Chapter 316 Brotherhood fades into the water

Zhao Yufan pulled Zhou Hai, feeling that Zhou Hai was like a rock, motionless.

"Let's go!" He shouted, and immediately looked at Zhou Hai, and his expression froze for a moment.

Zhou Hai's expression was very strange, it was a ferocious, ferocious, and vicious expression, and this hostile expression was mixed with some other expressions such as helplessness, anger, sadness, guilt, etc., which made his whole face Almost twisted together, like a ball of paper that has been rubbed hard.

"what happened to you?"

Zhao Yufan looked at Zhou Hai worriedly, thinking he was poisoned.

Zhou Hai stared at the sword god in front of him, and said slowly, "Sorry!"


Zhao Yufan looked at Zhou Hai dully, not understanding what he meant.

Suddenly, he felt a chill in his chest, and then a wave of heat slowly spread in the place that was cold just now, and then, a piercing pain spread all over his body.

Zhao Yufan took a few steps back and looked around blankly, not knowing what happened.

At this time, everyone's expressions were very surprised, and only Liu Man and Zhou Yiming sneered triumphantly.

Zhao Yufan looked down at the blood slowly flowing out of his chest, moved his eyes up, and then stayed on Zhou Hai.

Zhou Hai held a dagger in his right hand, hot blood was still flowing on the dagger, it was Zhao Yufan's blood.

No one knew why Zhou Hai wanted to hurt the Sword God. The Sword God not only had no grievances with him, but even saved him with death. However, it was him who finally gave the Sword God the fatal blow. This was something that everyone couldn't figure out .

Zhao Yufan also couldn't figure it out, he was completely stupid at the moment.

"I don't want to kill you!" Zhou Hai said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were a little contemptuous, because his words were not credible at all.

Zhao Yufan would never believe it, and only now did he realize that Zhou Hai had already betrayed him from the very beginning, and he was the one who pushed himself into the abyss himself.

Without Zhou Hai, Zhao Yufan would not have confronted Liu Man and the others head-on. It was precisely because Zhou Hai deliberately exposed the scars on his wrist that Zhao Yufan was furious, which led to the subsequent events.And if there is no Zhou Hai in the future, Zhao Yufan will not come to Qilin Mountain.

"You really don't want to kill me?" Zhao Yufan stared at Zhou Hai and asked seriously.

Zhou Hai opened his mouth, but did not speak.He didn't need to speak at all, because the dagger in his hand had already told everyone the answer.

If he didn't want to kill, then this dagger would not be stained with blood, but the blood on Xianza's dagger was so dazzling.


Zhao Yufan asked a question that everyone present knew, even Liu Man and Zhou Yiming also wanted to know.

In fact, the whole incident was not planned by Liu Man and Zhou Hai, but a play directed and acted by Zhou Hai. Liu Man and Zhou Hai thought that Zhao Yufan looked down on Zhou Hai, which caused Zhou Hai's dissatisfaction. The attitude of Jian Shen and others, the two found that things were completely opposite to what they thought.

Zhao Yufan was nice to Zhou Hai, and Zhao Yufan's friends were even nicer to Zhou Hai. This made Zhou Yiming and Liu Man very puzzled. Obviously everyone was very nice to Zhou Hai, but why did he hurt Zhao Yufan?

Looking at the puzzled eyes of everyone, Zhou Hai's face suddenly became a little crazy. He stared at the sword god with resentment, and then stared at everyone with a pair of murderous eyes, and said with a sneer: "Hehe, don't you? Do you think Zhao Yufan and the others are very kind to me?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed again, and they thought to themselves, could there be something hidden in it?Could it be that Zhao Yufan and the others didn't treat Zhou Hai that well in secret?

The blood spread on the ground, forming a coquettish fiery red flower. Zhao Yufan's chest rose and fell due to anger, and the blood flowed even more, but he didn't care how much blood flowed, what he cared about was Zhou Hai's. betray.

"Say, why?"

He growled sharply and took a step forward.

Zhou Hai's body trembled, he was obviously taken aback, he didn't understand why the sword god was so angry, but he really wanted to tell the reason, and he hoped that people here could convey his words to Zhao Yufan.

But he didn't know that the sword god who risked his life to save him was Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan was still thinking at this moment, if Zhou Hai knew that the sword god was Zhao Yufan, he would not betray him, at least he would regret stabbing himself.

At this time, Zhou Hai spoke.

"At the beginning in Kyoto, we took two horse-drawn carriages to the imperial palace. At that time, I really wanted to be with Zhao Yufan, but what happened? It turned out that they took a carriage and let me take one alone. I still remember when I arrived I can bear the cynicism and ridicule of those officials in the palace!"

"And then? Chu Ming from Xueyu left, Zhao Yufan and the others knew that I had no money, but they still helped him raise money in front of me, and finally let me fall into a place of injustice. I also endured these things, but what about Yuanyuan? He even mocked me!"

"Later Zhao Yufan was in trouble. Zhang Qing and Yuanyuan first said they would not help Zhao Yufan, and I couldn't help him, so they decided to leave. But what happened later? Later, these two people even said that they were busy helping Zhao Yufan, and helping Zhao Yufan was not enough. Forget it, but they still mock me, I still endure these things."

Everyone stared at Zhou Hai, staring at his crazy appearance, and couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts.

"It's that simple?" Zhao Yufan asked coldly.

"Do you think it's simple? They're insulting me!" Zhou Hai roared.

"I remember Zhao Yufan told me about these things. When we were riding in the carriage, you and Yuanyuan rushed into the carriage? Later, there was not enough space in the carriage. Zhao Yufan originally wanted to ride in that carriage alone, but you refused!" Zhao Yufan explained word by word: "The rest is entirely due to your overthinking!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't want to hear it! I want to rely on my own strength to become stronger." Zhou Hai clenched the dagger in his hand and said coldly, "Thank you for saving your life, but my path is different from yours! You If you die, you can only blame Zhao Yufan!"

"Heh..." Zhao Yufan laughed at himself, pursed his lips and said, "Without Zhao Yufan, I wouldn't have saved you!"

Zhou Hai waved the dagger in his hand, and said with a cold smile: "Hehe, look... Do I need his help?"

Murderous aura spread around Zhao Yufan. He glared at Zhou Hai, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words: "If I don't die! You and Zhao Yufan will break the friendship! If I die, your Zhou Hai family will never have peace!"

The heartless swordsman looked at Zhao Yufan calmly, and said lightly, "If you die, I will help you avenge you!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yufan couldn't help tightening his heart, and his eyes fell on the Swordsman of Unrequited Love, as if he wanted to see through something. There seemed to be other meanings in the words of the Swordsman of Unfeelingness. Did he know that the sword god and the sword demon were himself?

"Kill the Sword God!"

At this time, Monday roared.

(End of this chapter)

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