Chapter 49

The elders looked at Zhao Yufan carefully, hoping to see why he was favored by the First Elder, but after observing for a long time, they did not see anything special about him.The elders took their leave and left. Zhao Yufan and Wan Kexin also bowed and left the room. The two walked on the road, silent for a long time.

Seeing that Zhao Yufan had been following her, Wan Kexin blushed slightly, and said with a frown, "Zhao Yufan, what time is it now, why are you following me?"

"Go back with you," Zhao Yufan replied without thinking.

As soon as the words finished, Wan Kexin flicked Zhao Yufan's forehead with a finger, and said angrily, "Bastard! Why are you going back with me?"

Zhao Yufan blinked, and suddenly realized that he really couldn't go back with Wan Kexin. It's dark now, and it's not suitable for lonely men and widows to be together. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Elder, then I'll go back. Thank you for today's matter." It's gone." When he returned to Shuanglong Peak, he took big steps and didn't hide. Although there were disciples pointing and pointing on the way, it was better than being in the lake.

Back in the attic, he went to bed early, and there should be accurate news tomorrow. As long as his ideas are approved by the elders, he will be busy.In his sleep, he seemed to see that the Phoenix Department escaped all kinds of crises because of the traps he built.

In the early morning, the sparrows stood on the eaves and chirped, wisps of morning light sprinkled on the ground, making the ground look more shiny and dazzling.

After Zhao Yufan finished washing, he performed a set of Tai Chi outside the attic, then climbed to the right peak of Shuanglong Peak, practiced cross-legged on the boulder at the top of the mountain for an hour, slowly opened his eyes, took a few breaths of fresh air, and hurried down the mountain to the Canteen.

The dining hall he went to was in Fenghuang Ridge. The dining hall was full of female disciples, even the cooks were women. The whole dining hall was filled with the unique sounds of women playing.

Suddenly, the originally noisy dining hall became quiet for an instant, and all the female disciples looked at Zhao Yufan, the only male disciple of the Phoenix Department.

Zhao Yufan looks ordinary and has a great reputation in the outer sect, but there are limited people who know him in the inner sect. This is the difference between the inner sect and the outer sect. The disciples of the inner sect are in the sky, while the disciples of the outer sect are on the ground. Even if the ground collapses, it will not affect the sky.

"It looks so ordinary," a female disciple shook her head in disappointment.

"Who is he?" Another female disciple asked suspiciously.

The girls talked a lot, and Zhao Yufan seemed to be a rare animal in their eyes.

Zhao Yufan planned to leave after eating in the dining hall, but seeing the girls staring at him, he ran away after eating.Carrying the food, he walked quickly on the road, wishing that he could fly into the sky with wings on his back and leave here.In the Phoenix department, he was very embarrassed, like a stray wolf in a herd of buffaloes, the environment here was not suitable for him, and he didn't want to stay for a moment!

"Zhao Yufan!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded, Zhao Yufan stopped in his tracks, with a bright smile on his lips, "Bingyue, why are you here?"

Han Bingyue frowned slightly, stared at Zhao Yufan for a while, and said softly: "Be careful, Elder Li hinted that Tian San is going to kill you!"

"Where did you hear the news?" Zhao Yufan asked back, as if he didn't believe it!

"Believe it or not, I will collect your body when you die!" Han Bingyue said coldly, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, as if she was smiling.

Zhao Yufan narrowed the distance with Han Bingyue, walked side by side with her, and asked in a low voice, "Did we confirm our relationship that night in the other courtyard?" He was referring to whether the two had confirmed their relationship. Yue promised to follow the king to the death, and he also said boldly: I would rather lose the world than lose my beauty!The relationship between the two was clear, but it was not revealed after all.

"Drunk," Han Bingyue replied coldly with a blush flashing across her cold face.

Zhao Yufan didn't ask any further questions. The two of them strolled along the path until they reached the Shuanglong Peak pavilion before he asked, "Come in?"

Han Bingyue hesitated for a moment, shook her head slightly, turned and left.

After eating, Zhao Yufan continued to practice non-stop. Among the inner sect, the third level of intermediate martial artist is the lowest cultivation level. The disciples generally have a cultivation level between the fifth level of intermediate warriors and the seventh level of intermediate warriors, and the powerful disciples are above the seventh level. , with his current cultivation, there are many people in the inner sect who can kill him.

He was deeply aware of the crisis, so he came up with a way to build a mechanism trap. In his mechanism trap, he could prevent the enemy from killing him, and at the same time he could practice with peace of mind, and he didn't have to worry about his disciple breaking into the Phoenix system.

However, he didn't set up traps now, and the disciples who troubled him had already arrived.There were more than a dozen people coming to the attic, among them Tian San and a purple-robed disciple were in the middle, and the others followed from left to right.

Tian San won't make a move today, it's the purple-robed disciple Ma Jie on his right who makes the move.Ma Jiexiu is in the sixth level of intermediate warriors, and often breaks into the Phoenix system to disturb the female disciples. Now there is a vague tendency to break through the seventh level of intermediate warriors, and the reason why he has not been punished for breaking into the Phoenix system many times is because his father is Tianlong Department of elders.

Ma Jie is arrogant and domineering in Qinglanzong, not only because of his backing, but also because of his own strength. When he was at the sixth level of the intermediate warrior, he once killed the disciples of the seventh level of the intermediate warrior. If he can successfully reach the seventh level, then It is possible to kill the Yae disciple!
Zhao Yufan was practicing in the room, and vaguely heard unscrupulous laughter outside, frowned slightly, looked outside along the window, his expression suddenly became dignified, got up, walked to the door, and gently opened the door.

The moment he opened the door, Ma Jie and the others were silent for a moment, their eyes were on Zhao Yufan.

"Tian San!" Zhao Yufan read Tian San's name directly, with a cold tone.

Tian San frowned at Zhao Yufan, and sarcastically said: "The strongest person in the outer sect can only be a watchdog in the inner sect!"

"I entered the inner sect without fighting! What about you? Do you, Tian San, have anything to show off?" Zhao Yufan raised the corner of his mouth, and Tian San was speechless after saying a word.

Tian San really didn't have any outstanding features. He stared at Zhao Yufan fiercely, and then turned his gaze to Ma Jie.Ma Jie had been listening to the conversation between Zhao Yufan and Tian San, so he glanced at Zhao Yufan and asked, "Are you Zhao Yufan?"

"Yes!" Zhao Yufan replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Hearing this, Ma Jie raised his eyebrows, and Zhao Yufan's tone made him very dissatisfied, "You should use honorifics when you talk to me!"

"Understood, senior brother!" Zhao Yufan used honorifics, but his tone was casual, as if he was greeting an ordinary senior brother.

However, Ma Jie never thought of himself as ordinary. Hearing Zhao Yufan's casual tone, his pupils shrank suddenly, staring at Zhao Yufan with straight eyebrows, and said with a sinister smile, "I'm going to the Phoenix department!"

"No!" Zhao Yufan directly refused.

"No?" Ma Jie sneered, took a step, and landed on the ground. The ground was dusty, and Zhao Yufan's body trembled slightly.

He took the second step, the ground cracked, and Zhao Yufan took a step back.

Ma Jie raised his foot again and stomped hard on the ground. If this step fell on the ground, Zhao Yufan would be seriously injured in an instant.

Seeing Ma Jie's movements, Tian San crossed his arms, and a sneer flashed across his mouth. As long as Ma Jie took three more steps, Zhao Yufan would be shocked to death!

(End of this chapter)

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