Chapter 400 Oops, Miscalculation

Pang She also covered his mouth and laughed, pointing exaggeratedly at Zhao Yufan, and mockingly said, "Haha... a guy who can't control himself can't brag. You won't say that because there are too many monsters, you didn't take their corpses away." Right? Haha..."

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yufan's voice rang out: "You really hit the spot."

The scene suddenly quieted down. Some people thought that Zhao Yufan had really hunted down more than twenty monsters, but when they heard that he actually responded to Pang She's words, they couldn't help being overshadowed. Who would believe that it was because there were too many monsters? , so the body of the monster was not taken away?
No one would believe it, almost everyone thought he said that for the sake of face.

At this time, Emperor Jiuyang Wudi's expression was the same as before, but when everyone looked at him, his expression was even more ugly, and even a little reddish, which made countless people confirm one thing, that is, Zhao Yufan really lying.

Why did Emperor Jiuyang turn red? It was because he didn't expose Zhao Yufan's lies that he blushed with guilt.

After discovering this, many people looked at Zhao Yufan with contempt and disdain. They thought he was a master among the younger generation, but they didn't expect that he was just a villain.Some people also looked at Zhao Yufan with pity and sympathy. After all, Li Sheng basically had the upper hand. It is understandable for him to lose, and it is understandable for him to lie in order to preserve his reputation.

The calm Zhao Yufan looked at Martial Emperor Jiuyang with mocking eyes, and he didn't know whether he was mocking everyone or Emperor Jiuyang.

"Thank you." Facing Emperor Jiuyang Wu, he said such a sentence. To everyone's ears, he seemed to be thanking Jiuyang Wudi for not exposing his lie, but this shameless one was too open and above board.

Li Shengji waited a little impatiently, and asked in a deep voice: "Zhao Yufan, don't change the subject, how many monsters have you hunted?"

Everyone looked at Zhao Yufan in unison, expecting his answer. Pang She and the others even smiled, eagerly hoping that he would say that shameful number.

Zhao Yufan's face was very calm, which made people feel a little flustered. Under the tense eyes of everyone, he slowly raised three fingers.Seeing his three fingers, Pang She and the others couldn't help laughing. Without Zhao Yufan saying it, they already understood that Zhao Yufan only hunted and killed three fingers.

When everyone was laughing, Zhao Yufan suddenly spoke.


His words were like a hurricane, instantly blowing everyone's laughter away, and everyone's expressions became weird, especially Li Shengji and Pang She's eyes widened, and they didn't believe his words at all.

Pang She poked his neck, stared at his eyes, and asked in surprise, "What did you say?"


Zhao Yufan repeated it lightly, his eyes full of sarcasm and complacency.


Everyone exhaled slowly, their tense mood was like a spring, rising and falling from time to time.Only now did they understand that Zhao Yufan raised up three fingers, not representing three, but representing thirty, this possible?
Many people didn't believe Zhao Yufan's words, and Pang She wouldn't believe it either. He gritted his teeth and glared at Zhao Yufan. He said sharply, "Where are the monsters? You obviously only have three monsters here. Since you said you killed thirty of them, then what?" Please take out the rest of the monsters as well."

Everyone stared at Zhao Yufan closely, and looked at the storage ring on his hand intently, guessing endlessly in their hearts.

Even the calm Cai Dingtian looked at Zhao Yufan attentively, and he couldn't help feeling a little puzzled. Could it be that Zhao Yufan could really hunt and kill thirty monsters?But this possibility is very small, unless Jiuyang Wudi will help him when hunting, but if Jiuyang Wudi helps him, he should be able to hunt and kill more monsters with the strength of two people.

Looking at Emperor Jiuyang, Cai Dingtian shook his head slightly. He knew the character of Emperor Jiuyang very well. It was absolutely impossible for him to help Zhao Yufan cheat. So how could it be possible for Zhao Yufan to hunt and kill so many monsters alone?Did he really lie for the sake of face?

Qin Long and the others showed excitement on their faces. After hearing Zhao Yufan's words, they chose to believe him without hesitation.But among the people present, there are very few people who can think the same as them, and they are even unique, because in history, no one can hunt and kill 10 monsters in 1 minutes, but that can be done in [-] minute. The speed of killing a monster, this speed would never appear on Wuhuang.

"Take it out!"

The great emperor Cai Dingtian didn't want to wait any longer, so he spoke directly.

Zhao Yufan smiled slightly, first took out ten corpses of the Martial Emperor's monsters from the storage ring, and then laughed and took out ten more.

A total of twenty monsters piled up into two hills. The undrained blood of the monsters spread on the ground, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded, Li Shengji and Pang She were even more dumbfounded.

A total of 23 monsters are like 23 boulders, overwhelming everyone.

Zhao Yufan won without pressure, even with ease. At this moment, everyone suddenly felt the gap between Zhao Yufan and Li Shengji. That gap was like the 23 monsters in front of them, which could not be bridged.

Pang She's throat rolled, swallowed a mouthful of spit, and rubbed his eyes carefully to observe the monsters on the ground. He was sure that these monsters were not hunted by Zhao Yufan, but that Emperor Jiuyang Wudi was definitely playing tricks in the dark. Colluding with outsiders is simply shameless.After thinking for a moment, he stared at Zhao Yufan coldly, and asked solemnly, "Aren't there thirty monsters?"

"Yes." Zhao Yufan smiled leisurely, and instead of taking out the remaining monsters, he looked at Li Shengji and asked, "Do you still need to watch? I should have won, right?"

Li Shengji raised his eyebrows, his big face was gloomy like a block of iron, "Look, I want to know how many you can hunt!"

Under the tense eyes of everyone, Zhao Yufan took out another ten monsters from the storage ring. When the monsters like a hill gathered together, he suddenly patted his forehead and said slightly apologetically, "Oh, I'm really sorry, I made a wrong calculation, I should have hunted and killed 33 monsters."

"Hey... Even if you count twenty less, you still win." The little prince proudly ran to the dead monster beast, and said while looking at the corpse of the monster beast.

Hearing the young prince's words, Li Shengji and Pang She's expressions were gloomy.Pang She pondered for a moment, then suddenly looked at Zhao Yufan with a smile, and asked, "I don't know how you hunted and killed so many monsters? It seems impossible on your own, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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