Chapter 397 Time is running out
What Zhao Yufan said was very simple, but Emperor Wu of Jiuyang knew that this seemingly simple matter required not only the knowledge in books, but also a lot of experience, as well as visual and auditory judgments, coupled with calm analysis and careful thinking. arrangement, so that such a conclusion can be drawn.

For example, the direction in which the five-pointed snakes are escaping. If the five-pointed snakes change their way, then Zhao Yufan's plan will fail, so he must find the place where the group of snakes live in advance, so that the five-pointed snakes can run to his own place without any suspicion. Think safe place.

There is also the appearance of the eight-clawed falcon, which was also carefully arranged by Zhao Yufan. Why did he hurt other monsters while chasing the five-pointed snake?That's because his sword was stained with the blood of the five-pointed snake, and he stuck the blood to other monsters, so that other monsters could attract the octopus falcon.

Emperor Jiuyang Wu was completely impressed by Zhao Yufan's resourcefulness.At this moment, he realized how unwise it is to offend Zhao Yufan. To offend this kind of person, maybe a word of this kind of person can make people die quietly, maybe a single action can make people die, not to mention that he is still A mighty Martial Emperor...

At this time, the five-pointed snake can still tremble against the octopus. After all, there are many other snakes around to help him, but death should only be a matter of time for it.

Zhao Yufan frowned and thought, and soon he made a decision, the sword in his hand was slightly clenched, and suddenly, he killed it.

As Wudi Jiuyang thought, Zhao Yufan really went to kill the Octopus Falcon.

The octopus falcon is entangled by the five-pointed snake and other snakes. Although each of its claws can cut off a small snake, there are too many small snakes in front of it, and it can't kill them all for a while. Just when it feels victory When it was about to belong to him, a cold light suddenly flew out of the jungle.

The Octopus Falcon sensed the danger, raised its claws and pointed them forward.

With a click, Zhao Yufan's sword broke.Seeing this opportunity, the five-pointed snake turned around abruptly, and bit the top of the octopus falcon fiercely.

The octopus falcon is not afraid of the venom of the five-pointed snake. Its sharp beak raised upwards and directly cut the five-pointed snake's belly.

At this time, Zhao Yufan held the broken sword in his hand and stabbed it into the body of the octopus falcon.

The Octopus Falcon didn't understand for a while, how could the human being in front of him kill him so easily?

Although Zhao Yufan used the Broken Sword, the Broken Sword is also very sharp, not to mention that Zhao Yufan's strength is stronger than that of ordinary Martial Emperors, and he hit the place where the little snake bit just now. Although the Broken Sword couldn't kill him, But those small snakes are also very poisonous. It can resist the poison of the five-pointed snake, but it cannot resist the poison of some snakes.

Zhao Yufan himself was also slightly taken aback, a little surprised, he didn't expect the octopus to die like this.

After beheading a few small snakes, Zhao Yufan retreated to a position near the small snakes, watching the five-pointed snake vigilantly. Although the five-pointed snake was about to die, if he bit back, it would be over.

The five-pointed snake is extremely cunning. When it saw Zhao Yufan, a human being, it turned around and fled immediately. Before leaving, it didn't forget to let the other little snakes attack Zhao Yufan.

Unfortunately, the little snake was no threat to Zhao Yufan at all. After thinking for a moment, he threw the broken sword at the five-pointed snake. Before the five-pointed snake could leave, it was firmly nailed to the ground.

Putting away the five-pointed snake, Zhao Yufan smiled slyly, filled the bottle with the blood of the five-pointed snake, then turned his head and said, "Senior, I'll give you a bottle."

Emperor Jiuyang Wu was slightly startled, and quickly waved his hands. He was here to supervise Zhao Yufan. If this is a gift from his subordinates, it would be bad to be misunderstood, "Thank you, but I can't take it."

Zhao Yufan also knew what Jiuyang Wudi was thinking about, so he didn't say much, but continued to move forward.

Emperor Wu of Jiuyang was very curious about Zhao Yufan's actions now, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Why did you choose to go in this direction?"

