Chapter 348

Under the out-of-control scene, Kogoro screamed out these words, Mikawa immediately reacted, pulled Noko Juro up, and shouted to the surrounding men with a thick neck: "Kill me, kill this asshole!"

"You all have to die today!"

Tang Chen spoke a sentence in Chinese, punched Xiao Wulang on the head, kicked him in the crotch, knocked him to the ground with an elbow, jumped up and stomped hard on his crotch. head.

Kogoro's head exploded like a watermelon, Tang Chen roared ferociously and rushed forward, sideways dodged a knife, then kicked a member away, snatched the gun from his hand, and shot at Noko Juro.

"Team leader!" Sanchuan threw Noko Juro to the ground, and the bullet pierced his back. He cried out in a dying voice, "Hurry... hurry..." Before he could finish his sentence, he tilted his head and died on the spot.

"Mikawa!" The loyal subordinate died for himself, and Noko Juro was completely angry. He picked up a samurai sword on the ground, and roared to Tang Chen, "Who the hell are you? Why did you assassinate me? Make a move on me!"

Tang Chen fired all the bullets from the submachine gun in his hand, and the last group of Self-Defense Force members who rushed towards him were all shot to death. He threw the gun on the ground, tore off his clothes, and said, "Noko Juro, although we I've never seen it before, but you must know the name of this young master, this young master is the Chinese man who killed so many of your subordinates!"

"It turned out to be you!" Noko Juro was so angry that his face was completely distorted. He held the samurai sword in his hand tightly with one hand, and rushed over: "Go to hell!"

Tang Chen sneered and rushed over with his fist. The arm of his right hand directly blocked the samurai sword in Noko Juro's hand, punched him in the face with his backhand, and kicked him backwards for more than ten meters.

"You're old, you're looking for abuse if you fight with Ben!" Tang Chen spat out in disdain, with a casual expression on his face.

To him, Yezi Juro was just a wild dog that was already critically ill, and it was easy for him to kill him!
Noko Juro looked at the corpses lying around his body and the residents fleeing everywhere, feeling extremely decadent in his heart, he suddenly laughed, and said hysterically: "Huaxia people, do you think you made such a fuss today? Can the big trouble leave our country alive? In less than 10 minutes, the people above will know that your lord has been killed by you. At that time, you are doomed, so you should surrender obediently!"

"Surrender?!" Tang Chen smiled, and punched him in the face again, grabbed his hair, and smashed his head on the car.

"I surrender you to be paralyzed. Since I dare to kill your lord, I am not afraid of death, but before I die, you bastard must die!" As he said, Tang Chen slammed Noko Juro's head hard again. He slammed into the car door hard, his brains burst out, Noko Juro fell to the ground slowly, and there was no more movement.

Noko Juro was dead. This legendary figure in the island nation's mafia was killed by Tang Chen when he was approaching his [-]th birthday.

"The Huaxia people killed the team leader, kill!"

Some members who fell to the ground after being shot by Tang Chen but were not completely dead shouted angrily one by one, then quickly picked up weapons such as ak47 or submachine gun from the ground, and started charging like a wartime Gun roared and rushed towards Tang Chen.

"Go to hell with me!" Tang Chen grabbed the front bumper of the car beside him with his right hand, and then lifted the whole white car with all his strength, kicking the bottom of the car with his left foot, and the car slammed The members flew over.


There were screams one after another, and the extended version of the car smashed these members into a pulp, and none of them came back alive.

"Tang Chen, why did you do this, why did you kill our lord!" Shui Zi, who was half-dead from being shot by Tang Chen, yelled at this moment, with his hands on the ground, trying to get up , but there is no way to stand up.

"Because this young master is not from the island country, but this young man is from China, because your lord is blaspheming our dead heroes in the way he seeks death. He must die, and you must die too!"

Tang Chen spoke a sentence in Chinese slowly, regardless of whether Shuizi could understand it or not, he stomped his head, Shuizi's head was separated from his neck, and he couldn't die anymore.

"Don't move!" At this time, two special soldiers in bulletproof vests yelled, and then walked out with a gun against a woman's head, while tightly holding onto the woman's hair, they said to Tang Chen: " Don't move around, or this Huaxia woman will die!"

"Yang Mi!" Tang Chen yelled in surprise, looking at this disheveled woman not far away, who else is it but Yang Mi?Why is Yang Mi here? Didn't she ask Meng Lingfei and his son to send her back to Huaxia?

In Kyoto, on the other side of the high-level island country, Qiao Mu, a guy with a slightly lower position than the adult who was killed by Tang Chen, was resting on the table. At this time, the door of the office was suddenly knocked open, and the secretary shouted profusely with sweat. : "Your Excellency Qiao Mu is bad, bad, something big happened!"

Qiao Mu slapped the table angrily, and said angrily: "Baga, you have been with me for so long, why are you still not following the rules, what happened to make you so panic, please speak slowly!"

"It's my lord, my lord was killed!"

Qiao Mu fell directly from the chair and sat on the ground, kicked the office chair in front of him away, grabbed the secretary by the collar, and shouted: "Are you kidding me? Don't you hold the National Society Festival on the wooden board?" Worshipers? Why were you killed, why!"

The secretary hurt his eardrums from his yelling, and hurriedly said, "I'm not kidding, Mr. Qiao Mu. It's the news from the government on the other side of the plank. They said that when he was about to enter the state society, he was shot dead by a terrorist disguised as a member of the Self-Defense Forces." Now, all the police on the board have been dispatched, look at our side..."

"Nonsense!" Qiao Mu pushed the secretary to the ground and said angrily, "Send me all the soldiers in service and bring me the most elite weapons in our country. Within half an hour, no, within 15 minutes you must Come to the wooden plank and kill the person who shot and killed the adult, even if you run, run there, and at the same time send me all the fighter jets, tanks, and all heavy weapons. You must kill this terrorist! Give me the The boards are completely blocked, and no entry or exit is allowed!"

"Lord Qiao Mu, this is not good. If tanks and fighter jets are used in cities, the casualties will be too great!"

"It's too big, you're paralyzed!" Qiao Mu went up and stomped on his face, clenching his fists angrily, jumping and yelling: "The adults are dead, I don't care about the casualties, even if it's launching missiles, even turning the wooden planks into pieces. Turn into an empty city, this bastard must also be killed!"


Pulling her eyes back to the wooden board, Yang Mi's eyes were filled with tears, and she said with difficulty: "Tang Chen, I'm sorry, I just want to be with you, I don't want to leave you!"

Tang Chen understood, it seemed that she knew about her plan, Yang Mi was worried about herself, she didn't want to leave, she wanted to live and die with her!

"You silly woman!" Tears welled up from her eyes. It would be very difficult for her to escape if she killed the master of the island country. In this way, the most likely end of her life would be death. If Yang Mi chooses to stay with her, So that means she is willing to die with her!

Love is something invisible and intangible. Tang Chen never understood what love is, but now he finally understands that love is not about allowing you to be prosperous forever, but about being willing to accompany you everywhere as your home when you are alone!

"Baga, put your hands on your head and kneel down for me, or this woman will die, hurry up!" The soldier on the right has already fallen into madness, so many brothers died in front of him, it is difficult for you to keep him from going crazy!
All this is the fault of this Chinese man, this lunatic!
"I'm sorry, wife!" Tang Chen said slowly, then clenched his fist, and raised the rear wheel of the car next to him with another punch, grabbed the front bumper with all his strength, and pierced his arms Just throw the car out!

(End of this chapter)

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