Chapter 407
At this time, he was only two steps away from the young prince, and the young prince could see the overwhelming hatred on Jian Yu's face, as well as the vengeance in his eyes.

Zhao Yufan was an ordinary person after all, and his saber still slashed at the arrow rain without hesitation, this time he used the Nine Thunder Saber.

The Nine Lightning Knife was struck out, and a terrifying aura spread, filling the entire courtyard.

"Let's go!" Zhao Yufan roared angrily, advancing instead of retreating, and directly charged towards Arrow Rain.

Just when Qin Long and the others supported each other and were about to leave, the battle between Zhao Yufan and Jian Yu was over.

Wudi and Wuhuang are no longer as simple as the difference in cultivation base, but a difference in realm.

However, the dominance of the Nine Thunder Knife also forced Jian Yu to use his weapon. With one arrow shot, all Zhao Yufan's attacks collapsed, and he was as lonely and helpless as a wounded night cat.

Moving forward again, Jian Yu had already walked in front of the young prince, looking at the young prince seriously, his eyes slowly looked at Yang Gang, and asked indifferently: "You also have a share?"

"Yes!" Yang Gang stared at Liuyuan, suppressed his fear, and replied sharply, since he is dead, he must die with a bit of backbone.

Jian Yu showed a horrifying smile. He squeezed the two arrows in his hands, and said slightly, "Mmm... I can't let you die too easily. Let me give you a five-poisoned arrow."

The five poisonous arrows are extremely poisonous arrows. Those who are hit by the arrows can live for 49 days, but within 49 days, they must experience countless pains and tortures, and finally their skin festers and dies.

The little prince and Yang Gang seem to be very calm now, the calmness makes people a little scared, they didn't say anything, maybe when people are about to die, they will recall some past events, think about what to do right, think about what to do Wrong, or think about what unfulfilled wishes they have, or they can curse the person who killed themselves.

The little prince has no time to recall his life now, because there is nothing to recall in his life, taking advantage of this short time, he severely cursed Jian Yu and Jian Yu's wife in front of him.

The moment Jian Yu made his move, Zhao Yufan suddenly shouted and rushed towards Jian Yu.

Watching Zhao Yufan who was covered in blood rushing towards the arrow rain, the corners of the little prince's eyes were filled with tears. Maybe Zhao Yufan was the only person in the world who could move him, maybe only Zhao Yufan could save himself so recklessly, maybe only Zhao Yufan dared to take five steps away. Save him five times.

Knowing that it is death, I will die!

Zhao Yufan must save the little prince, as he said just now, unless he dies, the little prince will not die.

They are friends, no matter whether the little prince did the right thing or not, he can't watch the little prince die in the hands of Jian Yu, because his conscience can't bear it, and Jian Yu has no right to kill the little prince.

What's more, it was because of him after all.

Zhao Yufan just kept thinking about how to rescue the little prince, but unfortunately he found that there was no way to rescue him because Emperor Wu was too strong.

But even if Emperor Wu is strong, he still has to rush forward.

Sensing Zhao Yufan behind him, Jian Yu's expression was extremely cold. He forgave Zhao Yufan over and over again, but Zhao Yufan actually obstructed him every time, "Damn people, they shouldn't be alive!" The arrow hit Zhao Yufan fiercely.

Facing Emperor Wu's attack, Zhao Yufan was helpless, not to mention he was seriously injured.

The two arrows came to him in a short while, and he paused, as if he had a premonition that his life was coming to an end. In a moment of hesitation, the arrows were already close at hand.

At the critical moment, two figures flew out of the courtyard wall.One of the figures shot a cold light towards the arrow, and another black figure galloped in front of the arrow rain, blocking his way.

The cold light hit the arrows, and the two arrows broke in response.

Zhao Yufan looked down at the object that broke the arrow, and was startled. The object that broke the arrow turned out to be an ordinary stone. He looked up at the two black shadows, and he was startled again. The two black shadows that came were not others. It is the two Emperor Wu of Jiuyang and Jiuyin.

"Seniors, why are you?"

Jiuyin glanced at him, then looked at Jianyu, and said in a low voice, "Kill him first!"

Jian Yu stared at the two of them vigilantly, with distorted and ferocious expressions on his face, "You guys came to save someone..." He couldn't believe it, "Cai Dingtian's son was killed by them, don't you know?"

Jiu Yin sneered, of course they knew, but people must be saved, "Hey... We are here to save people, as for what punishment they should receive, that is the Emperor's business, and it is not your turn to meddle in other people's business."

"You..." Jian Yu didn't continue after speaking halfway, because he guessed the purpose of the two, "You want to kill me?"

"Smart!" Jiuyin pursed his lips, glanced at Jiuyang, and threw himself at Jianyu.

If Jian Yu blue and white were present at the same time, Jiu Yin and Jiu Yang really couldn't kill Jian Yu, but Jian Yu came alone.

"So ruthless!" Jian Yu turned around and drew his arrows, shooting twelve arrows in a row, turning around as if to escape.It's a pity that Jiuyin didn't give him a chance at all, and Jiuyang even blocked his way out.

The two had been observing the arrow rain just now, and they had a clear view of the situation in the courtyard. The reason why they didn't take action for so long was because they wanted to strike at the best time.

Jian Yu retreated while fighting, sensing the two men's will to kill, his face turned pale, "Why do you want to kill me?"

"Hmph, don't think that you are hiding it very deeply, but we have already found out that you and Li Shengji have a good relationship, and Li Shengji probably doesn't know that you are from Yu Luocha, right?" Jiuyang Wudi said in a deep voice, with his hands The attacks became more ferocious.

When he heard about Yu Luocha, Zhao Yufan was shocked. He didn't expect Jianyu Qinghua to be from Yu Luocha, and he didn't know their status in Yu Luocha.

At this time, under the siege of the two, Jian Yu was already seriously injured. Seeing the two pressing closely, he couldn't help but said: "Don't you want to know about Yu Luocha?"

The corner of Jiuyin's mouth twitched, and he sarcastically said: "Idiot, since we came to kill you, we naturally know you well. You are just an ordinary member of Yu Luocha, and you don't know anything about Yu Luocha at all, hmph... since you dare If you come to the capital, you should be prepared to die!"

Jian Yu died, in the hands of Jiuyin and Jiuyang.

After killing Jian Yu, the two disappeared into the night, as if they had never appeared before.

Looking at Jian Yu's body, the little prince walked in front of him, and was about to stomp his feet fiercely to vent his anger.

"Stop!" Zhao Yufan yelled, and frowned, "You abolished his son, shouldn't you come to revenge? Now that everyone is dead, what's the use of stepping on him?"

The little prince smacked his mouth, took a few steps back and didn't speak. Zhao Yufan dared to talk to him like that in the entire capital. If someone else dared to talk to him, he would definitely slap him with a big mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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