Chapter 366 Fame
Sensing Zhao Yufan's hesitation, everyone became more happy.

The bald boy even said pleadingly: "Brother, let's go together, the road to the capital is still a long way away, we can be considered as a companion together, don't you think?"

Lu Feng was very smart, and seemed to know why Zhao Yufan was hesitating, so he immediately said, "Brother, I apologize for what happened just now. If you are willing to walk with us, then we will walk together. If there is something on the way, let's discuss and decide together. You What do you think?"

Zhao Yufan nodded silently, looked at the young prince suddenly, and asked with a smile, "Aren't you going to say something?"

"I'm the little prince!" The little prince frowned. Zhao Yufan wanted him to apologize, but how could he apologize to a poor man?

"Little prince?" Zhao Yufan murmured disdainfully, and said lightly, "Even if the real prince is here, he also wants to apologize to me!"

"You?" The little prince's face turned pale, he looked around at the people around him, and found that they were all staring at him, and he suddenly lost his usual arrogance, "I'm sorry, I was wrong just now, but you crippled Wang Xiaosong, Does that count as even?"

"Well, it's even." Zhao Yufan smiled.

After reaching an agreement, everyone went together and continued to move forward to the interior of the Dragon Covenant Mountain Range.

In fact, the road leading to the capital of the Shuiyue Empire is not only the Dragon's Covenant Mountain Range, but they dared to choose to rush to the capital from the Dragon's Covenant Mountain Range, which is enough to show that they are a group of arrogant guys, because they rushed to the capital from here. , is very dangerous, and being able to walk this way proves that they have the confidence to deal with the large number of monsters here.

On the way, several people informed each other of their names.

The little prince is called 'Cai Hua', the bald boy is called 'Zhao Jianfei', the girl next to Mo Yu is called Mo Qing, and Qin Long's three companions are called you: Yang Gang, Fang Qilong, Ximen Zuoyan.

The origins of this group of people are not simple, everyone's family is second to none in the Shuiyue Empire, even the family backgrounds of Wang Xiaosong and Guo Taihe who left are also famous families.

Everyone introduced their names, and finally it was Zhao Yufan's turn.

They looked at Zhao Yufan expectantly, wanting to know which family he was from, and how powerful he was.

"Zhao Yufan."

Zhao Yufan read his name lightly, and walked forward casually.

Hearing his name, Mo Yu was the first to react, and sighed softly: "It really is you." After saying this, he continued to walk forward.

The others stood in place with shock on their faces. Zhao Yufan's name was not well-known in the Shuiyue Empire, but the high-level people of the Shuiyue Empire were very familiar with this name.

In the eyes of the people of the Shuiyue Empire, who is Zhao Yufan?He is the vicious god of the Zimang Empire, the devil known as the Lord of Chaos. Without him, the Zimang Empire would not be in chaos. Without him, the righteous sects would not fight among themselves. Without him, the evil way would not be able to attack the righteous way in a short time. .

He is a young genius who claims to fight against Emperor Wu, he is a genius fighter who can fight against Emperor Wu, he is a friend of Yi Bo Yuntian, he is a devil who can cause bloody storms in life, and he is a hero who can overthrow the royal family after death.

Zhao Yufan has been called Zimang's No. [-] bully by countless people.

When Qin Long and the others learned that the boy in front of them was Zhao Yufan, they were completely stunned.

The little prince was so frightened that he almost collapsed on the ground, with cold sweat on his forehead. Zhao Yufan is a guy who dares to insult the suzerain and abolish the son of the Shenjian sect. If he is angered, he will dare to do anything. The little prince, even the great prince, Zhao Yufan is not afraid.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he secretly looked at Lu Feng.Lu Feng's face was also gloomy, and there was more remorse between his brows, regretting that he had not established a good relationship with Zhao Yufan.

The four of Qin Long were even more startled, and it was an honor to know Zhao Yufan. Although their family backgrounds were not simple, in terms of their own cultivation, they needed to look up to Zhao Yufan, after all, he was a master of Wuwang.

If they knew that Zhao Yufan was Emperor Wu, they would probably be scared to death.

After a while, Qin Long and the others realized that Zhao Yufan and Mo Yu were about to disappear, and quickly followed them.

"Are you really Zhao Yufan?" Qin Long still didn't believe it.

Zhao Yufan glanced at him, and asked back, "Is it necessary to lie to you?"

It seemed that because of Zhao Yufan's existence, the topics of conversation became more lively.Zhao Yufan would interject from time to time, and more often he chose to listen, because what these guys were talking about was all about the Zimang Empire.

In order to restore the conflict with Zhao Yufan, the little prince specifically talked about some topics he was interested in, "Let me tell you, the Qinglan School is under attack from both sides." After saying this, he secretly looked at Zhao Yufan's expression and saw Zhao Yufan showed curiosity, and continued happily: "First of all, Zhao Yufan's friends are very dissatisfied with the Qinglan Sect, and the Excalibur Sect and several righteous sects are also enemies of the Qinglan Sect. The sect is already in crisis, but the demonic people seem to like to trouble the Qinglan sect very much."

Hearing about the Qinglan Sect, Zhao Yufan smiled even more intensely, and said a little jealously, "Hehe, retribution."

When several people heard the words, they all showed a hint of smile. Taking advantage of Zhao Yufan's happiness, the little prince said sincerely, "I'm really sorry about what happened just now. If I knew it was you, I definitely wouldn't have done that."

Hearing this, the others laughed more happily, especially Qin Long and the others, because they had never been afraid of this little prince.

In order to please Zhao Yufan, the little prince told the truth in his heart.Zhao Yufan also thought it was funny, but seeing his sincerity, he waved his hands and said with a smile: "Forget it, let the past go."

Hearing Zhao Yufan's words, the little prince finally smiled, and finally let go of the heavy heart.Suddenly, he tilted his head and thought for a moment, then asked, "Brother Zhao, what are you doing in the capital?"

This question was still lingering in everyone's minds, but no one dared to ask it. After all, this was Zhao Yufan's privacy. If he didn't want to say it but asked himself, it wouldn't be embarrassing.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Yufan didn't hide anything, so he briefly explained the matter, and then asked, "Who is Li Buyi's eldest brother?"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, a little helpless, what is this guy doing?It's really speechless that you don't even know the name of your enemy.

"Li Shengji!" Mo Yu introduced softly: "This person is the main figure of the younger generation of the empire's elite. He is a person who is not afraid of anything. Last year, he planned the 'Nine Pavilions Project' to invade other empires, but it was rejected. "

Several people were talking about Li Shengji, trying their best to tell Zhao Yufan about Li Shengji's strengths and weaknesses, so that he could prepare in advance.

Everyone chatted happily, even the little prince blushed, but only Lu Feng frowned and remained silent, as if he was thinking about something.

(End of this chapter)

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