Chapter 314 The Power of Closed Eyes
The sword light flashed, Zhao Yufan galloped forward, and the sword in his hand approached a Martial Emperor.

The Emperor Wu quickly slashed out, hoping to delay Zhao Yufan's offensive. At the same time, the Emperor Wu also launched attacks one after another to stop Zhao Yufan.

The colorful attacks suddenly enveloped the entire Qilin Mountain. From a seemed as if countless fireworks exploded, dazzling and dazzling, but these dazzling fireworks carried fatal danger.

Zhao Yufan's sword fell through the air.He didn't dare to rush forward at all, the dense attacks left him no place to hide, so he could only defend passively.Soon, everyone was fighting together.

Zhao Yufan swung his sword airtightly to block the enemy's attacks, but there were too many opponents, even with three heads and six arms, it was difficult for him to block the various attacks of sixty Martial Emperors.

A golden iron rod hit him hard on the back, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood. This rod was the Golden Dragon Stick of the Qinglan Sect, and the person who cast the Golden Dragon Stick was an elder of the Qinglan Sect.Then, he felt a sharp pain in his right leg, turned around and swung his sword. He looked at the elder of the Divine Sword Sect with a stern face, and his face was a little indifferent.

Those who wanted to besiege him belonged to six factions, and among the six major sects of Zhengdao, except for the Danqi sect, all the other sects had arrived.

Zhao Yufan fought bloody battles and tried to get as close to Zhou Hai's position as possible.The sword in his hand turned completely crimson, like a demon coming out of hell, biting all those who blocked him.

Liu Man and Zhou Yiming watched with horror and shock.The Sword God is their enemy, but at this moment they also have to admire the bravery of the Sword God. Fighting against sixty Martial Emperors alone, he can not only fight back, but also kill the Martial Emperor, which is unbelievable.

Looking at the five fallen corpses on the ground, Liu Man and Zhou Ming remained silent. At this moment, a thought popped into their minds, that is to kill the Sword God. If he doesn't die today, they will die in the future!

When the two met, they felt a trace of fear.Liu Man looked at the two Martial Emperors who had not made a move, and said coldly, "Seniors, it's your turn."

Hearing this, the two Emperor Wu jumped up and slapped Zhao Yufan from the front and back.When they started, the surrounding Martial Emperors retreated violently.

In a moment, Zhao Yufan, covered in blood, was isolated, surrounded by the fierce Emperor Wu, and his upper arms were two terrifying Emperor Wu.

No matter which Emperor Wu hit him, he would die instantly.

As the cold wind howled, Zhao Yufan slowly closed his eyes, as if giving up resistance.

Seeing this scene, the Martial Emperors couldn't help widening their eyes, showing suspicion. How could he close his eyes at such a critical juncture?Could it be that he knew he couldn't resist, so he just waited to die?But how could he do this with his personality?He must have some conspiracy.

Not only the Emperor Wu thought so, but the two Emperors also felt that Zhao Yufan was planning some kind of conspiracy. They were slightly taken aback, feeling a little unbelievable, and then became a little nervous.

Liu Man and Zhou Yiming stared at Zhao Yufan intently. When they saw him close his eyes, they almost shouted the words "be careful, there is danger".

This is a strange phenomenon, but it is in line with common sense. No one would close their eyes under such circumstances, but Zhao Yufan did so.

A small movement of his frightened many people. The pupils of the Martial Emperors shrank slightly, and the weapons in their hands were clenched tighter, ready to attack anytime and anywhere.

Zhao Yufan closed his eyes only for a moment, and at this moment, many people thought about many things, and many people reacted in many ways.

At this moment, the two Martial Emperors were under a lot of pressure. They were majestic Martial Emperors, so it was impossible for Zhao Yufan to scare them away, but Zhao Yufan's movements of closing his eyes were weird everywhere, making people feel nervous and cautious.

The two each slapped a palm, one palm was as strong as fire, and the other palm was as soft as wind. One side was scorching hot and the other was cold and low temperature.

Zhao Yufan, who was in the double sky of ice and fire, felt the most uncomfortable. Half of his body felt so hot that it was almost scorched, while the other half felt so cold that it almost became an ice sculpture.

Suddenly, Zhao Yufan's eyes opened abruptly.

The moment the eyes opened, everyone present had different reactions.

The Martial Emperors leaned back, shielding their weapons in front of their eyes in horror, and made various defensive postures. Some held their knives horizontally in front of them, some used their swords to block in front of them, and some held up their long spears to stab out. Some people moved their feet backwards, and they took defensive measures in unison, as if they were afraid of Zhao Yufan's attack.

Liu Man and Zhou Yiming also responded in the same way, that is, they whispered: "Not good!"

Although the sound was small, it still spread throughout the silent Qilin Mountain.

Seeing Zhao Yufan's eyes suddenly opened, the two Martial Emperors felt a little flustered in their hearts. Coupled with Liu Man's and Zhou Yiming's low cries, their movements stopped in the air, and they hesitated whether to continue attacking Zhao Yufan.

At the moment when the two hesitated, Zhao Yufan's eyes suddenly closed again.

Seeing his strange movements, the two Martial Emperors frowned, stood in the air in embarrassment, and became a little at a loss.

But Emperor Wu is Emperor Wu after all, after a moment of hesitation, the two rushed towards Zhao Yufan again.

Two palms hit Zhao Yufan like lightning, and two diametrically opposite temperatures spread around Zhao Yufan, making his silver mask extraordinarily weird.

The two palms are getting closer and closer, the surrounding wind is strong, and the rocks are flying.

Liu Man and Zhou Yiming held hands tightly, their eyes full of the scene of the sword god before he died.In their cognition, the two palms of two Martial Emperors are enough to kill the Sword God.

The Martial Emperors also breathed a sigh of relief. The brave and skilled sword god was finally going to die, and they finally didn't have to worry about it anymore.

Zhao Yufan held the sword firmly. Although he closed his eyes, he could still clearly feel the approaching palm wind.Cold sweat broke out from the palm of his hand, and he could hear his heart beating so nervously.

Emperor Wu's attack was less than one meter away from him. Under the terrifying palm wind, the surrounding rocks turned into fine powder one after another, floating around Zhao Yufan.

The corners of the mouths of the two Martial Emperors showed ferocious smiles, as if they saw the Sword God fall in front of them.Among the tyrannical attacks of their two emperors, one emperor was unstoppable, as long as this palm hit him, he would surely die.

Zhao Yufan has no hope of escaping at all, and even has no strength to resist. The only thing he can do now is to recall the past and wait for death to come.

Pictures emerged in his mind. At the time of life and death, he thought about many things that he had never thought about before. After thinking about everything, he smiled bitterly and said in his heart: "It seems... I can only try my luck." gone."

(End of this chapter)

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