Swire Overlord

Chapter 45 1 Seconds

Chapter 45 One second

The result of the energy collision was an explosion. The aftermath of the explosion lifted dozens of disciples into the air. The sky was full of smoke and dust, and everyone couldn't help covering their noses and retreating.

The world finally returned to calm. Zhao Yufan stood where he was just now and never moved. The battle in front of him was over, and he never made a real move.

The Divine Sword Sect was finally defeated by Zhao Yufan, but Mo Qi and the others were also seriously injured. If Zhao Yufan hadn't had another challenge, they would have left long ago.

Because he knew the reason why Mo Qi and others were unwilling to leave, Zhao Yufan panted slightly, looked at the elder of Sword God Sect, and said, "One second!"

In a second, everyone was not as shocked as before. They knew that Zhao Yufan would say it, but when they heard 'one second', their hearts trembled suddenly.

Ji Chen, the most powerful disciple among the outer disciples of the Sword God Sect, was standing on the right side of the elder of the Sword God Sect. Hearing Zhao Yufan's words, he slowly raised his sword forward.

Ji Chen's strength is the sixth level of an intermediate warrior, his sword is very fast, and almost everyone who confronts him is killed by him with one blow!
Zhao Yufan and Ji Chen stood facing each other, holding the swords in their hands, silent for a long time.

Seeing that the two hadn't made a move, everyone was very anxious, and Mo Qi and the others were more anxious than everyone else.Mo Qi and the others knew that Zhao Yufan was seriously injured, and the longer the delay, the worse it would be for him.

Lin Yu looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "He won't want to discuss swords with Ji Chen?"

Can Yue replied in a cold voice: "He will win in the sword game, but he will definitely not know how to use the Dragon Slaying Sword."

Everyone was discussing in low voices, and suddenly, Ji Chen, who had been speechless all this time, spoke.

"You are not worthy of using the Dragon Slaying Sword!"

Ji Chen's words were simple and straightforward, without disdain or sarcasm in his tone, as if he was stating the facts.

"One second!" Zhao Yufan chuckled, and stabbed Ji Chen with the dragon-slaying sword.

At the same time, Ji Chen's sword also stabbed at Zhao Yufan.

The speed of the two swords was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, the attack was completed. At this time, the two returned to their original positions, as if they had not moved.

A drop of blood slowly flowed down Ji Chen's right arm, through the palm of his hand, through the blade of the sword, and onto the ground.

In a second, Ji Chen was defeated!

Zhao Yufan used a sword, and his sword was just like what Ji Yun said just now, simple and straightforward, with this simple and straightforward sword, Ji Yun was defeated!
The disciples knew that Ji Chen was defeated, but they didn't know how Ji Chen lost?They were immersed in Zhao Yufan's victory, and Ji Chenzao had already been forgotten.Ji Chen's eyes were dim, and he laughed at himself, Zhao Yufan's sword was faster than his, so he lost.

The elders of Sword God Sect clenched their fists and looked at Zhao Yufan in disbelief. How could their Sword God Sect be defeated?Also using swords, their Sword God Sect was almost invincible, but in the end Zhao Yufan won.

Zhao Yufan's sword is faster than Ji Chen's!Their swordsmanship of the Sword God Sect is known as the best in the empire, but Zhao Yufan has to appear, and this ancient legend will be broken!This kind of thing is not what the elders of the Sword God Sect would like to see, let alone what the Sword God Sect would like to see.The elder of the Sword God Sect wanted to kill Zhao Yufan with a single sword, but when he saw the ten elders of Wan Kexin staring at him, he let out a long sigh and left indifferently.

The Sword God Sect left, and the other sects also left. There were only cheers from the disciples of the Qinglan Sect, and a name resounded throughout the sky: Zhao Yufan!
On the second day, the five major sects bid farewell and left, and the inner martial arts contest was over. At the last moment, the top ten disciples were going to go on stage to receive their sect rewards, and at the same time accept the invitation of the elders of the four inner sects to join one of them.

