Chapter 346 The Worship Begins


The car braked and stopped steadily. Meng Lingfei grabbed Yang Mi's hand and said to his father: "Dad, you can't stop the car. If Yang Mi stays, it will be dangerous. You forgot how you promised Tang Morning?"

"Lingfei, let go, let Yang Mi stay." Father Meng said lightly, and said deeply: "I can understand Yang Mi, if she can't face life and death with the person she loves, Yang Mi will leave safely. And she will suffer even more."

Meng Lingfei froze, then gently let go of his hand, and said to Yang Mi: "Miss Yang, take care!"

Yang Mi hummed, looked at the Meng family gratefully, then got out of the car and disappeared into the night.

"Dad, I'm depressed, but I can't express it." Meng Lingfei closed the car door, bowed his head and said.

Father Meng didn't answer, but said to the driver beside him, "Drive, get out of here completely."


The next day, the day when the Emperor of the Island Kingdom arrived in Osaka finally came. The people in Osaka were so excited that they almost flew into the sky. The Emperor of the Island Country took a connecting plane and arrived in Osaka under the protection of countless guards. He met Noko Juro as soon as he got off the plane. .

In Noko Juro's house, the Emperor sat solemnly on a chair, while Noko Juro, Kogoro, Mikawa, and his sons all knelt on the ground, waiting for the Emperor's orders.

The emperor said to Noko Juro: "Noko-kun, get up quickly, there are still three hours until the time to worship Jinguosha, you should hurry up and prepare."

Noko Juro kowtowed respectfully, and then said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, I have made sufficient preparations, everyone in my Yamaguchi-gumi will be dispatched today, and the vehicle you are taking to Jingguosha is also surrounded by people. It will be escorted by the Self-Defense Forces and the Central Mobile Group (a relatively elite special force in the island country), and there will be J-[-], Flying Eagle and other fighter jets escorting in the sky to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, and said in a deep voice: "This way, I can feel more at ease. By the way, contact me with all the officials in Osaka. Today, all government officials don't have to go to work, so we can participate in such a celebration together."

"It's His Majesty the Emperor!"

At this time, Tang Chen went to the office building of the Self-Defense Forces to find Triangle to get his uniform and equipment. Today is the day he assassinates the emperor of the island country. He can only succeed this time, not fail!
Although Tang Chen didn't have Meng's father coming with him again, he wasn't worried about Triangle's repentance. After all, he took the money, and if he dared to repent, he would kill him immediately!
"Hey, who are you, this is the key defensive area of ​​the Self-Defense Forces, what are you doing here!"

Before reaching the door of Triangle's office, he was stopped by a few soldiers in gray uniforms. These were members of the Self-Defense Forces who were going to join Tang Chen in guarding today.

Not to be outdone, Tang Chen said loudly, "I just joined the Self-Defense Force today. I want to see Minister Triangle!"

"Haha, boy, are you kidding me!" Several soldiers laughed loudly, patted their chests each, and said disdainfully: "Our self-defense force is an elite force, do you think it's a garbage dump? to join?"

Tang Chen sneered, and said calmly, "I always thought the Self-Defense Forces were strong, but after seeing you trash, I realized I was wrong."

Bang bang bang!
An afterimage rushed out, several soldiers hadn't reacted yet, they were all knocked down by Tang Chen swiftly, the guns were dropped and thrown on the ground, Tang Chen said coldly: "Now I am qualified to join the self-defense force Bar!"

"Not bad!" Triangle walked out of the office at this time, and said to Tang Chen with satisfaction: "As expected of being Meng Jun's bodyguard, although I have seen your strength yesterday, I am even more impressed by your fighting style now." Don't worry, you passed this simple test."

test?Tang Chen suddenly realized in his heart, it turned out that the grandson Sanjiao was deliberately testing himself, paralyzed, although he was upset, he still nodded timidly and said: "Hay!"

Sanjiao said to one of the soldiers who had already got up: "Shuizi, take Tang Chen to get today's equipment, and then gather all the staff in my office. I have something to say!"

"Hay!" Shuizi agreed, then patted Tang Chen on the back, and said politely: "I'm really sorry, brother, we also follow orders, but your skills are really good, you're right, our Self-Defense Force Even if we don’t need waste, it seems that we have to train well, so we can’t be hit by a rookie like you.”

Tang Chen didn't think there was anything wrong with this Shuizi, so he smiled and said, "You guys are not bad, we don't know each other anymore, let's work together." After saying this, he added something in his heart, just But soon we will become life-and-death opponents!
Ten minutes later, Tang Chen and more than 10 soldiers from the Self-Defense Force gathered in a spacious office. As soon as the triangle came out, the group of guys immediately saluted and shouted: "Loyalty!"

Tang Chen didn't want to salute at first. It would be too embarrassing for him to salute the islanders by himself, but he also saluted for his own plan, but he didn't say the word loyalty.

Sanjiao hummed, then turned on the projector on the wall, and a huge map appeared, and said: "Because of the urgent time, I'll just say it straight, and you all know that today is our Emperor's Majesty coming to Osaka to pay homage to Jinguosha." Days, the task of our self-defense force is to escort His Majesty's car all the way into Jingguosha until the safe worship is over. You also know that other countries, such as Huaxia, have always been bitter about our emperor's worship of Jinguosha. Huai, although he did not take any drastic actions, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also said a lot of bad things about us, in order to prevent terrorist attacks, we must always be prepared today, are you ready!"

"Ready at all the time!"

Tang Chen was sneering in his heart, always ready, a bunch of idiots, the people who want to kill your Emperor are already among you and you are still always ready.

"Next, let me tell you about the route of His Majesty's convoy this time." Sanjiao pointed at the screen with a small iron rod and said, "This time, His Majesty's convoy will start from Shanmu Road, and then pass by you." Paralyzed Road, Sanitary Napkin Building, Tianzige Road, etc., the total distance is XX kilometers, and the total time is about XX hours. Our Self-Defense Forces and the Central Mobile Group will always follow the convoy, which is considered to be the shortest time. People who can get in close contact with His Majesty the Emperor, not only that, because there must be many people who will come to see His Majesty, in order to prevent chaos, all the local police in Osaka will be dispatched to maintain order, and more than a dozen helicopters will be in the area. The sky is circling, everyone must pay attention, the grouping is announced below, the big screen!"


"You are in the same group as Yamaguchi Jintian, Flowing Water!"



The grouping was still going on, but Tang Chen didn't pay attention at all. He was a little excited now, clenched his fists, and said to the system in his heart: "Just now, Triangle was forced to talk about the road map, and the system will record it for you. Come down, it depends on the situation when the time comes, if there is no chance on the road, then do it when he gets out of the car!"

"Okay, respected host." The system in his mind flickered, but he didn't say anything.

Two and a half hours later, the worship of the emperor of the island country is finally about to begin. I don’t know how to describe the specific scene to you. Have you ever seen the founding ceremony?Pretty much the same scene.

Both sides of the road were surrounded by people who came to pay homage to the emperor of the island country. Countless police officers held guns and pulled cordons to maintain order on both sides, so that vehicles could pass in the middle. The circulation of His Majesty's vehicles must be maintained.

First, the helicopter arrived. Ten helicopters hovered at high altitude, looking very mighty. Of course, they did not dare to get too close to the ground, otherwise it would be too sad to blow everyone away. The silver-white luxury vehicles The car began to drive over, this is the arrival of the convoy of the emperor of the island country!

(End of this chapter)

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