Chapter 342

The sound of the sword's cry suddenly sounded, and then a blue light appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

In the blue light, Zhao Yufan charged forward fiercely like a sharp arrow with the power of thunder and lightning. Anything that dared to stand in front of him would be destroyed by him.

The saber energy of the North Kill King is extremely terrifying, rushing forward with a force of destruction.

In midair, a glaring white glow suddenly appeared, and the whole world seemed to dim, and then returned to its original state.

At the end of the battle, the North Killer King lowered his head and stared at his chest, slowly moved his gaze to Zhao Yufan, and roared, "Death!"

The sound was like thunder from the Nine Heavens, and it exploded in everyone's ears. With the roaring sound, he took a step forward, and then fell with his head up.

A chill filled everyone's body. They stared at the dead Bei Sha Wang, their eyes slowly moved to Zhao Yufan's sword, and then to his face.

He actually has a martial skill even more powerful than the Nine Heavens Sword.

Everyone looked at him in horror, unbelievable.

King Dongshan stared, walked quickly to King Beisha, leaned over to watch, and after confirming that his brother was dead, he got up suddenly and rushed towards Zhao Yufan.

Wang Baichuan and Qiu Shanjun looked unnatural when they saw King Dongshan make a move. Among the several Martial Emperors, King Dongshan was the strongest. Originally they planned to let King Dongshan make the last move, but now King Dongshan made the move in a fit of anger, and the result would be disastrous. It's hard to predict, if King Dongshan is defeated, will the other two Emperor Wu still be his opponents?

The two looked at each other, Wang Baichuan looked at Qiu Shanjun, and said coldly: "Just in case, let them go together."

The corners of Qiu Shanjun's three eyes rolled wildly, he looked at King Nanling and King Xigui, and said darkly, "Zhao Yufan is full of tricks, you should join in too."

"Impossible!" Xigui Wang stared at Qiu Shanjun coldly, and replied indifferently, "Dongshan King is enough to kill Zhao Yufan."

King Nanling also echoed, "Qiu Shanjun, don't you think highly of Zhao Yufan? With King Dongshan around, he will definitely die."

As soon as the words fell, the Dongshan King in the battle suddenly took a few steps back, stared at Zhao Yufan vigilantly, and said sharply, "You are really powerful!"

As soon as these words came out, King Nanling and King Xigui fell silent. Just now they said that King Dongshan could deal with Zhao Yufan easily, but at this time King Dongshan recognized Zhao Yufan's strength.The two looked at each other, still hesitating a little. They took action against Zhao Yufan together, obviously announcing that fighting alone is not Zhao Yufan's opponent. This is a shame, and it will ruin their reputation for many years.

Seeing the two hesitate, Wang Baichuan pursed his lips and said, "Several, we don't need to talk about benevolence and righteousness with him to kill this devil. As long as you kill him, you will benefit the world."

At this moment, Zhao Yufan unleashed the Heavenly Thunder Sword again, and under the blow of the sword, strong winds blew up around him, and arc currents surged.

In the blink of an eye, his sword stabbed Dongshan King.

Dongshan King's reaction was extremely fast, and he was not hurt by the Tianlei sword, but his clothes were pierced by a sword.

Seeing this, King Nanling and King Xigui couldn't bear it anymore. At this time, Qiu Shanjun said: "Several, Zhao Yufan didn't use Pill God Wuxiang. Emperor, is Dongshan King still an opponent?"

Thinking that Zhao Yufan hadn't used his alchemy to improve his strength, King Nanling and King Xigui finally couldn't bear it anymore. Their colleagues looked at the injured King Zhongshen, as if asking him what he meant. King Zhongshen frowned slightly, his expression changed. Leng, said in a low voice: "It doesn't matter how many, let's kill him first, let's go together!"

After the three of them discussed, they threw themselves at Zhao Yufan.

King Zhongshen crossed over King Dongshan and hacked at Zhao Yufan from above, while King Nanling attacked from the right. King Xigui circled behind Zhao Yufan at an instant speed, and fiercely stabbed the dagger in front of him.

With enemies on all sides, Zhao Yufan had nowhere to go.

The rest of the people almost exclaimed when they saw all four of them attacking.

He obviously meant to challenge Zhao Yufan, but why did he attack him all of a sudden?

In a moment, people boiled up.

"Damn, it's really shameless for four people to beat one."

"It's over, this time Zhao Yufan is doomed, it will be difficult for him to deal with one person, let alone four people."

Wang Baichuan and Qiu Shanjun had inexplicable smiles on their faces. With Dongshan Wang four as the siege, even if Zhao Yufan had three heads and six arms, he could not escape death.

"Hey, your brother is going to die." Liu Man looked at Zhou Hai and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhou Hai looked embarrassed, but his brows were also a little excited, he pursed his lips, showing a sad expression, "He is nice."

Liu Man glanced at Zhou Hai with a look of disdain.

At this time, the attack of the four Dongshan Kings had already arrived in front of Zhao Yufan. Zhao Yufan had a hard time facing Dongshan King, and with the sudden attack of the three of them, he was even more caught off guard.

A good tiger can't stand a pack of wolves, and a good man can't stand a pack of people. What's more, what Zhao Yufan is facing is not a pack of wolves, but a pack of tigers.

Dodge the front attack, sideways dodge the right attack, but he has no time to dodge the back attack.

The dagger of Xigui King stabbed fiercely at his left waist. Fortunately, he reacted in time and did not let the dagger penetrate too deeply. He also sent his own lightning power to the dagger, which directly made Xigui King tremble all over. Brief paralysis.

Taking advantage of the short-term paralysis, he swiped his long sword, swept away the people in front, and at the same time took a large amount of elixir, and cast the elixir of God Wuxiang.

At the same time, he performed the Eagle Claw Kung Fu with his left hand and grabbed Xiangxi Ghost King's chest.

Xigui Wang only had time to let out a cry of surprise when he felt a sharp pain in his chest, the skin on his face was almost wrinkled, he fell to the ground grinning, and died instantly.

Staring at the instant death of the Xigui King, the entire scene was silent, and everyone looked at Zhao Yufan in amazement, the shocking feeling was hard to describe.

Zhao Yufan, who was a Martial Emperor, was simply too terrifying. He killed the West Ghost King with one move, so how many moves could the other three resist Zhao Yufan?
King Dongshan, King Zhongshen, and King Nanling all stepped back a few steps, looking at Zhao Yufan in amazement, an inexplicable fear rose in their hearts.

The smiles on the faces of Wang Baichuan and Qiu Shanjun have long since disappeared, replaced by solemnity and surprise. They really never thought that Zhao Yufan would be so powerful after casting Pill God Wuxiang, that he even beheaded the West Ghost King with one move. .

Zhou Hai grinned, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, Liu Man could see his expression completely.Liu Man pursed his lips, and almost jumped up in surprise. This Zhao Yufan is simply a freak. As long as he doesn't die, he will feel restless every day. He must find a way to get rid of this scourge.

Just when everyone was surprised, the sword in Zhao Yufan's hand was replaced by a sword at some point, and an arc-shaped electric current was running through the sword. Some confusion.

A sly smile emerged from the corner of his mouth, and he slowly raised the sword, ready to cast the "Nine Thunder Sword".

(End of this chapter)

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