Chapter 479 War
Several people were still standing in front of the courtyard door to discuss. At this time, a soldier outside the door suddenly reported: "Report to General Ryuzaki, the emperor wants you to attack immediately!"

"What happened?" Ryuzaki asked with a frown.

The soldier replied: "The border empire army is about to move, and there seems to be signs of invasion."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Qing and the others turned pale with shock. Zhao Yufan had made such a hypothesis last night, and they scoffed at it at first, but now, this kind of thing has actually become a reality.

The three of them looked at Zhao Yufan in astonishment, wishing they could sneak into Zhao Yufan's body and see how his mind was structured, so smart.

In addition to being shocked, they also felt the seriousness of the matter. If the incident on the border was related to what Zhao Yufan said, then this incident was not just a war between the two countries.

"What shall we do?" Zhang Qing asked a little excitedly. He is the son of a marshal, and he is extremely eager for war.

Seeing that Zhang Qing, who had always been ruthless, was so excited like a child, Zhao Yufan and the others were speechless. War is not a child's play, it will kill countless people.

"Find a way to stop it!" Zhao Yufan said.

Zhang Qing and the others were surprised by his words. They originally thought that Zhao Yufan would not care about such matters. It seems that they still underestimated Zhao Yufan. However, preventing war is almost more difficult than assassinating Emperor Wu.

"Is there anything you can do?" Qian Long asked. In his opinion, this war is inevitable. "I feel that your efforts are in vain. Countries actually want to start wars. Even if you want to stop them, they will not Agree, unless you can replace all the great emperors of the five countries, and then allow the newly appointed empire to obey your orders and stop this war."

What he said was a kind of ridicule, because it was impossible.

Although he knew he was joking, Zhao Yufan still thought about it seriously and felt that there was really no such possibility, so he smiled and said: "Do your best, I will go to the Shuiyue Empire in a few days, although I can't convince the people of the Zimang Empire Great Emperor, but I have a good relationship with the Great Emperor of the Shuiyue Empire, so he probably won't start a war."

Zhang Qing thought for a moment, then said softly: "Of course not, the Shuiyue Empire is so weak, I guess they are one of the empires that have been invaded." Qualified to speak, "Look, if the Falcon Empire launches an attack on us, then it will also encounter attacks from other empires, but since the Falcon Empire dares to send troops, it proves that the Falcon Empire has already formed an alliance with other empires, otherwise they would not be able to attack……"

After his analysis, Zhao Yufan also has a certain understanding of the Five Kingdoms, but these are not important to him. What he needs is to convince the emperor of the Shuiyue Empire. If the emperor of the Shuiyue Empire intends to attack, then They attacked the Zimang Empire from the waterway... they were absolutely indomitable.

Hearing that Zhao Yufan was going to persuade the great emperor of the Shuiyue Empire, Zhang Qing and the others all shook their heads and smiled wryly. How could the majestic king of a country be persuaded by him? Now the Zimang Empire has suffered heavy losses after the battle last night. The recent civil war has caused a lot of losses, and the current situation is precarious. If two empires attack the Zimang Empire from both waterways and land, the Zimang Empire will undoubtedly be defeated.


Not long after, the situation of each country became clear in an instant. The borders of the five countries had already increased a large number of troops. At the same time, the 20 forward troops of the Falcon Empire had already moved out, slowly approaching Liuyun Mountain from the north of the snowy area. The border between the Mang Empire and the Falcon Empire, if an empire crosses this line, it will be tantamount to launching a war.

Behind the Falcon Empire is the Tianyun Empire. The Tianyun Empire is stronger than the Shuiyue Empire. They have joined forces with the Falcon Empire to help the Falcon Empire contain another empire, the "Tangming Empire", and the Shuiyue Empire is also on the border at the moment Increasing the military strength seems to have a tendency to attack the Zimang Empire.

When Zhao Yufan was about to leave for the Shuiyue Empire, Emperor Tang Yang suddenly summoned Zhao Yufan in the early court.

The officials stood on both sides, and Zhao Yufan was among the officials. After briefly saluting the emperor, he fell silent.

"What do you think about a war going to happen recently?" Tang Yang asked helplessly.

Zhao Yufan looked at the officials, and seeing them glaring at him, he nodded and said, "I'm a grassroots person, so I dare not talk nonsense about such things."

Seeing that he avoided answering, everyone was even more furious. There had been news that he was going to Shuiyue Empire to persuade him, but now he didn't say a word. Could it be that he didn't want to help Zimang Empire?
Liu Man's General Liu's eyes were red, resisting the urge to kill Zhao Yufan, he said indifferently: "Zhao Yufan, as a member of the Zimang Empire, you should have contributed to the Zimang Empire."

Other ministers also echoed, even Zhang Qing's father said a few words, thinking that Zhao Yufan should help Zimang Empire at this time.

Zhao Yufan nodded, and finally said, "Yes! I never said that I would sit idly by, but I'm just a grassroots person, and I can only do what I can."

At this time, Tang Yang suddenly looked at General Liu.General Liu understood, and immediately said: "I heard that you have a good relationship with the Shuiyue Empire, so on behalf of our Zimang Empire, go and persuade the Great Emperor of the Shuiyue Empire, let them not attack the Shuiyue Empire, if they don't agree, wait To solve the crisis of our Shuiyue Empire, we must crush the entire Shuiyue Empire."

This kind of tone is not to persuade others, but more like a threat.

Zhao Yufan raised his eyebrows, pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Hehe...General Liu, when I see the emperor of the Shuiyue Empire, I will tell him... your words...whether he will attack the Zimang Empire or not. It's up to him to decide."

Hearing this, everyone laughed wryly. Talking to the emperor of the Shuiyue Empire like this, how could he not attack, but the ministers present almost thought the same as General Liu. Up to this moment, they have not realized the seriousness of the matter, and He thought he was one of the strongest four empires among the ten countries.

Tang Yang looked a bit ugly, but he had the same thoughts as everyone else. Would the little Shuiyue Empire really dare to invade the Zimang Empire? The Mang Empire and the Falcon Empire went to war, and the Shuiyue Empire also chose to be neutral.He looked at Zhao Yufan, and said with a little displeasure, "Since you don't feel right, just tell me what you think."

Zhao Yufan didn't like this kind of place very much, so he said straight to the point: "Since people do things, there must be benefits. The Zimang Empire must show sincerity in order to get the support of the Shuiyue Empire, otherwise... the Shuiyue Empire will attack the Zimang Empire." The Mang Empire may become a reality."

(End of this chapter)

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