Receiving rewards is not attractive, what is attractive is which department will the top ten masters choose?And Zhao Yufan's choice will bring a storm to the four departments, because Zhao Yufan is too dazzling in the outer sect, and his choice will affect other disciples, which may cause the four departments to lose their original balance.

The top ten powerhouses in the inner martial arts competition: Zhao Yufan, Canyue, Lin Yu, Lin Tao, Tie Yunshan, Mo Qi...Zhao Yufan and the others occupy the top six places.

After receiving the rewards, the top ten disciples stood straight in a row, ready to accept the invitation from the elders of the four departments.The disciples who can stand on the ring are definitely not ordinary people. The elders of the four lines will compete for any of them, and there is no need for the elders to invite them, but this is the rule of Qinglanzong.

The Tianlong Department, Phoenix Department, Lieyang Department, and Mingyue Department sent an elder to the stage. Among them, Zhao Yufan knew two people, one was Wan Kexin, and the other was Elder Li.

Elder Li stared at Zhao Yufan, and it happened that Zhao Yufan was also looking at him, and their eyes met. The two snorted at the same time, and turned their heads to look elsewhere.

The four elders sat upright, with serious faces, and the first one to speak was Elder Li: "Tianlong Department, invite ten disciples to join!"

"Fire Yang Department, invite ten disciples to join!"

"Mingyue Department, invite ten disciples to join!"

The words of the three elders are exactly the same, with a flat tone. They have to say it every few years, and they have long felt disgusted. Now that they say these words, they are even more flat.Wan Kexin didn't say a word, no female disciples made it to the top ten this year, so the Phoenix Department doesn't need to be invited.

What followed was what everyone was most looking forward to. Ten disciples chose to join one of the four departments. Disciples No. 10 and No. 9 chose the Fierce Sun Department, No. 8 and No. 7 disciples chose the Bright Moon Department, and the Dragon Department, which the disciples rushed to join in previous years, no one joined this year!
Elder Li's face was ugly, and he looked at Lin Tao and the others. Lin Tao and the others were considered members of the Tianlong family when they were in the outer sect, but now they are just taking a formality. Their Tianlong family is still the strongest of the Qinglan sect.

Mo Qi directly chose the Mingyue Department, Tie Yunshan glanced at Elder Li, and said loudly: "I will join the Lieyang Department!"

The scene was silent for a moment, and everyone applauded.

Tie Yunshan should have chosen the Tianlong department, but he suddenly joined the Lieyang department, which made everyone startled, but they still cheered for Tie Yunshan.

Elder Li's face was extremely ugly. Tie Yunshan's sudden joining of the Lieyang Department made him feel uneasy. When he looked at Lin Tao, he was full of warning and threat.

Lin Tao has always been arrogant, and he doesn't bother to look at Elder Li. In his eyes, he only has Zhao Yufan, "I will join the Mingyue Department."

Hearing that Lin Tao did not join the Tianlong Department, everyone began to discuss in low voices, they already felt that things were strange.

"I also joined the Mingyue Department!" Lin Yu suddenly said at this time, his words can be said to add fuel to the fire.

"I'll join the Mingyue Department too." Can Yue said calmly.

Tie Yunshan was very embarrassed at this time. His brothers had joined the Mingyue Department, but he joined the Lieyang Department. His eyes widened, making Tie Yunshan hold back his words.

A few of them have already offended the Tianlong department. Tie Yunshang quit the Lieyang department at this time and joined the Mingyue department. He undoubtedly offended the Lieyang department. They are just ordinary disciples. Offending the elders of the two departments will definitely be very troublesome in the future!But Tie Yunshan can't be left alone in the Solar System.

Zhao Yufan pondered for a moment, then peeked at the two elders of the Lieyang Department and the Mingyue Department.

(End of this chapter)

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