Chapter 425 Death and Marriage

as big as World, nothing is nonexistent.There are many things in the world that can make people fake death, maybe Princess Qingya took some kind of medicine to cause this state of suspended animation, so Lord Lei and others are still in the living room, because they don’t believe that Princess Qingya died just like that, They have to wait for Princess Qingya to wake up, or use other methods to force Princess Qingya to wake up.

Seeing that the crowd did not leave, Zhao Yufan took a sip of herbal tea and said lightly, "Everyone, it is better to bury Princess Qingya as soon as possible. The poison she took is amaranth. If she is not buried in time, the toxin will spread. It has the potential to become a virus and infect other people."

Hearing his words, the crowd remained silent. In their view, as long as it was Zhao Yufan's request, they must try to stop it as much as possible.

Zhao Yufan was also very anxious, because he had discussed with Princess Qingya that after Princess Qingya's fake death, he had to be responsible for burying her body as soon as possible without letting anyone destroy her body.

"Princess Qingya died, the marriage was cancelled..."

Zhao Yufan got up and said loudly.

Hearing this, everyone's faces sank. They finally guessed the purpose of Zhao Yufan and Princess Qingya, which also convinced everyone that Princess Qingya's death was suspended animation.

"So I wanted to use the name of fake death to get in touch with the marriage." Lord Lei admired him in his heart, but when he heard that Zhao Yufan wanted to dissolve the marriage, he immediately waved his hand to stop him: "Wait! Who said Princess Qingya died?"

Zhao Yufan stared at Lord Lei, and said calmly: "My lord, we know some things well. Since you said that Princess Qingya is not dead, then let her say a word."

He is currently anti-client and occupying a dominant position, because what he said now is reasonable, Princess Qingya died, and the marriage will naturally be cancelled, you can't let someone marry a corpse, right?So he said that it is reasonable to cancel the marriage, and Lei Wangye and others are obviously the ones who have no reason.

Lord Lei and the others had expected to cancel the marriage on the grounds of feigning death, but they didn't expect that Princess Qingya would take poison.

At the beginning, Lord Lei and the others thought that even if they suspended animation, they could detect the symptoms with their cultivation, and then let Qingya wake up, but at this time even the Emperor Wu of the Danqi Sect was helpless, and they were even more helpless.

For the current plan, we can only let Princess Qingya wake up, otherwise the marriage will be dissolved automatically, and there is no need for Zhao Yufan to speak at all, so now that Zhao Yufan has spoken, it will undoubtedly speed up the time for the dissolution of the marriage.

Zhao Yufan glanced at the crowd, and ordered unquestionably, "General Wang!"

"The subordinate is here!" Wang Buqi stepped forward.

Zhao Yufan said solemnly: "Immediately report the death of the emperor and princess, and at the same time ask the emperor to send a coroner to confirm that the princess is dead!"

"Yes!" Wang Buqi agreed, turned around and left.When he left the God of War Palace, he also took two thousand troops with him.

Now it is a matter of time, if the coroner sent by the emperor arrives and confirms the news of Princess Qingya's death, then the matter will be over.

The time before the emperor and the coroner came is the most important time. During this period of time, Lord Lei and others will definitely send people to stop Wang Buqi, and more importantly, they will stop the coroner from coming here. There is no coroner If Princess Qingya's death cannot be proved, the marriage cannot be cancelled.

A tense atmosphere pervades the entire capital.

Inside the front line, King Yun and King Eleven slowly got up and wanted to go out.

Layman Baishan and others also smiled at the acquaintance, and followed them out. Thor and Fengshen disappeared without a trace. The entire first floor of Qianfeng Building was overcrowded just now, but at this time there was no one there. Only the rooms on the second floor, Tie Jian Shenni was still drinking tea, and Qian Zhuang was still serving him carefully.

The wind and rain were coming, the sky was gloomy and terrible, and the people returned home early.

But from the living room of the God of War Mansion, one can vaguely hear the cries of the vendors. Regardless of the wind and rain, regardless of the flames of war, they are all running for their lives. They don't care about the affairs of the God of War Mansion, and they don't care.

The people in the living room were silent for a few minutes, especially after Wang Buqi left, there was a hint of killing intent in the dull living room.

Zhao Yufan sat upright, as if he was a high-ranking and powerful emperor, commenting on the menacing officials below who wanted to drive him away at any time. In those bright eyes, there was a firmness that ordinary people could not understand.

Wang Baichuan stood up suddenly, his withered hands were stained with congealed blood, "Hehe...Actually, I know that Princess Qingya is not dead, you see..." He raised his right palm and continued ferociously: " As long as I pat Princess Qingya on the head, Princess Qingya will wake up."

Looking at his blood-red right palm with a faint white light, everyone couldn't help but gasp. If he really slaps this palm, then Princess Qingya will really die.

This palm can kill a Martial Emperor, let alone Princess Qingya.

Seeing that Wang Baichuan wanted Princess Qingya to go, Zhao Yufan's expression darkened immediately, "Stop! The princess is a body of gold, so you can touch it?" He really didn't dare to let Wang Baichuan slap Princess Qingya. , although he knew that Wang Baichuan would not really hit him, but he couldn't take the risk. If he slapped him down, Princess Qingya would die completely.

Lord Lei and the others didn't stop Wang Baichuan, but they knew Wang Baichuan's intentions. They all knew that Zhao Yufan didn't dare to take the risk of letting Princess Qingya bear Wang Baichuan's palm.

As long as Zhao Yufan stopped them, they would inevitably have a contest with Wang Baichuan. At that time, they could use other reasons to take away Princess Qingya's body and wait for Princess Qingya to wake up, or threaten Zhao Yufan with their lives to force Princess Qingya to wake up.

Lord Lei and others are more inclined to force Princess Qingya to wake up, because as long as Princess Qingya wakes up, everything will end.

Zhao Yufan got up slowly, and warned Wang Baichuan with his eyes not to get close to Princess Qingya.

However, Wang Baichuan didn't bother to look at Zhao Yufan at all. He fixed his eyes on the screen behind Zhao Yufan, because he knew that there was a master of Emperor Wu, and his wife died at the hands of Emperor Wu behind the screen.

Wu Xinyi was not afraid of trouble, but she obviously didn't like to cause trouble, so if she could not show up, she would never show up. According to her cultivation level, even if she killed Emperor Wu in front of the screen behind the screen, it was not impossible.

Zhao Yufan understood Changzheng and his wife very well, and he would not let them act as a last resort, and he really didn't need them to act at this time, because two people came from outside the God of War Palace.

Seeing the two, Zhao Yufan smiled brightly. The two were Jiuyin and Jiuyang beside the emperor. Since the emperor Cai Dingtian had the power to support him, it was naturally impossible for him to face all the crises alone.

(End of this chapter)

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