Swire Overlord

Chapter 13 The True Power of the Sword

Chapter 13 The True Power of the Sword
The stars are dotted, and the light of the waning moon covers the earth.

In the dark night, at a certain location of the Qinglan Sect, black lights appear from time to time. Looking at the black light carefully, one can recognize that it is a unique bamboo house.

The bamboo house is made of black bamboo, and the whole body of the black bamboo is black, and the black ones can emit black lights even in the dark.

This bamboo house is very special, it is the only black bamboo house of the Qinglan Sect, and the only person who can live in the bamboo house is the master of the Qinglan Sect.

At this moment, a black shadow quietly melted into the bamboo house, and the bamboo house instantly became bright.Inside the room, there were two people, the Suzerain sitting cross-legged, and Elder Yunhai standing upright.

The suzerain stared at Elder Yunhai suspiciously, full of vigilance amidst surprise, "Senior, what's the matter for coming here so late?"

Elder Yunhai looked at the suzerain, glanced at the bamboo house lightly, curled his lips and said: "Little suzerain, you should remember the agreement between us, right?"

Hearing the word agreement, the suzerain stared helplessly at Elder Yunhai, smiled bitterly, and said in a pleading tone: "Senior, why are you bothering, I can give you the Sky Fire Orb right now," as he spoke, He raised his hand to take out the Sky Fire Orb.


Elder Yunhai refused straight away, narrowing his eyes slightly, lost in memory.

Twenty years ago, the current suzerain had just consolidated his position as the sect's suzerain. On his birthday, many sects came to celebrate his birthday. Among them, a friend of the suzerain gave him a sky fire bead, and this sky fire bead was exactly what Elder Yunhai needed urgently items.

Elder Yunhai was so anxious that he directly asked for the Sky Fire Orb when celebrating his birthday, but the suzerain directly refused, because it was impossible for him to give the gift that his friend gave him to Elder Yunhai directly in front of so many people.

Elder Yunhai has made countless contributions to the Qinglan Sect, and his temperament is like a fire. He is bound to get the Skyfire Orb, and the suzerain also has his own ideas. He can give the Skyfire Orb to Elder Yunhai in private, but he definitely can't give it now!

In the end, the suzerain was furious and said directly: "Elder Yunhai, if you want to get the sky fire bead, unless some disciple dares to insult me ​​as an idiot in front of tens of thousands of people! Because only an idiot will give you the sky fire bead!" It was very clear that he was not an idiot, so he refused to give Elder Yunhai the Sky Fire Orb.

Elder Yunhai even jumped at the case, and responded directly: "Okay! If no disciple calls you an idiot, I, Yunhai, will never want the Sky Fire Orb in my life."

The two spoke fiercely at the time, but afterwards the suzerain felt that it was inappropriate, and secretly gave the sky fire beads to Elder Yunhai several times, but they were all rejected.

Looking at Elder Yunhai's serious expression, the suzerain smiled wryly and shook his head.

Elder Yunhai looked at the suzerain proudly, and said old-fashionedly: "I heard that you are going to watch Zhao Yufan's challenge tomorrow? Remember to bring the Sky Fire Orb."

Zong Zhang wanted to speak, but Elder Yunhai didn't give him any chance, and disappeared into the night in a flash.

Staring at the night sky, the suzerain sighed helplessly. There is no way anyone in the Qinglan sect dares to insult him. Even if there is someone who dares to insult him, he is an idiot, and it is impossible for an idiot to join the Qinglan sect!
At this time, Zhao Yufan, the idiot in the suzerain's heart, was sweating profusely practicing Yun Zongjian. Near his phantom dancing in the sky, Han Bingyue crossed his arms and commented on him indifferently.

"Are you sure you are practicing sword?" Han Bingyue asked helplessly, a smile appeared on her indifferent little face inadvertently.

Zhao Yufan stopped his figure, stretched his neck and looked at Han Bingyue, with a suspicious look on his face. He had practiced Tai Chi sword for many years, and he dare not say that he understood the essence of using swords, but he also understood the superficial aspects, but Han Bingyue actually said that he could not use it. Jian, this is a sentence that hurts people's self-esteem, so he decided to refute Han Bingyue's words.

"Swords are basically used to attack with the front of the sword, but you use the sword as a knife, and your movements are basically slashing!" Han Bingyue replied seriously, with a very confident tone, staring at Zhao Yufan's astonished expression, she Continue to explain patiently: "You should use the front part of the sword to attack more, and the two sides of the sword are used to assist or resist the opponent's attack."

Zhao Yufan rolled his eyes, put his hands behind his back, and said softly: "Wrong! The sword is for attacking, and any position of the sword can form a fatal attack." Thoughtful, but his last sentence directly caused a small flame of anger to rise in Han Bingyue's heart.

"Bingyue, it seems that your understanding of sword use is not as high as mine. Hey... you should watch me practice swords, and maybe you can understand some principles of sword use from it," Zhao Yufan said seriously, with a little pity in his eyes He looked at Frost Moon.

Han Bingyue frowned slightly, looked at Zhao Yufan with a big grin and giggled, and was so angry that he was speechless. This bastard asked me to teach him how to practice swords. Now it's good, he doesn't listen to what I say, Instead, he taught himself a lesson, which is really deceiving.

However, when Zhao Yufan swung the long sword again, Han Bingyue's indifferent expression finally changed slightly. It was a surprised expression. She dismissed what Zhao Yufan said just now, but seeing Zhao Yufan's sword at this time, She seemed to feel that Zhao Yufan's words were not unreasonable.

Zhao Yufan was like a ghost, with nimble steps, and the long sword in his hand was like a poisonous snake, swimming in the night.

Suddenly, he flipped his right wrist, and after turning the long sword half a circle, it was directly pressed against his right arm.At this time, his right arm was straightened, the sword body was hidden inside the right arm, the hilt was exposed at the very front, and he rushed to the thick willow tree in front of Han Bingyue at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this scene, Han Bingyue's red lips were tightly closed, and she stared nervously and expectantly at the hilt of the sword in Zhao Yufan's hand.

When Zhao Yufan was less than [-] centimeters away from the willow tree, he stopped suddenly, which made the heart of the only spectator, Han Bingyue, feel tight, as if being pulled by something, extremely uncomfortable.

The moment he stopped, Zhao Yufan's right arm shook forward, and the inner sword body sprang out along the inner side of the arm. The sword body suddenly moved forward, causing the hilt to hit the willow tree directly, and this was just the beginning, the moment the hilt touched the willow tree , directly submerged into the willow tree, and burst out from behind the willow tree.

Zhao Yufan pinched the tip of the sword with two fingers in his right hand, and smiled brightly at Han Bingyue, looking at Han Bingyue's shocked little face, his smile grew stronger.

Han Bingyue glanced at Zhao Yufan, turned her head slightly to look at the night sky, and after calming down the shock in her heart, she slowly turned her head, approached the willow tree unhurriedly, and began to observe carefully.

"The point of the sword pierced into the willow tree because of its sharp speed, and the hilt pierced into the willow tree because of the violent impact," Han Bingyue analyzed the difference between the point of the sword and the hilt piercing into the willow tree. Reluctantly said: "You may be right, but your attack looks stupid. When you can use the tip of the sword, no one will choose to use the hilt, unless the sword only has the hilt left."

Zhao Yufan twitched his mouth, and joked with a smile: "Women just like gentleness. Of course, you don't like my violent attack style. But, wait until tomorrow, brother will let you know the true power of the hilt!"

(End of this chapter)

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