Chapter 392
Zhao Yufan and his group hurried to Qianfeng Tower silently. Because they were a little unhappy just now, everyone's expressions on the way were not very good.

The bald boy Li Jianfei ran up to Zhao Yufan and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't be angry, we are a team anyway, we must be united."

Zhao Yufan chuckled, then shook his head and smiled wryly. He was not angry because the young prince was not convinced, but was so sad because of his uprightness. With his character, he was bound to cause disaster sooner or later.When he provokes someone he shouldn't, it will be his death.It was Liezi in Longzhiyue Mountains. If Wang Xiaosong was not present at that time, the person who was abolished might be the little prince.

"You don't understand." Zhao Yufan said lightly: "As a friend, I will help him as much as possible, but his character will not only bring trouble to himself, but also to family and friends. By the time it's too late."

Suddenly, he thought of Zhou Hai. Zhou Hai was worse than the little prince. The little prince was happy and angry, but Zhou Hai couldn't tell what he was thinking. Hai's rebellion, if Zhou Hai's heart could be seen at that time, many things might not have happened.

Qin Long and the others dissuaded the young prince, implying that the young prince's actions were wrong, but the young prince has been like this since he was a child, and it is really hard to change.This is the same as eating, people eat every day, if you make him stop eating suddenly, he can't stand it, this is the case with the little prince, if you tell him not to bully others, he will still feel uncomfortable.

"There was no mother since he was a child, and his father and the emperor spoiled him, so that's all he has done." Li Jianfei said this with embarrassment and sympathy.

After talking, everyone rushed to Qianfeng Tower.

The places where the emperor appeared were all guarded by heavy soldiers. At this time, the whole street was even more silent, except for the soldiers at five steps and one post, there was no one.

Qianfeng Tower is also the property of Qianlong Chamber of Commerce. This is the most luxurious restaurant in the capital. Those who can come to this restaurant must have the unique gold card of Qianfeng Tower. Those who do not have a gold card, even the emperor, cannot enter.

The structure of the restaurant is also unique, because it is a mountain peak, there are pine trees, willows, cypresses, etc. on the peak, and there are countless exotic flowers and plants. There are many small windows around the peak. The window looks out to the street.

This mountain restaurant is about [-] meters high, and there are four masters of Wuhuang masters at the door.

Zhao Yufan and his group entered the restaurant without encountering any obstacles. The inside of the restaurant was brightly lit like other restaurants, without the dark and damp feeling of a cave at all.

At this time, the restaurant was full of people, and these people were officials from the Shuiyue Empire, while the other guests had all left.

After meeting the emperor, everyone sat down one after another. The emperor Cai Dingtian praised Zhao Yufan for a few words, and then stopped talking. He came here just to express his sincerity, and naturally he would not talk to Zhao Yufan in his capacity.

At this time, Li Shengji stood up suddenly, stared at Zhao Yufan and said with a smile: "Hehe, I heard that your sword and saber skills are very good. The emperor is here today. Don't you want to show some moves?"

Zhao Yufan said nothing, picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks, put it in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and then raised his eyes and said, "The emperor is here, how dare I make a fool of myself."

Li Shengji sneered, and said sarcastically, "Really? I don't think you have any skills, do you?"

At this time, Cai Dingtian waved his hand, stared at Zhao Yufan, and said, "I have heard that you have extraordinary martial arts skills. Since General Li wants to see it, you can do a few tricks."

"Yes!" Zhao Yufan got up, walked to the martial arts stage that had been prepared long ago, saluted everyone slightly, and said softly, "You're making a fool of yourself." As he spoke, he held an extra iron sword in his hand.Gently groping for the lines on the sword, he suddenly looked at Li Shengji, and said cunningly, "General Li, how about helping me?"

Li Shengji looked gloomy, got up and asked, "How can I help?"

Zhao Yufan flicked his wrist, looked directly at Li Shengji, and said in a commanding tone: "Go get a bucket of water, and then pour it from top to bottom. I will stab the bottom water drop with a sword."

"It's a bit simple, isn't it?" Li Shengji sneered, looked around the crowd, and asked, "What do you think?"

"General Li is right!" A minister agreed.

There are also ministers who strongly support: "General Li is right, it is indeed too simple."

He said so, but everyone present knew that what Zhao Yufan said was not easy when he just came out, but everyone really hoped that the difficulty could be increased.

The identities of Qin Long and the others are good enough to be able to sit here, and with their father by their side, there is no chance to defend Zhao Yufan, even if they can speak, they are still soft-spoken.

But the father of Qin Long and others spoke up to defend Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan watched the two sides quarreling, and laughed abruptly: "Hehe...Thank you ministers, since General Li has a more insidious method, let him speak out."

Insidious way?
Hearing his words, many people laughed. In the entire empire, only Zhao Yufan dared to humiliate General Li in front of the officials and the emperor.

Li Shengji's face turned red with anger, and he clenched his fists tightly. He really wanted to punch Zhao Yufan to death. If there was no emperor here, he would never be so tolerant, "Since you agree, then follow my way."

"What way?" Zhao Yufan asked.

"You said just now that you used your sword to pierce the lowest drop of water. I feel... With your strength, you should be able to pierce the first three lowest drops of water. What do you think?"

Hearing Li Shengji's words, everyone felt that his request was a little too much. It is difficult to pierce one drop of water at the lowest point, and it is even more difficult for Zhao Yufan to pierce three drops of water.

The Great Emperor Cai Dingtian looked at Zhao Yufan, pondered, and said, "Isn't it right?"

He was asking Zhao Yufan what he meant. If Zhao Yufan agreed, then follow Li Shengji's instructions. If Zhao Yufan didn't agree, then follow what Zhao Yufan just proposed.

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Yufan said unexpectedly, "Yes!"

Hearing this, everyone focused on Zhao Yufan, and Li Shengji frowned slightly, feeling a little panicked. Since Zhao Yufan dared to agree, he must be somewhat sure. If he really did, then he would lose face.

Never let him succeed!
Li Shengji was thinking in his heart, constantly thinking about how to increase the difficulty for Zhao Yufan. At this time, a soldier had already arrived with a bucket of cold water.

After receiving the barrel, Li Shengji looked stern, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you ready?"

"Anytime!" Zhao Yufan said with a smile.

Li Shengji nodded, but he didn't pour out the water in the bucket directly, but asked again suddenly: "I heard that you have a good relationship with City Lord Xia who returned to Haifeng City?"

(End of this chapter)

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