Chapter 377 The Fairy Scatters Flowers
Seeing that her mother didn't come to catch her, she poked her head out again, and said proudly, "Even if it doesn't work this year, next year, or the year after that, it will work in one year." Seeing her mother in a daze, she felt pitiful again. Xi said: "Just once, the big brother saved us last time, so this time we should pay back the favor, can't we?"

Wu Xinyi stared at her daughter, a little helpless, this girl is getting more and more mischievous, she wants Zhao Yufan to play with her, it's fake, she wants to help Zhao Yufan, it's real.

On the way forward, they found many masters, and now there was news that ten Martial Emperors from the Zimang Empire were going to kill Zhao Yufan on the road to the capital.

Changzheng's face darkened, he looked at his wife and discussed softly: "Xinyi, let me see..."

Wu Xinyi's beautiful eyes stared, and Changzheng didn't dare to say what she said next.

A flash of embarrassment flashed across Zhao Yufan's face, and he followed suit to dissuade him: "Little girl, don't mess around, I have important things to do. If we meet again in the future, I will definitely play with you."

"No, just today."

Wu Xinyi frowned, and shouted angrily: "Nonsense! Hurry up, don't delay people's journey." While speaking, her figure flashed, and she came behind Changzheng, grabbed her daughter, and said sternly: " You're messing around, and I won't take you out in the future."

Wu Xinyi grabbed her daughter and left, followed closely by Changzheng. Before leaving, she warned: "Be careful."

Zhao Yufan nodded, looked at the family of three leaving, and continued to walk forward.

After walking for less than 10 minutes, a sweet and clear voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Brother, wait for me, I'm coming, you go slowly."

Stopping, Zhao Yufan frowned, thinking to himself, why did the little girl come back?Had her parents changed their minds?Turning around and looking behind him, his face darkened, and he frowned and asked, "Little girl, where are your parents?"

Ling'er stared at her big cute eyes, and said with a sly smile, "Hee hee, I got rid of you."

"You..." Zhao Yufan was at a loss for words, and he didn't know what to say for a while, and he didn't want the little girl to follow him, but since she came, he couldn't let her go back, who knows what dangers will be encountered on the road, but You can't take him to continue on your way. There are constant dangers ahead, and he absolutely can't take risks.

"Let's rest for a while." Zhao Yufan looked at the crowd and said helplessly.Then he walked up to the little girl, knocked her on the head hard, and said reproachfully: "Little girl, you can't run out alone in the future, do you understand?"

"Understood." The little girl grabbed Zhao Yufan's arm and said with a little grievance, "Big brother, there are bad guys ahead, you better not leave."

Looking at the little girl, Zhao Yufan was extremely moved, rubbed the little girl's head, and suddenly asked, "Little girl, what do you like?"

"Flowers, so many flowers." Ling'er tilted her head and said, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Flowers?" Zhao Yufan muttered, feeling very helpless. If the little girl likes swordsmanship, swordsmanship, martial arts, etc., it's easy to handle, but she likes flowers, where can I find them for her?Besides, flowers will wither eventually.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly thought of a way.

Clutching his stomach violently, he said to Qin Long and the others: "My stomach hurts a little, I'll go and make it easy, and take care of the little girl for me. Don't let anything happen to her." As he spoke, he had already fled into the jungle.

Entering the jungle, he looked around, and then the figure galloped away like lightning.

After walking for a few miles, he found a remote area, took out a large number of items from the storage ring, put them in front of him by category, squinted his eyes and meditated for a moment, and began to refine the weapon.

Refining equipment is more complicated than alchemy. There is an alchemy furnace for alchemy, and there is a furnace for refining equipment.But the refining process is more complicated than that of alchemy. The size, shape, and quality of each piece of metal need to be accurately grasped, and countless various items must be combined to form a new item.

Then, it is through various means that an item can be refined, which is commonly known as a refining item by warriors.

The refining items are mainly attacking. The item that Zhao Yufan is now refining is called 'Fairy Scattering Flowers'. The first function of the fairy scattering flowers is to attack, and the second is to watch.

Since the little girl likes flowers, he refines flowers for the little girl, so that she can see the brightest flowers in any environment.

Planting flowers is easy, growing flowers is difficult, and making flowers is even more difficult.

For five full hours, Zhao Yufan worked hard and finally refined 36 different flowers.The types of these flowers are different, but there are many similarities. Each flower has twelve petals, and the twelve petals have twelve different colors.

Holding a bunch of flowers, Zhao Yufan's face turned pale, and he walked back step by step. In order to refine 36 fairy flowers, he has exhausted the energy in his body and put himself in danger. Without strength, there is no self-protection Energy, if an enemy appears, he will be in trouble.

Qin Long and others were flustered, and Zhao Yufan didn't come back for a long time. They went out to search, but found nothing. They all thought he was in danger.

Ling'er squatted on the ground and sobbed, her aggrieved expression was pitiful, her parents had arrived long ago, and they also had a gloomy expression.He wanted to take his daughter and leave, but Linger insisted on waiting for Zhao Yufan to appear.

"It's been five hours." The little prince anxiously circled back and forth, wishing he could spread his wings and look for Zhao Yufan.At this time, he turned around and looked towards the jungle, and saw Zhao Yufan walking towards them unhurriedly, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "I'm back, I'm back."

Everyone collectively looked at Zhao Yufan, and felt a sigh of relief. Ling'er stood up, and Lihua ran to Zhao Yufan with tears in her eyes, and beat him up.While beating, he muttered: "Where did you go? I thought you were dead, woo woo..."

Rubbing Linger's little head, Zhao Yufan knelt down, wiped her tears, and comforted her softly: "Stop crying. Look, what is this?" In front of him, he said proudly, "I found it for you with great difficulty."

Everyone gathered around Zhao Yufan with gloomy and uncertain expressions. They observed Zhao Yufan's complexion and his tone was slightly weak.

The little prince grinned and cursed: "It took five hours to pick a flower? Are you sick?" He pushed Zhao Yufan as he spoke.

In the past, when Zhao Yufan was pushed, he would definitely not move at all, but now he has no strength in his body, and after being pushed by the little prince, he sat directly on the ground.

Everyone's expressions immediately became serious, and the little prince took a step back in fright, and asked in horror: "You, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I have a bad stomach." Zhao Yufan said perfunctorily, looked at Cheng Changzheng and his wife, and said apologetically, "Seniors, I have caused you trouble."

Others couldn't see Zhao Yufan's situation, but Changzheng and his wife could see it clearly. Zhao Yufan was only an intermediate martial artist now. What made them suspicious was, what exactly did Zhao Yufan do?Did you use up all the energy in your body?

(End of this chapter)

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