hard, distorting Hukou's face, and scolded him harshly, as if he would kill him immediately if Hukou refused.

"Hayihai, I said, I said! I'll call right away!" Hukou was about to cry, who is this, who is in such a hurry to die?
Hukou struggled to take out the mobile phone from his arms, and then dialed the number under the well. When the call was connected, the well down over there said impatiently: "Hukou, what do you want? I want you to collect a protection fee." You won't and haven't done it well, you trash!"

Hukou is yelling at his team leader in his heart, charging you a paralyzed protection fee, if you hadn't asked me to come over to collect the protection fee, how the hell would I have met such an awesome person, I am almost dead!

However, he dared to complain in his heart. Seeing Tang Chen's face, he immediately became excited, and then deliberately said excitedly: "The underground team leader, good news, I met the fourth team leader in a certain restaurant and asked us to arrest him." The Huaxia people, and now he and his woman have been subdued by us, do you want to come over!"

Jing Shita froze over there, and said excitedly: "Hukou, are you serious? Hahaha, that's great. I didn't expect you to accomplish such a big event. It's not bad, it's worthy of praise. Now you Wait for me with your brother, I will take my people there right away!"

"Hay, come here as soon as possible!" Hearing Jing Shita's excited and trembling voice, Hukou actually felt a sense of satisfaction after revenge. To finish the fuck together.

After hanging up the phone, Hukou cried and said to Tang Chen with a bitter face: "Our team leader will be here soon, can you let me go, if no one knows that I betrayed him, then I'm finished!"

Tang Chen grinned in satisfaction, and said, "Okay, I'll let you go now!" After finishing speaking, he raised his foot and stomped on Hukou's neck, and with a click, his neck was broken. With a cry of pain, his head tilted and he died.

Yang Mi exclaimed, stepped forward and grabbed Tang Chen's wrist, and said with concern: "Tang Chen, why did you kill him? Did you get the answer you want?"

Tang Chen hummed, then patted Yang Mi's hand, and said to her, "Honey, the people from the Yamaguchi-gumi are coming over later, this idiot must be a little worried to inform his boss like this, so wait There must be many people who will come, and this is exactly what this young master wants."

"What do you mean, the more enemies there are, the more dangerous we are?" Yang Mi was not as cunning as Tang Chen, she blinked her eyes innocently, and asked suspiciously.

Tang Chen smiled and didn't answer, and then said to the system in his heart: "Forcing the system, prepare the explosives for this young master. The island country is too peaceful, so it needs to be more lively."

The system is helpless, the host is probably going to play big again...

About 10 to [-] minutes later, three black cars stopped outside the restaurant. Thirty black-clothed men came down murderously from the cars. Their waists were bulging, and they seemed to be equipped with weapons.

The leader is a bald man in his 30s. This guy is Jing Xia. He said to his subordinates with a gloomy face: "You all go in with me. Remember, as soon as you see that Chinese man appear, shoot immediately!" , No matter if there are other people inside, kill them all!"

"Yes, the underground team leader!"

(End of this chapter)

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