Chapter 383 Battle of Masters
Hearing this, Zhou Jun's expression changed, and his excited expression just now turned cold. Before Lin came, he told everyone not to underestimate the enemy, but just now, he himself was a little underestimating the enemy. Now that I think about it, something is really wrong. Now Zhao Yufan It's just a slight injury, who knows what will change in the future?

Thinking of this, he was afraid that the people of Tiandaomen would also underestimate the enemy, so he couldn't help shouting: "Be careful, don't underestimate the enemy."

Hearing the words, Emperor Wu of the Heavenly Knife Sect paused slightly for the Seven Stars Sword in his hand, and then the sword technique he used was faster, stronger and more stable.

Beads of sweat appeared on Zhao Yufan's face. The Martial Emperor of Tiandaomen is really powerful. After Zhou Jun finished yelling just now, his sword skills seemed to be more fierce than before.

How to do it?

Zhao Yufan was typing while thinking, with an anxious look on his face.

"Hmph! Everyone says you, Zhao Yufan, are amazing, but that's all." The Heavenly Knife Gate Martial Emperor attacked wave after wave, not forgetting to ridicule Zhao Yufan, hoping to disturb Zhao Yufan's thinking.

The behavior of Wuhuang of Tiandaomen has been praised by Zhou Jun and others. He is worthy of being a master of Wuhuang. passive situation.

"Yes, disturbing Zhao Yufan's thoughts will make Zhao Yufan more passive." Zhou Jun praised and looked at Wang Songyun.

Wang Songyun also nodded, and then said: "Yes, as long as Zhao Yufan's emotions are affected, then Zhao Yufan's attacking moves will inevitably reveal more flaws, and then... is his death!"

At this time, Linger's crisp voice suddenly sounded, her voice was very small, but it was enough for everyone to hear.

"Father, it seems that big brother can't beat him?"

When these words came out, everyone showed weird expressions. A little girl could tell that Zhao Yufan was going to be defeated. It seemed that Zhao Yufan was really dying?
Everyone thought to themselves, although Zhao Yufan is the strongest young man in the Zimang Empire, and even claims to be the strongest among the Martial Emperors, he is still a young man after all, and it is only natural for him to lose against the experienced Martial Emperor. What's more, he had already defeated a Martial Emperor just now, so after continuous fighting, the energy in his body must be consumed, so if he loses, everyone will take it for granted.

Changzheng looked at his daughter bitterly, pulled him behind him, looked at the woman, and asked, "Do you want to make a move?"

Wu Xinyi glanced at Zhou Jun and Wang Songyun lightly, shook her head and replied, "Wait, even if we make a move, the two Martial Emperors will interfere. Now I can only hope that Zhao Yufan can turn defeat into victory."

Changzheng hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't help asking: "Can he do it?"

Wu Xinyi stared at her husband and gave him a blank look: "Don't forget who he is? know Zhao Yufan better, right? Why are you asking me?"

"Uh..." Changzheng was speechless.

Suddenly, Ling'er's small head poked out from his right side, "Big brother won't lose."

"Why?" Wu Xinyi looked at her daughter and asked softly.

Ling'er shook the flowers in her hand, as if expressing something.Seeing the flowers in their daughter's hands, Changzheng and his wife were silent. Being reminded by their daughter, they felt that Zhao Yufan might not be defeated. Who is Zhao Yufan?That guy is a refiner, a refiner who can refine the instant kill Martial Emperor, since he can refine the instant kill Martial Emperor, how can he be afraid of the Martial Emperor?

A glimmer of hope spread in the hearts of the couple, and they didn't even realize that there was a faint smile on their faces.

Qian Zhuang kept a relaxed look on his face, as if he was not worried that Zhao Yufan would lose.He didn't know Zhao Yufan very well, but since his young master had a high opinion of Zhao Yufan, he believed that Zhao Yufan would never lose easily.

Qin Long and the others looked worried, wishing that their cultivation would suddenly rise to Martial Emperor and directly help Zhao Yufan in a fight.

At this moment, the Emperor Wu of Tiandaomen stood up from the ground and slashed fiercely from the air.

The power of this knife was quite terrifying. Before the knife reached Zhao Yufan, the terrifying pressure caused a series of explosions on the surrounding ground.

At the same time, Zhao Yufan's feet suddenly sank into the mud.

Everyone watched the two fighting intently, knowing that the Martial Emperor of Tiandaomen had already started to use his ultimate move, and in a few seconds, the battle between the two might end.

Facing the terrifying knife, everyone thought that Zhao Yufan would retreat, because if he confronted head-on, Zhao Yufan would suffer a lot.

However, Zhao Yufan didn't retreat, and unexpectedly raised his knife to resist.

The two precious knives collided, and the blades made a crisp metal collision sound, and at the same time, a group of sparks burst out from the two precious knives.

With a sound of wow, Zhao Yufan spat out a mouthful of blood, which sprayed on the knife body, and the rest of the blood hit the Emperor Wu of the Heavenly Knife Gate.

The Martial Emperor of the Heavenly Knife Gate habitually drew back his knife to avoid the spray of blood, and at the same time prepared to give Zhao Yufan a fatal blow.

At this time, Zhao Yufan's legs were submerged in the soil below the knees.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts twitched suddenly, their eyes widened suddenly, and they stared fixedly at the last knife of the Heavenly Knife Gate Martial Emperor. With this knife, Zhao Yufan couldn't die.

Crazy smiles appeared on the faces of Zhou Jun and the others. Once Zhao Yufan died, even if they had completed the task, they would enjoy a life of prosperity and wealth in the future.

The relaxed look on Qian Zhuang's face finally disappeared, replaced by a dignified expression. Zhao Yufan is really dangerous. He originally had great confidence in Zhao Yufan, but he had to be shaken.

Changzheng and his wife frowned, and they were ready for rescue. The couple made eye contact for a moment, and then they had a countermeasure. If Zhao Yufan was in mortal danger, then Changzheng was in charge of dealing with Zhou Jun and Wang Songyun, and Wu Xinyi would go as fast as possible. Kill the Emperor Wu.

Qin Long and the others also waited strictly, as long as the Changzheng couple made a move, they would desperately stop the other Martial Emperors.

Ling'er firmly grasped the flowers in her hand. At this time, she already knew how to use the fairy scattered flowers, and the remaining 35 flowers were aimed viciously at the opposite Emperor Wu. When the branches are crushed, countless petals will fly to the group of joyful Martial Emperors.

Although Zhou Jun and the others were excited, they were all stern, and they had long been wary of the Changzheng couple and the others.

During the second that everyone was contemplating, Zhao Yufan suddenly moved.

He didn't pull out his legs that were stuck in the mud, but directly used the dragging technique, and threw himself at the Martial Emperor of Tiandaomen. He knew that he must not let this Martial Emperor's ultimate move be used, because his killing If you use this move, you will be in danger. Although you will not die, you will definitely lose.

He can't lose!

(End of this chapter)

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