Chapter 471 Yin Soldier
Zhao Yufan was a little suspicious. Is this passage just a road? Isn’t the group of red-clothed soldiers in front of us here?
"Who are they?" A soldier suddenly asked.

Another soldier replied: "I don't know, they should be dead soldiers, anyway, I haven't seen them talking."

Slowly, Zhao Yufan felt that the ground under his feet was rising, and soon he walked out of this passage, and there was a valley in front of him.

Frowning slightly, he suddenly said that this should be the mountain behind the palace.

In front of the valley is a jungle, and there is an open space in the center of the jungle. In that wide open space, countless people are busy making armor and weapons, but these armor and weapons are obviously different.

Looking at the valley in the distance, a group of people can be vaguely seen in the valley, but this group of people is somewhat different from the red-clothed soldiers in front of them.

Zhao Yufan thought that the soldiers would go to the valley, but the soldiers did not enter the valley or the jungle, but followed a road and came to a lake.The soldiers walked into the lake, their bodies were slowly submerged by the clear river water, and Zhao Yufan completely disappeared into the lake.

Zhao Yufan was not drowned, because there was a mechanism under the lake, which could block the water flow and allow the soldiers to enter another world.

The first thing Zhao Yufan saw was a palace on the ground. There was actually a stone tablet on both sides of the palace gate. On the stone tablet was written: Yin soldiers!
Yin soldiers should be the soldiers in front of them.

The guards here are very strict, and there are Yin soldiers everywhere. Apart from these Yin soldiers who don't know life and death, there will also be normal people. Many of these normal people are Emperor Wu, and there are many Emperor Wu.

These Martial Emperors patrolled the surroundings with extremely cautious eyes, as if they were on guard for something.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear screams. Following the faint sound, you can see that there are many large rooms around. A man goes in, but comes out carrying the dead.

No need to think, Zhao Yufan already understood that this must be a secret base, and the base is the place to study Yin soldiers.

"Tang Yang, you are really ruthless!"

Zhao Yufan muttered something in his heart, and followed the soldiers to an unguarded palace.

Inside the palace, there are all neat Yin soldiers. There are thousands of people. They are like stone sculptures, standing there silently, without any signs of life.

Zhao Yufan followed the soldiers and stood in a certain position, becoming one of them.He regretted coming here, because he didn't know how to get out, and wanted to get out from this place, unless he turned into a mouse, it was impossible to leave here.

Bad luck.

Zhao Yufan showed a wry smile helplessly, and sniffled involuntarily. Although the Yin Soldier's body was rotten, he didn't have any smell on his body.

I don't know how long I stood here, when footsteps suddenly sounded in the palace.

The person who came was a Martial Emperor, his eyes glowed with green light, and he said in a cold voice, "All follow me!"

The Yin soldiers did not speak, but silently followed behind Emperor Wu.Afterwards, Emperor Wu dispatched thousands of Emperor Wu in other palaces, and then he left the palace and walked out of the palace with a full 1 Yin soldiers.

Zhao Yufan thought he would return by the original route, but he did not expect that there were other exits from this palace, and the exit chosen by Emperor Wu was a route that could directly leave the palace, or even leave the capital.

Through the passage, Zhao Yufan and the others still appeared in a jungle, and in front of the jungle was the camp of the imperial guards outside the capital.The Imperial Guard has always been under the control of the Emperor, and this is the headquarters of the Imperial Guard, no one can pass through here, not even the Imperial Guard, this is the order of the Emperor.

Emperor Wu led [-] Yin soldiers and left quietly. On a certain mountain behind the imperial guards, two old men were staring at them.

One of them said indifferently, "Are they going to kill people?"

The other old man nodded, frowned and said, "And I have to kill a lot."


Zhao Yufan didn't know the purpose of Emperor Wu, but it was definitely not a good thing to send out so many Yin soldiers.

Soon, they rushed to see a mountain peak, and there was a sect on this mountain peak: Qingshuizong.

Suddenly, Zhao Yufan guessed the purpose of Emperor Wu, it turned out that they were going to attack Qingshuizong.

Emperor Wu didn't attack immediately, but let the Yin soldiers divide into several groups to surround the entire sect, and at the same time gave the order: If you meet a living thing, kill without mercy!

With this order, all the creatures that the Yin soldiers encountered on the road were all killed.

Zhao Yufan knew that this was an opportunity to leave, so he slowly moved from the front of the team to the back of the team, and then disappeared into the jungle.

After leaving, he immediately rushed to Qingshuizong, and was stopped by two disciples as soon as he reached the gate of Qingshuizong.

"Who?" a disciple asked.

Wearing a mask, Zhao Yufan said anxiously, "I have something important to see your suzerain, so take me there quickly." As he spoke, he stepped forward.

When the two disciples heard this, they immediately blocked his way and took out their weapons at the same time, with arrogant expressions on their faces.

"Bastard, what do you think you are worthy of meeting our suzerain?" A disciple sneered and glared at Zhao Yufan.

At the critical moment, Zhao Yufan didn't dare to waste time, punched one by one, directly knocked down the two disciples, and galloped forward.

The two disciples lay on the ground and didn't react for a long time. When they reacted and wanted to shout, they saw that the person had rushed into the palace of the sect.

In the palace, the suzerain of the Qingshui Sect was discussing things with several elders. While they were talking, a figure floated into the palace in an instant.

The dozen or so people in the palace were so frightened that they immediately took out their weapons and stared at Zhao Yufan aggressively.But they didn't dare to do it, because judging from the speed just now, this mysterious man wearing a mask was very powerful.

Qingshui Sect is just a small sect, the cultivation of the sect master is only the Martial Emperor, the elder is the Martial King, and the disciples are generally high-level disciples.

"You, who are you?" the suzerain asked.

Zhao Yufan didn't bother to talk nonsense to them, so he said straight to the point: "Now someone is going to besiege your Qingshui Sect, you should leave quickly, otherwise the entire Qingshui Sect will be destroyed!"

Hearing this, an elder was furious, "Hmph, it's extremely ridiculous. Although our Qingshui Sect is a small sect, we can't be provoked by anyone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the tragic howls of the disciples and the panic-stricken roars of the disciples suddenly sounded outside.

(End of this chapter)

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