Seeing that there was still a little bit of blood on the ground, Zhao Yufan asked in a deep voice: "Senior, do you think that Martial Emperor-level monsters have certain wisdom?"

The Martial Emperor's monsters do have a certain amount of wisdom, and some monsters are even smarter than humans, such as this five-pointed snake.

Hearing Zhao Yufan's question, Emperor Jiuyang Wu nodded silently, a little confused. So, does the path he walks have anything to do with the wisdom of the monster?Just when he was suspicious, Zhao Yufan said: "The five-pointed snake is very cunning. Just now I saw that the direction he was going to escape is the direction we are going now. With his serious injury now, he will definitely find a way to get rid of me, and get rid of me." The way to get rid of me must be blocked by monsters, so there must be monsters in the place where he passes, and it must be a monster of the Emperor Wu, otherwise ordinary monsters can't stop me at all."

After listening to what Zhao Yufan said, Emperor Wuyang of Jiuyang looked a little horrified. He felt that Zhao Yufan was a little bit crazy. Even if he was smart, he was not as smart as a human being. Was he too nervous and thought too much? ?

"Not as smart as you said?" Jiuyang Wudi asked.

Zhao Yufan scratched his head, and said awkwardly, "That's right." He said so, but he continued to move forward, regardless of whether the guess just now was right or wrong, but at least it was a direction.

The two walked forward less than a hundred meters, and suddenly stopped, because a monster the size of a room was squatting in front of them. If you didn't look carefully at this monster, you would mistake it for a mountain bag. There are shrubs and exotic flowers and plants growing on the soil. The most shocking thing is that there is a pine tree at the top of him.

What kind of monster is this?

Zhao Yufan has read countless books, but he has never seen such a weird monster. If he didn't have a pair of lantern-sized black eyes, he would have stepped on the monster like a mountain bag.

Jiuyang Martial Emperor's face was gloomy, and he said in a cold voice: "This is the Martial Emperor's monster known as the God of the Earth. Among the Martial Emperor's monsters, its strength can be ranked in the top ten!"

Sensing the vigilance of the Nine Sun God Emperor, Zhao Yufan also became vigilant, "Senior, how does he compare with humans?"

"Human?" Emperor Jiuyang pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "Niu Yongshan of the Qinglan Sect, you should know that Niu Yongshan is just a child in front of him."

"Uh..." Zhao Yufan clicked his tongue, took a few steps back, and asked, "Could it be that he is the highest realm among the four realms of the Martial Emperor?"

"En!" Nine Sun Martial Emperor stopped talking after counting.

Zhao Yufan blinked his eyes, seeing that the monster didn't respond, he couldn't help but took out a sharp fifth-grade sword.

The moment his sword came out, the god of the earth suddenly opened his half-closed eyes, and stared at Zhao Yufan contemptuously, as if he was very disdainful and didn't even have the desire to do anything.

Slowly turning his head to look at Jiuyang Wudi, Zhao Yufan turned and ran.

Emperor Jiuyang Wu was stunned for a moment, smiled wryly, and left. He thought Zhao Yufan would attack the God of Earth, but he ran away, and he ran extremely fast.

It was said that Zhao Yufan was daring and extremely arrogant, but judging from today's events, Emperor Jiuyang Wu believed that Zhao Yufan was brave and resourceful, and he would never act if he was not sure.

After the two ran for hundreds of meters, they finally stopped. Emperor Jiuyang Wu looked at the sun and said quietly, "You don't have much time."

Zhao Yufan also looked at the sky, feeling that time was really running out, and with a sly smile, he continued to run wildly.

After running for three miles, Zhao Yufan finally stopped. There were lush old trees and many traces of monsters, but there were no monsters around.

Emperor Jiuyang Wu knew that Zhao Yufan was extremely intelligent, and there must be a purpose for doing so, so he didn't ask any more, but watched his next move silently.

Zhao Yufan's next move is very simple, that is to cast the ten heavy curse to kill.

(End of this chapter)

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