Chapter 338 Can't Lose Another Team Leader

Tang Chen was taken aback, and said with a smile, "Why, have the incidents I caused in the island country spread back to China so quickly? Then, am I famous?"

Liu Yanran was sitting in her bedroom in her pajamas, watching the news on the computer, listening to Tang Chen's words, and said with a helpless wry smile: "Tang Chen, this kind of fame is not a good thing. I am quite worried about you and Yang Mi. Yes, you're all right."

Tang Chen glanced at Yang Mi who was sleeping soundly, and then said to Liu Yanran, "Don't worry, my wife and I are fine, but there is nothing to do in the country, after Ben left, will your criminal police team also have less work? "

Liu Yanran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "There is nothing going on in China recently. I have also visited Grand Hyatt and everything is normal. When your subordinates asked you where you were, I told you that you had something to go out. You and Yang Mi When will I be able to come back?"

"Going back?" Tang Chen said with deep eyes, "It doesn't seem to be that easy. Recently, the grandsons of the Yamaguchi group have become more and more strict in their investigations. I just bombed a restaurant. The police in the island country are probably on the way now." You are looking for me like crazy, I guess I have to avoid the limelight before I can go back."

Liu Yanran was silent for a while, and then said: "Tang Chen, why don't I go to the island country to help you, one more person is also more strength, it is too dangerous for you to fight alone."

Tang Chen said in a serious voice: "It's okay, Sister Yanran, I'm not afraid of any danger. I have seen many dangers. The last time I went to the United States and caused such a big incident, the Ministry of National Defense of the United States was blown up by me. I am alive now. Isn't it still fine, the only thing I'm worried about is Yang Mi, but I will take good care of her, so you don't have to worry."

Liu Yanran sighed helplessly, and then said: "Okay, I understand, then you and Yang Mi must be careful, and if you need help with anything, just let me know, and I will do my best to help."

Tang Chen hummed and said a few more words before hanging up the phone.

"Dear host, what are you going to do now?" the system asked Tang Chen in its heart, this was the first time it saw Tang Chen frown so frowningly.

Tang Chen stretched his waist and said with dark eyes: "It's still early, I should rest and recover my strength first, and then I'll see if I can do anything in the evening. System, I would like to trouble you to investigate the Haikou of the island country. Area or something, it’s really not good, just like last time, just smuggle back directly.”

The system hummed, then opened the system map, and began to investigate slowly.

Tang Chen didn't delay either, but went back to the room to sleep with Yang Mi in his arms. He needed to recover his physical strength first, otherwise, if any danger happened, he wouldn't be able to fight with his best state.

Time passed quickly, and it was evening in the blink of an eye. The homestay also started to prepare meals for Tang Chen and his wife. The old lady who was cooking said, "Grandma, I'm back, can I have dinner?"

The old lady smiled and said, "Wait a minute, there are guests at home, I have to prepare meals for them first, and I will prepare yours later."

This young man is the old lady's grandson Saraki, who coincidentally is also a member of the Yamaguchi group, and usually does little things like collecting protection fees.

Zaraki said suspiciously: "Are there any guests? What season is this? Are they tourists?"

The old lady shook her head and said, "It's a man and a woman. They don't look like tourists, and the clothes they wear are quite shabby, but they are very generous. They should be resting now."

Geng made a sound, feeling a little puzzled, so while his grandma wasn't paying attention, he sneaked towards Tang Chen's room, facing the light, he happened to see Tang Chen's front, and there was a bang in his head.

"This is the Chinese person that the organization is looking for?" Zaraki was ecstatic, and quickly took out the phone and adjusted it to the photo album interface. After careful comparison, it was indeed the Chinese person that the organization ordered to look for.

"Great, great, it's time for me to get rich this time." This guy Saraki used his brains, and hurried to his room, closed his door, and made a call.

The phone was connected, and a very majestic voice came from the other side: "Hello, who is it?"

