Chapter 344 Love Believe It or Not
If he wants to leave, he must leave the antidote behind, but the antidote cannot be handed over to Liu Man, but needs to be handed over to someone he trusts. threatened.

"Everyone, who is willing to help me keep the antidote temporarily?" Zhao Yufan asked with a smile, and then said: "This is a very dangerous thing."

Han Bingyue and the others stood up immediately, and naturally wanted to help him without hesitation, and Hong Ling and Yurou also stood up afterward.Other people who were considered acquaintances of Zhao Yufan also wanted to come forward, but for various reasons they did not come forward.

At this time, many Martial Emperors who didn't know Zhao Yufan came out one after another, hoping to help Zhao Yufan. In their eyes, Zhao Yufan is definitely a great person. They are also people with justice in their hearts, so they decided to help him in this critical moment.

Seeing people he had never met stand up for him, Zhao Yufan was moved and nodded, clasped his fists in thanks and said, "Thank you all knights!"

The name of a chivalrous man is not just called casually, let alone the one called a chivalrous man by Zhao Yufan.

Although Zhao Yufan is not a big man, he is also a famous man in the empire. In his experience, he has never called others a chivalrous man. Even the suzerain of the Qinglan Sect and Liu Wuhen of the Black Robe Party have been insulted by him as a despicable little man. Humans, at this moment he called this group of Martial Emperors knights, which shows his respect for these people, and his words carry more weight than ordinary people.

When he said this, the hundreds of Martial Emperors who came forward to help him were a little embarrassed. Although they didn't come to besiege and kill Zhao Yufan, they also hoped that King Dongshan and others could defeat Zhao Yufan just now, and feel proud of their Martial Emperor.

"Brother Zhao, we don't dare to call ourselves knights, but we have a pair of eyes and a head, so we can still distinguish right from wrong."

A Martial Emperor walked out slowly, and said with a little embarrassment that this person's cultivation base was comparable to that of Dongshan King and the others. He was known as the White Feather Swordsman and was extremely righteous.

Zhao Yufan exchanged a few modest greetings, and then continued to wait. In fact, he wanted to wait for the Twelve Envoys of the Holy Fire and the Black Robe Party to show up. Since ancient times, good and evil have been irreconcilable, and it is the most appropriate way to give them the antidote.

The Twelve Envoys of the Sacred Flame seemed to know Zhao Yufan's intentions, and slowly walked out from behind the crowd.

At the same time, Wu Zeming jumped out of the crowd alone.

Seeing the people from the Mo Dao, Liu Man was startled, feeling a little bad, and immediately said: "The antidote elixir cannot be handed over to the Mo Dao, what if they want to frame me?"

Glancing at Liu Man, Zhao Yufan took a few steps back, and said sharply, "There are so many people watching, I don't think no matter if it's the evil way or the righteous way, they won't do something despicable." Liu Man said: "Today I will put the elixir in the open space between you. You can take it away after a day. If you violate the agreement, please help stop it for a while."

Everyone nodded, very satisfied with his method.

Liu Man frowned, and asked again: "Why should I believe that the pill you gave is real?"

"believe it or not!"

With Zhao Yufan's words, Liu Man was so angry that he almost lost his temper.

The bastard who smoked from the ancestral grave is really a despicable villain, Liu Man cursed in his heart, but there was no fear on his face, instead he sneered: "Okay, I trust you."

Zhao Yufan curled his lips and sneered, "I'm not a very good person."

As soon as the words came out, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched and they suppressed their smiles. Zhao Yufan was clearly threatening Liu Man.

Liu Manqi's eyes almost burst into flames, and he was too lazy to talk to him.

Zhou Hai walked up to Liu Man and muttered softly, and then secretly looked at Liu Man's expression.

Liu Man's face gradually became happy, and he was even a little proud, "Zhao Yufan, if I die, your friends will die too."

Hearing this, the scene suddenly became silent, and everyone looked at Zhou Hai contemptuously, as if he said what he said just now. In fact, he said this sentence, because he was the one who comforted Liu Man with this meaning just now, but he Unexpectedly, Liu Man would use this method to threaten Zhao Yufan, and even said this in public.

"Zhou Hai, are you getting more and more shameless?" Zhao Yufan said sarcastically, and then said coldly, "Don't think that if you follow Liu Man, you will be able to make a fortune. In fact, in the eyes of others, you are just a dog."

Zhou Hai blushed and bowed his head in silence. He clenched his fists to hide all the anger in his heart.

"Hey..." Zhao Yufan sighed softly, looked at Zhou Hai's expression of holding back his anger, and said with great disappointment: "It's really sad to be friends with you, you dare not even express the minimum anger , it seems that I thought highly of you before."

After speaking, he walked slowly into the crowd.

When Zhao Yufan was about to leave, the surrounding Emperor Wu immediately gave way to him, while Wang Baichuan and the others stared at his back unwillingly and remained silent for a long time.

Gradually, Zhao Yufan disappeared into the sea of ​​people, and people turned their eyes to the elixir on the ground. This white elixir is not conspicuous in the snow, and you might not notice it if you don't look carefully, but it's just this one. The elixir, however, has become the focus of everyone's attention.

Time passed bit by bit, and everyone knew very well that every second of time passed, Zhao Yufan would take one more step, and the distance from them would be even further away.

In the silent frozen imperial city, there were at least tens of thousands of people, but at this moment, there was no sound in the city, not even the sound of breathing.

Liu Man just stared at the elixir on the ground, afraid that the elixir would suddenly go underground and disappear.

Wang Baichuan and Qiu Shanjun were also staring at the pill, but their eyes would look into the distance from time to time, as if they were searching for Zhao Yufan.

As night fell, Wang Baichuan finally moved, and when he moved, the rest of the people also moved.

"Everyone, is there enough time?" Wang Baichuan asked in a deep voice.

Layman Baishan looked at the sky and said with a smile: "Isn't it time yet? The agreed day has just passed half a day."

Staring at layman Baishan for a while, Wang Baichuan sneered, "You and Zhao Yufan are both Emperor Wu, why do you obey his orders? Could it be that you can't beat him?"

Layman Baishan frowned and looked at Wang Baichuan, and suddenly smiled lightly: "There is a difference between Emperor Wu and Emperor Wu. Although you are Emperor Wu, I am not afraid of you!"

The two stared at each other without speaking.

The sky turned from dark to bright, and when a cloud of white mist rose in the air, Wang Baichuan said coldly, "Chasing and killing Zhao Yufan immediately!"

At the same time, Liu Man also pounced on the elixir on the ground, ignoring the stains on the elixir, he swallowed the elixir in one gulp, finally relieved, as long as he doesn't die, Zhao Yufan will die.

However, something unexpected happened.

(End of this chapter)

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