Chapter 369 The Competition Between Two Countries
Time can no longer be delayed, they need to get here as soon as possible, and no one can guarantee that there are no other enemies around.

Zhao Yufan swung Qingyun's tail with one move, and both swords came out together.

The first sword was dodged by the white horse wolf hair, but the second sword directly pierced its ear.

"Aw..." came the low growl, the white-haired wolf cat didn't attack angrily, but froze in place for a moment, with some dazed and puzzled eyes.Then he looked around and glanced at his companion before continuing to attack.

Not long after, Qin Long and the others also chopped off the ear of another white-haired wolf cat.

The two monsters roared at the same time, rushed out of the crowd, and ran towards the jungle.

Looking at the two fleeing monsters, the little prince chased after them with his sword in hand, "Go, kill them." He walked forward a few steps while talking, but found that no one else was walking, so he couldn't help but stop. Suspiciously asked: "Let's go?"

"You go by yourself." Qin Long said with his lips curled up, his eyes looked at the bloody ears of the two monster beasts on the ground, above the ears were shining bright stars, which were emitted by the soul-destroyer nail.

Looking at the ground, everyone fell into deep thought. The background of this group of people is not simple, maybe someone wanted to kill someone among them, maybe someone happened to pass by, but the possibility of passing by by chance is very slim.

who is it?Who controlled the white-haired wolf cat of Emperor Wu?

Everyone couldn't figure it out, judging from the fact that he could control the monsters with slightly yellow cultivation, the lowest cultivation level of this person was also the Martial Emperor, maybe even the Martial Emperor.

After a long time, Zhao Yufan asked, "Does anyone in your country use this kind of weird attack technique?"

Mo Yu shook her head, looked sideways at her little daughter Mo Qing, and asked softly, "Sister, do you know?"

Mo Qing leaned over to look at the Soul-Seizing Nail, frowned and said, "It's not from the Shuiyue Empire."

Hearing the words, the little prince immediately regained his spirits, "Is that someone from the Zimang Empire?" He really hoped that what happened just now was caused by Zhao Yufan. Lu Feng died just now, and Lu Feng's family will not let it go. There needs to be someone to take care of it.

"No." Mo Qing said.

The little prince was very disappointed, frowned and asked: "This is not true, that is not true, who are you talking about?"

"The Falcon Empire!" Mo Qing said flatly: "This kind of soul-snatching must come from the royal family of the Falcon Empire."

Qin Long frowned, and asked full of doubts: "But why did people from their empire come here? Why did they kill us?"

After glancing at a few people, Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and said, "Forget it, let's get out of here quickly, so as not to be in any danger."

Everyone nodded and moved on.The little prince pursed his lips and complained: "I see, being with you is the most dangerous."

Turning around and staring at the young prince, Zhao Yufan smiled and said, "You can leave at any time."

"Uh..." The little prince looked at everyone, hoping that everyone would agree with him, but no one wanted to leave.

In fact, they knew very well that just now Zhao Yufan could escape alone, so he didn't have to risk his life to deal with the monsters, but because of them, Zhao Yufan stayed.

The few people walked very fast, several times faster than before. What happened just now left them with lingering fears. They felt that it was more subtle to leave the Longzhiyue Mountains as soon as possible. At that time, the risk factor will be greatly reduced.

Zhao Yufan also wanted to leave here as soon as possible, because there were many companions around, so he couldn't use the star-absorbing method to absorb energy, so the purpose of coming here was nullified. Since he couldn't get exercise here, he could only leave as soon as possible.

Although there is not much growth in cultivation, it is also good to meet a few friends with good family backgrounds, and sometimes they can give me a lot of help.

Along the way, everyone encountered monsters if they could hide, and if they couldn't hide, they killed them as quickly as possible.Soon, they arrived at the center of the Dragon's Covenant Mountain Range, where there were many monsters of the Martial Emperor's cultivation level.

"There should be a safe way?" Zhao Yufan asked.

Mo Yu frowned slightly, and asked in a little surprise, "How do you know?"

After sizing up a few people, Zhao Yufan avoided talking, "Go on."

Mo Yu bit her lip, stared at Zhao Yufan with her beautiful eyes, and asked seriously, "Please tell me, thank you."

Turning his head to look at the angry Mo Yu, Zhao Yufan said helplessly, "With your cultivation, how can you deal with the Martial Emperor's monster? Since you are rushing from here, there must be a safe way."

Look down on people?This guy clearly looked down on them.

Mo Yu and the others felt that Zhao Yufan looked down on them, but they had nothing to say, thinking that what Zhao Yufan said was very reasonable, and they were not stupid enough to use Wu Jun's cultivation base to deal with Wu Huang.

"I said you are not happy, but you are not happy, really..." Zhao Yufan teased and continued to move forward.The people behind couldn't laugh or cry, with a look of helplessness on their faces.

Mo Yu's face turned even redder, and he secretly called Zhao Yufan an asshole in his heart, but after thinking about it, he wasn't to blame for the matter. He didn't intend to say it at first, so he insisted on listening.

Following the safe road, Zhao Yufan and his party galloped quickly through the jungle.

While running wildly, everyone wanted to save face. They were the elites of the Shuiyue Empire, so they couldn't be too far behind Zhao Yufan. Since they couldn't compare to him, let's compare their speed.

Qin Long chuckled, and suggested: "Brother Zhao, how about the speed? You use Lord Wu's cultivation, let's see who is faster?"

"You can do it?" Zhao Yufan asked a little qualitatively. Although Qin Long's speed was fast, it was also average among Wujun.

Qin Long blushed, scratched his head and smiled, "I can't, they can." He looked at the others while speaking.

Looking at the expectant expressions on everyone's faces, Zhao Yufan couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay, it's boring to be idle anyway."

After everyone discussed, it was decided to start the competition first, and whoever arrived at the nearest city 'Bailaocheng' first would be the winner.

This is a very long distance. For ordinary Wu Jun, it would take three days to get there. A fast Wu Jun may arrive within two days.

Everyone left at their own pace, while Qin Long followed behind Zhao Yufan. Zhao Yufan galloped unhurriedly through the jungle, chatting with Qin Long without saying a word.

At this time, everyone had already run to the front, and there was a long distance between them and Zhao Yufan.

Qin Long frowned and looked at the relaxed Zhao Yufan, and asked wonderingly, "Is this your speed?"

"It can be faster."

Zhao Yufan smiled and said, "However, if I'm too fast, who will supervise me?"

"Uh..." Qin Long's face turned red and he was very embarrassed. He really came to supervise Zhao Yufan, because he was afraid that Zhao Yufan would raise his cultivation level to King Wu on the way.But hearing what Zhao Yufan said, it seemed that he was slowing down Zhao Yufan's speed, but Zhao Yufan was walking alone, who can guarantee that he will not cheat?
(End of this chapter)

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