"Hello, is this the leader of the fourth team? I'm Saraki, a member of the fourth team." Saraki dialed the number of Inoue, the leader of the fourth team. He said that although he had Inoue's phone number, he was usually afraid to contact him. After all, his superior still has the team leader, and he will be punished for talking to the team leader if he leapfrogs his superiors.

Inoue has some headaches now. He is less than 1.7 meters tall, but his weight is quite a bit overweight. He is sitting at home drinking soju, and he is very upset. The team leader and [-] brothers all died in the restaurant bombing.

First it was Huamu and Longze's five groups, and now it's his own four groups, he really couldn't figure out what this Huaxia man had in his head and why he was so crazy.

Hearing the phone call from his subordinates at this time, he was naturally a little unhappy: "What's the matter with you?"

Zaraki knew that the fourth group leader he made was unhappy, but when he thought that he was about to make a contribution, he couldn't control so much, and his excited voice trembled a little: "Fourth group leader, I tell you some good news. Found those two Chinese people."


The shochu bottle in Inoue's hand fell directly to the ground, and he said in disbelief: "Saraki, is what you said true? Did you really find those two Chinese people? Where are you now?"

When Zaragi heard that Inoue was also not calm, he became even more triumphant, and said confidently: "Of course it is the real leader of the fourth team. My family runs a B&B. As a result, when I came home just now, I happened to see those two Chinese people in the building. Rest at home, absolutely can’t go wrong.”

Inoue laughed loudly and said, "Okay, then you just wait there, and I'll send people there right away, no, I'll take people there myself, wait for me!"


After hanging up the phone, Inoue hurriedly put on his shoes and opened the door to go out excitedly, shouting, "Xiaozao, gather all the brothers for me, I found those two damn Chinese people, come with me Your team leader will take revenge!"

On the other side, Zaraki also put his phone in his pocket contentedly, great, this time he is really going to make a contribution, when thinking like this, Zaraki pushed open the door, and just saw the Tang Chen outside the door.

"You... why are you here!" Zaraki was going crazy, isn't this guy sleeping?When did he come, that is to say, he heard what he said to the fourth team leader?
Tang Chen sneered, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "The reason why I am here is not important, what is important is that I have to thank you, because you are the one who caused one of your team leaders to come to your door and die."


Quick as lightning, he reached out to grab Zaraki's neck, and Tang Chen twisted his neck with all his might, causing him to collapse limply on the ground and die on the spot.

Tang Chen closed the door with his backhand, and then locked it tightly, but he was thinking in his heart, the fourth team leader will be here later, and he probably has a lot of heavy weapons and so on. That's good, kill another team Long, let the boss of the Yamaguchi group feel distressed to death.

At Noko Juro's home, Noko Juro, who was about to rest, suddenly received a secret phone call. After answering the call, he said calmly, "What is it?"

The person on the other side of the phone said: "Team leader, just now the fourth team leader rushed out with his subordinates, saying that he was going to arrest the Huaxia people."

"Catch the Huaxia people? Who provided the information." Noko Juro's eyes flashed a gloomy eagle, did the Huaxia people appear again? The ghost is really lingering.

"It's a member of the fourth team leader. He said that the Huaxia people are now in his homestay on Jindou Road. When the fourth team leader heard this, he immediately led people to rush over, saying that he wanted to avenge the team leader. "

"Nonsense!" Noko Juro snorted coldly, and analyzed sharply: "This guy Inoue is good at everything, his only shortcoming is that he is too impatient, and he acted without authorization when the information was not fully clarified. Let me die, Baga, you hang up first, I will find a way, this time I have worked hard for you."

"No hard work, team leader!"

The phone hung up with a click, Noko Juro walked a few steps on the spot, dialed the phone again, and the connection was quickly connected, Noko Juro said to himself: "Mara, you can only use your second team of iron and blood Hurry up and go to the Jindou Road B&B to rescue Inoue, one team leader and two team leaders are already dead, I can’t lose another one!”

"It's the leader!"

(End of this chapter)

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