Chapter 466 The Untrustworthy Powerhouses
A silent killing was staged in the High Heaven Pavilion. Perhaps the disciples would only guess why Cao Jiong and Ling Tian disappeared, but they would never guess that the two had already been killed.

When he saw someone leaving beside the Pavilion Master, Zhao Yufan's heart was shocked, and he already understood the Pavilion Master's meaning.

With the personalities of Cao Jiong and Ling Tian, ​​if the people of the High Heaven Pavilion didn't help them, they would naturally feel aggrieved. They would definitely find ways to avenge their hatred, and would seriously hurt the entire High Heaven Pavilion. Just in case, the pavilion owner killed them. them.

Almost every big man in power has done this kind of thing. Maybe these big men are really benevolent, but when they consider the interests of the entire collective, they will still make the most conscious choice decisively. This is what some people in power sorrow.

The disciples dispersed one after another, and they had a new view on Zhao Yufan. In their eyes, Zhao Yufan was just that: an arrogant and vicious person.

Ouyang Zhantian did not leave with the Pavilion Master and the others, but followed behind Zhao Yufan. His son caused a lot of trouble today, and he was really afraid that Zhao Yufan would leave the High Heaven Pavilion in a fit of anger, "Master Zhao, you must not Angry, my son has been spoiled by me since he was a child. Hey... I just wanted to discipline him, but I was powerless."

"Senior, don't worry, I didn't blame him." Zhao Yufan smiled slightly, and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I feel that I have done a little too much today."

The corner of Ouyang Zhantian's mouth twitched, and he thought to himself, it's not just over, you abolished an elder in Lingxiao Pavilion, this is too much, but now he is embarrassed to say, after all, it is their Lingxiao Pavilion who are looking for the root cause wrong.

So, this matter can only be over.

However, Ouyang Liehuo and Ouyang Qingxue were severely punished by the pavilion master. The pavilion master directly ordered them to be imprisoned in the confinement room, and ordered: as long as Zhao Yufan did not leave the Ling Xiao Pavilion, they could not leave the confinement room.

As usual, Zhao Yufan was still instructing his disciples to practice. Although the three days were short, the disciples had made significant progress, which made many disciples admire and respect Zhao Yufan even more.

But... the three days are up, and Zhao Yufan is about to leave.

The disciples said goodbye to Zhao Yufan very reluctantly. Zhao Yufan and Ouyang Zhantian walked slowly on the path in the jungle, a little speechless.

"Senior, I can go by myself." Zhao Yufan said awkwardly: "You should go back, even if you send me to the door, we will say goodbye after all."

Ouyang Zhantian nodded, stopped, looked at Zhao Yufan seriously, and said slowly, "You are a good boy."

"Thank you for your compliment!" Zhao Yufan laughed.

Ouyang Zhantian turned around and was about to leave. The moment he turned around, he suddenly remembered something and couldn't help reminding: "I forgot to tell you, that Ling Tian is still alive, maybe he will trouble you."

Hearing this, Zhao Yufan was taken aback, a little surprised, but still nodded, signaling Ouyang Zhantian to rest assured.

When the two parted, Zhao Yufan looked at Yangtian and felt very moved in his heart. The only person he had a good relationship with in the past few days in Lingxiao Pavilion was Ouyang Zhantian, and the others were just superficial friends.

Next, the place he went to was Tiangangmen.The Tiangangmen sect is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and there are everyone.

Zhao Yufan originally thought that someone from Tiangangmen would challenge him, but after arriving at Tiangangmen, he realized that these disciples were extremely respectful to him. Although many of them were pretending, no one dared to challenge him.

In fact, the disciples of the Tiangang Sect did not admit defeat, and they were even more arrogant than the disciples of the High Heaven Pavilion. However, since the high-level officials of the Tiangang Sect knew what Zhao Yufan did in the High Heaven Pavilion, they directly prohibited the disciples from challenging Zhao Yufan. They were worried that Zhao Yufan would be angry. Under the circumstances, it would not be worth the loss if they directly abolished their genius disciples.

After three days of teaching at Tiangangmen, Zhao Yufan rushed to Danqimen.

He wanted to go to the Danqi Sect a long time ago, and thank everyone in the Danqi Sect face to face. During the crisis he encountered, the Danqi Sect had never hurt him, and even helped him secretly, so he always wanted to thank Danqi Sect. The doorman.

The Alchemy Sect was as calm as usual. Although Zhao Yufan's arrival had caused quite a stir in the Alchemy Sect, it did not make the disciples elated because they were more obsessed with alchemy and artifact refining. And the sword god, the disciples of the alchemy school will definitely welcome him warmly, but no one knows that Zhao Yufan is the sword god and sword demon.

Hongling and Yurou followed Zhao Yufan, and the three of them went straight to the alchemy gate hall to meet the master and elders of the alchemy gate.

After saying some words of thanks, Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and said softly, "Thank you for the help of the Danqi Sect in the past. I have four gifts here. Please don't dislike them, elders and sect masters."

Everyone here smiled when they heard the words. Although Zhao Yufan's identity is not simple, the gift he presented really did not attract everyone's interest.

The elders were not interested, but Hongling and Yurou were extremely interested. They knew that Zhao Yufan was a sword demon and a sword god, so the gift Zhao Yufan gave to the Pill Artifact Sect must be related to alchemy and artefact refining, which made them extremely happy .

Seeing that the two were so happy, an elder jokingly said, "We and Zhao Yufan are no outsiders, since you two little girls like it, let them give it to you."

Hearing this, other elders agreed one after another, but it was just a joke.

But Hong Ling didn't mean to be modest. She knew that what Zhao Yufan gave was an extremely precious good thing, so she immediately said, "Okay! But elders, you can't count your words."

"Well, we definitely mean what we say, but we still need to ask Master Zhao what he means." The door master said at this time, his tone was very relaxed.

Zhao Yufan gave Hong Ling a hard look, and said to the door owner, "In my opinion, it's more appropriate to give the gift to the Pill Artifact Sect."

Hearing the words, the head of the sect gave a wry smile, waved his hands and said, "It's not necessary, anyway, even if you give it to us, the girl Hong Ling will take it away, why don't you give it to him directly."

Helpless, Zhao Yufan could only nod, and then took out four items from the storage ring.

As soon as the four items came out, the elders immediately stood up one after another, changing their calm expression just now, they wished to throw themselves on top of the four items, only a few elders and sect masters were still calm, but their eyes flashed with astonishment color.

Seeing the wolf-like eyes of the elders, Hong Ling knew something was wrong, and immediately snatched the four items, pouted her mouth vigilantly, and said, "You must be trustworthy, you can't snatch it from me."

Hearing this, the elders were speechless. Just now they had promised to give Hongling the item that Zhao Yufan sent, but they really didn't want to give it to Hongling now, because the item that Zhao Yufan took out made their hearts beat endlessly, and it was extremely precious. treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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