Chapter 338 Declaring War
Immortality is impossible in this world!
Zhao Yufan denied the absurd thoughts in his heart, and then his mind lit up, and he smiled strangely: "Does it hurt?"

"What do you think?" Yun Chunhui chuckled, and continued to pounce on Zhao Yufan, but the pain on his face was hard to hide after all.

Since you know it hurts, you are not a monster. As long as you are human, there is always a way to deal with it.

He used the Heavenly Thunder Sword again, this sword was extremely terrifying, it stabbed Yuan Chunhui's body so quickly that he almost didn't have time to react.

Looking at the sword on the left chest, Yuan Chunhui spurted a stream of blood from the corner of his mouth, stared at Zhao Yufan unwillingly, and roared pitifully, "You, how did you attack here?"

In the first two attacks, Zhao Yufan attacked the right chest, but this time he attacked the left chest.He just ignored a problem just now, that is, Yuan Chunhui has always paid attention to the attack on the left side, and neglected the attack on the right side, which shows that his fatal position is on the left side.

He had also heard some anecdotes before. It was said that someone's heart could be on the left side. Based on this information, he quickly deduced that Yuan Chunhui's heart might be on the left side.

Pulling out his sword, he looked at Yuan Chunhui, who was about to die, and said in a low voice, "Sorry, we have no grudges."

The sword was drawn away from his body, Zhao Yufan's figure also disappeared in front of him, Yun Chunhui looked up at the dark sky, and let out a mournful roar: "Ah..."

The death of Yun Chunhui caused the soldiers in the Frozen Imperial City to disperse instantly. The rest of the fighters wanted to continue chasing and killing Zhao Yufan, but Zhao Yufan's speed was too fast, too few people could catch up to him, and too few people were chasing him. Zhao Yufan was no threat.

Six cities and twelve towns dispatched more than [-] troops, thousands of Wuhuang masters, tens of thousands of Wuwang masters, and countless Wulords, but they still failed to intercept and kill Zhao Yufan.

Not long after Zhao Yufan left the Frozen Imperial City, the five strongest Martial Emperors in the empire and a large number of Martial Emperors who had just arrived killed the Frozen Imperial City. After learning that Zhao Yufan had disappeared, everyone was speechless for a while. Looking at the messy streets, they were asking themselves: How good is Zhao Yufan?
The night wind howled, and suddenly in the dark night, a group of figures attracted everyone's attention. This group of figures came from the direction of Xue Yu.

Everyone watched the figures getting closer, and their expressions were filled with joy, because among the people who came, there were two Emperor Wu.

The appearance of two Martial Emperors allowed everyone to see Zhao Yufan dying. They could imagine how powerless and miserable Zhao Yufan was when he faced Martial Emperor.

Emperor Wu is the top existence in the empire. Even if Zhao Yufan is powerful, he is definitely not the opponent of Emperor Wu. He knows this well. At that time, he said: Emperor Wu will die if Emperor Wu doesn't come out. This is the best proof that he fears Emperor Wu.

Wang Baichuan and Qiu Shanjun soon became the backbone of the crowd. Dozens of respectable Martial Emperors sat around the two of them and began to discuss how to deal with Zhao Yufan.

One Martial Emperor suggested: "If the two Martial Emperors come forward, Zhao Yufan will surely die. We just need to find out his whereabouts."

Wang Baichuan and Qiu Shanjun looked at each other, and looked at the Martial Emperors around them. They were speechless. They really wanted to find out Zhao Yufan's whereabouts, and then kill him directly, but most of the Martial Emperors here would never agree to this decision, because here The Emperor Wu must defeat Zhao Yufan and overthrow Zhao Yufan's arrogant words, otherwise the Emperor Wu of the entire empire will become a laughing stock.

The first retort was Dongshan King among the strongest Martial Emperors, "Zhao Yufan threatened that the Martial Emperor would die if the Martial Emperor came out! If the Martial Emperor was really asked to come forward, wouldn't that mean that our Martial Emperor is not Zhao Yufan's opponent? We must be ashamed of this." Wash up."

"Yeah, as long as Zhao Yufan's whereabouts are found, our Martial Emperor will be able to kill him!" Nanling Wang Jiejie laughed, his voice was like a ghost, making people stand on end.

Others also joined in. With Dongshan King and Nanling King, the strongest Martial Emperors, they were very confident that they could defeat Zhao Yufan.

Wang Baichuan and Qiu Shanjun looked at each other and nodded at the same time.The two had discussed on the way here that Zhao Yufan's strength was indeed strong, but the cultivation bases of King Dongshan and the others were also extremely ferocious, and their strength was enough to kill Zhao Yufan.

Wang Baichuan swept across the crowd slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Since this is the case, how about we compete with Zhao Yufan in an open and aboveboard manner? We can challenge him, and let him compete here!"

"Will he come?" someone asked in a low voice.

"Of course he will come!" Qiu Shanjun pursed his lips and sneered: "It is said that Zhao Yufan is arrogant and courageous. If we challenge him, he will definitely come." After a pause, he continued: "Just in case, we can promise to give He has some conditions."

After careful deliberation by everyone, a declaration of challenge was finally negotiated, which quickly spread throughout the empire.

Five Martial Emperors, Dongshan King, Xigui King, Nanling King, Beisha King, and Zhongshen King, challenge Zhao Yufan. The time is set in three days. If Zhao Yufan dares to come after three days, they will have a fair contest. If Zhao Yufan can win If he surpasses five Martial Emperors, those who besiege him will give him one day to escape.

As soon as the news came out, the empire was shocked.

The strongest Martial Emperor challenged Zhao Yufan, which was obviously a bit of a bully. Zhao Yufan was only 17 years old, and Dongshan Wang and others were Martial Emperors who had lived for a hundred years. They were better than Zhao Yufan in every aspect. This kind of challenge itself was unfair.

In a tavern in Kyoto, several warriors were drinking and discussing.

"Do you think Zhao Yufan will accept the challenge?"

A martial artist took a sip of wine, wiped his mouth and said, "If it were you, would you agree to such an idiot's request?"

"You can't say that. If he can beat a few Martial Emperors, he will have one day to escape."

A certain warrior snorted disdainfully, and argued, "Can you believe their words? Are you saying that Zhao Yufan is facing the strongest Martial Emperor, even if he can defeat one person? But can he defeat five people?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent.

In the bright weather, Zhao Yufan wandered among the jungles, perhaps because of the challenge, there were no pursuers nearby.He is also thinking about whether to agree to this challenge. Whether he agrees or not, the situation at this time is very dangerous.

"Martial Emperor!" Zhao Yufan muttered to himself, a little hesitant in his heart. He could defeat most Martial Emperors with his martial arts cultivation base, but facing the top Martial Emperor powerhouses, he had to use Alchemy Wuxiang to fight against them. As for winning or losing, he would Also not sure.

A sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he looked up at the clear sky, and already had an answer in his heart.

 ps: anyone?Ask for a ticket or something, oo
(End of this chapter)

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