Chapter 27

Tie Yunshan believed Zhao Yufan's words, and he said that if he used it, he would definitely not need to use weapons to deal with him.

In fact, Zhao Yufan didn't use weapons, but he knew that if he used weapons to fight Tie Yunshan, he would definitely lose. There was a clear gap between him and Tie Yunshan, and he was almost committing suicide in a close fight with weapons.

With a flick of the gold-threaded big ring knife, Tie Yunshan's ferocious face was filled with a murderous look.

His first cut was fast, the second even faster.

One knife is faster than one knife, and one knife is stronger than one knife!
A total of nine knives, the knives were fatal.

Wherever the blade passes, there is no piece of armor left, under nine knives, the ring is directly split into ten pieces!

Nine swords are like nine dragons, they sprang out from the ground, with the power to destroy the dead and the waves, they went straight to Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan's skirt fluttered, his face remained unchanged, and sixteen children and mothers came out one after another in his hands.

Everyone stared at the ring.

Among the top ten players on the Qingyun Ranking, everyone's expressions changed slightly. Tie Yunshan's attack was the strongest attack, which showed his fear of Zhao Yufan.

Lin Yu had a cold face, frowned and said, "Nine Killing Knife!"

What Tie Yunshan used was the Xuan-level martial skill Nine-kill Knife, he had already reached the fourth level of the nine-kill knife, and its power was enough to instantly kill an intermediate martial artist at the fourth level.

Facing the Nine Kills Knife, Zhao Yufan threw sixteen son-and-mother mines, which looked mighty, but he was vulnerable to the nine attacks of the Nine Kills Knife.Before Tie Yunshan could reach Tie Yunshan, they all exploded without causing any harm to Tie Yunshan.

The black cloud appeared again, and everyone knew that it was impossible to see the situation inside. They looked at the black cloud helplessly and smiled bitterly.It is estimated that only the group of refining masters can become more excited at this time!
Mo Qi rubbed his eyes and muttered, "Master, Zhao Yufan just doesn't want us to see what's going on inside. He's such a jerk. He must have some conspiracy. I feel that Tie Yunshan's fate will be the same as Wang Kai's!"

Lin Yu smiled coldly, and said softly: "Not necessarily, Tie Yunshan is enough to kill Wang Kai in an instant, not to mention that Zhao Yufan is just good, but he is only a second-level intermediate warrior!"

Lin Yu and Mo Qi were talking, looking at Lin Tao, they hoped to hear Lin Tao's opinion.However, Lin Tao closed his eyes at this time and didn't look at the ring at all. He seemed to know that Lin Yu and Mo Qi wanted to hear his opinion. He pointed to an unoccupied chair near him and said proudly: "In this battle, someone will die! "

When these words came out, Lin Yu and Mo Qi were both taken aback, and looked at the unoccupied chair at the same time. The owner of this chair just now was Zhao Yun, but now Zhao Yun has disappeared.

They looked around, and when they were searching for Zhao Yun, they saw a black shadow rushing into the ring like a sharp arrow.Seeing the black shadow, Lin Yu and Mo Qi shouted in unison: "Zhao Yun!"

Zhao Yun suddenly broke into the black cloud, making everyone startled.The elders frowned and remained silent, Wan Ke stood up excitedly, glanced at Elder Li coldly, and was about to grab Zhao Yun out.

As soon as she took a step, Elder Li said dissatisfiedly: "Elder Wan, please respect yourself! Regarding the matter of the disciple, our elders can't come forward unless it is absolutely necessary...not to mention that the black cloud covers 300 meters, maybe Zhao Yun just wants to get closer and watch. "

"Fart!" Wan Kexin widened her eyes and sat down angrily, her pretty face was full of helplessness. Even if she knew that Elder Li was farting, she also understood that rushing up at this time would only bring Zhao Yufan more pain. much trouble.

Inside the black cloud, Tie Yushan approached Zhao Yufan with nine swords.

Zhao Yufan unleashes violent thunder, electric current flows in both arms, and his hands and five fingers spread out in a strange and gentle posture. His hands seem to be stroking an invisible sphere. As he flips his hands, blue electric currents form in his palms. .

This weird attack is exactly Tai Chi in Tai Chi!
Now what Zhao Yufan is playing is embracing the moon in the arms of the 24-style Taijiquan.

You can hug the moon with your hands, not to mention the attack power of the mere Nine Kills Knife.

Zhao Yufan took a step forward and bumped into the front of the Nine Kills Knife attack head-on. He waved his hands and used a seemingly gentle fist to gather all the power of the Nine Kills Knives in his hands, truly unleashing the power of the Nine Kills Knife. The power of holding the moon in the arms, and this is also the true power of Taijiquan holding the moon in the arms.

Whether you are a bright moon or a star, Tai Chi uses softness to overcome rigidity, embrace the moon in the sky, pluck the stars in the sky, let the moon and stars gather in your hands and become something in your arms.

The seemingly simple boxing gesture contained a lot of truth, just like the terrifying power that Zhao Yufan was holding in his hand, if he was a little careless, the power would explode.

Just as he was concentrating on controlling this group of forces, a figure suddenly appeared behind him. This person was Zhao Yun. She had a look of shock in her eyes. She never expected that Tie Yunshan's attack would be caught by Zhao Yufan. If the matter is to be revealed, it is estimated that it will shake the entire Qinglan sect.

However, she knew that from now on, only she would know about this matter, because Zhao Yufan would die soon, and maybe there would be martial skills related to the moves just now in the storage ring after his death. Thinking of this, her beautiful eyes brightened even more, It was so bright that the black clouds could hardly hide it.

She took out a jade bottle the size of her wrist, opened the cork with her thumb, and flicked it immediately. A liquid like clear water spread instantly, hitting Zhao Yufan's back like raindrops.

Clear water poison, the color is like clear water, the third-grade poison is refined by the third-grade refiner.Any intermediate martial artist will die!Zhao Yufan is no exception!
Zhao Yufan didn't need to think about it, he knew how terrifying the attack was. Zhao Yun dared to rush into the black cloud in front of 10,000+ disciples, so he must have the ability to kill himself.

Without any hesitation, he threw the attack of the nine-kill knife in his arms directly behind him. At the same time, he used ghost steps, and at an unimaginable speed, he was ten meters away from Zhao Yun in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Yun was dumbfounded watching this scene, and even forgot the Nine Swords Kill attack. She realized that Zhao Yufan was not only strong in strength, but also in speed, so strong that he could surpass Mo Mo, who was the fastest in the outer sect. flag.

There was a loud bang and the ground shook.

Everyone saw countless stones flying out of the black cloud, and some of them fell in front of the disciples. The disciples could see that the stones were directly embedded in the ground, forming small black pits.

Everyone looked anxiously at the black cloud, not knowing what happened inside. Looking at the countless small black holes on the ground, they felt the horror of the attack just now.

With the experience of the black cloud dissipating last time, although everyone was very anxious, they also had expectations. They knew that when the black cloud dissipated, the ending would be announced.

The black cloud gradually thinned out, and the scene presented in front of everyone left them dumbfounded, even a little unbelievable.Even Han Bingyue and Lin Yu, who had always been indifferent, looked dull at this time, looking at the ring strangely. It is estimated that only Lin Tao, who is covered in bandages, can look calm.

The suzerain and Elder Yunhai smiled, and there was some surprise in their smiles.

Wan Kexin smiled very sweetly at this time, she stuck out her tongue while staring at Elder Li, her expression was really cute, Elder Li threw up her sleeves and left in anger.

(End of this chapter)

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