Chapter 492 Self-knowledge
Tang Yang noticed that General Liu was hesitating to speak, so he stared at him and scolded, "Say what you have to say!"

"Ahem..." General Liu coughed a few times, then laughed and said, "Actually... it would be safer to let Concubine Xia persuade Zhao Yufan."

As soon as these words came out, everyone peeked at Tang Yang's face.

There have been rumors among the people that Xia Mo'er and Zhao Yufan have a very close relationship, and there are even more outrageous rumors, but the emperor pretended not to hear it, but he pretended not to hear it, after all, he did hear it, so he still has a bit of grudge in his heart.

Hearing that Xia Mo'er was going to show up, Tang Yang's expression darkened immediately. Xia Mo'er had a secret in her hands. If she really ran away with Zhao Yufan, wouldn't it make the world laugh at her.But if Xia Moer was not allowed to show up, no one could convince Zhao Yufan. After thinking for a long time, he slapped the table hard and said coldly, "Yes! Order them to leave immediately tomorrow!"

This order has caused a new round of discussion among the people. The focus of the discussion is the relationship between Zhao Yufan and Xia Moer. The two seem to have no connection, but many people know that they have a close relationship, so all kinds of rumors are flying everywhere. .

Some people even speculated that Xia Mo'er had an affair with Zhao Yufan, and the emperor was put on a cuckold. This kind of transmission was opposed by many people, but after all, it also made people have such evil thoughts. Maybe this is true?

Xia Mo'er did not expect that the emperor would let him come forward to persuade Zhao Yufan. In the deep palace, she couldn't sleep all night. Others didn't know Zhao Yufan, but she knew him very well.She frowned slightly, took a sip of her tea, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh, knowing the result of this trip in her heart.

In the early morning of the second day, Xia Mo'er and his party immediately left the palace and rushed to the Shuiyue Empire.

Water Moon Empire, God of War Mansion.

Zhao Yufan had already received the news, and when he heard about the people sent by the Zimang Empire, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sensing the sarcasm on his face, Han Bingyue and the others suddenly felt a sense of loss in their hearts. It was obvious that Zhao Yufan disdained the actions of the Zimang Empire.

No one knew exactly what Zhao Yufan was thinking, but everyone knew that the people who came to persuade him this time had a close relationship with him, so they still had great hopes for his return to the Zimang Empire.

The spies from various countries and forces all set their sights on the surroundings of the God of War Mansion. It was quite quiet around the God of War Mansion, but at some point there were more traders and all kinds of strange people.

A few days later, Xia Mo'er and his party slowly rushed to the gate of the God of War Mansion.

In front of the door, a servant rushed forward and asked respectfully, "Who are you?"

"We are Zhao Yufan's friends, please tell me." Lord Lei's voice was so loud that it almost spread throughout the God of War Mansion.

Hearing this, the servant shook his head and refused, "I'm sorry, Young Master Zhao told me that I haven't seen any friends in the past few days."

Xia Mo'er and the others got acquainted with each other, and immediately felt the pressure increased. Zhao Yufan never saw them, let alone persuaded him to return to the Zimang Empire, but they all came, and they couldn't just go back like this.

After a moment of stalemate, Xia Mo'er frowned and said softly, "Tell him! If he doesn't come out to see us, we'll just stand here forever."

The servant smiled coyly: "I'm really sorry for you guys. Master Zhao told you that if you want to stand here forever, then let you stand there without telling him." Afraid, after all, these people have extraordinary backgrounds.

Xia Mo'er's angry faces turned ashen, and they looked at each other, and they were actually standing at the gate of the God of War Mansion.

Zhao Yufan turned Xia Mo'er and the others away, making Xia Mo'er and the others very angry, but there was nothing they could do.

Half a day passed by, and the few people looked at each other, feeling a little anxious in their hearts. They thought Zhao Yufan was trying to give them a bad shot, but now it seems that Zhao Yufan really didn't want to see them.

Princess Qingya couldn't bear it anymore, angrily walked up to the servant, and said coquettishly: "What if we force our way in?"

The servant shrank his neck in fright, and then boldly replied: "Master Zhao said that if you forcefully break in, you will probably be kicked out of the capital."

"You!" Princess Qingya was so angry that she looked at Xia Mo'er helplessly.

Xia Mo'er thought for a moment, then suddenly laughed lightly: "Excuse me, can we meet Han Bingyue and the others?"

"I don't know." The servant said, looking away, looking a little guilty.

Seeing the servant's appearance, Xia Mo'er smiled softly, and said lightly: "Please call Miss Han Bingyue out."

The servant nodded and walked into the War God's Mansion, but he was not going in the direction of Han Bingyue's room, but Zhao Yufan's room.

Zhao Yufan was drinking tea in Wang Buqi's gazebo. Seeing the servants approaching slowly, Zhao Yufan put down the jade cup, and the smile on his face suddenly faded, "What do they want?"

"They want to see Miss Han."

"Then go tell Bingyue, remember...don't allow them to come in!" Zhao Yufan said seriously.

"Yes!" The servant lowered his head, took a peek at Zhao Yufan's stern face, and left with a bow.

Holding the jade cup, Wang Buqi looked at the steaming tea in the jade cup in great perplexity, and asked, "Master, why don't you let them in?"

"Because there's no need to come in!"

Zhao Yufan answered simply.

Wang Buqi didn't seem to understand Zhao Yufan's words. He lowered his head and fell into deep thought. After a long time, he asked tentatively, "You mean not to return to the Zimang Empire?"

Staring at Wang Buqi for a moment, Zhao Yufan showed a smile on his lips. It is certain to go back, but what?How to go back?That's not necessarily the case.

In the afternoon, a group of people slowly appeared outside the gazebo. This group of people was Han Bingyue and the others. They looked helplessly at Zhao Yufan, somewhat confused and annoyed.

"Your uncle's Zhao Yufan, what do you mean?"

Mo Qi's voice sounded, and he sat directly opposite Zhao Yufan, glaring at him: "This is not a personal grievance, but a matter of the entire empire!"

Zhao Yufan glanced at Mo Qi in surprise, and pretended to be surprised: "Oh, you also know how to use benevolence and righteousness to suppress people?"

This sentence made Mo Qi's face turn red, and he couldn't say a word immediately, he could only blink his eyes and motioned for others to come forward.

Han Bingyue stared at Zhao Yufan, her tone was cold: "Let them in!"

Looking at Han Bingyue's pretty face, Zhao Yufan ordered very calmly: "Buqi, let them in, but I don't want to see them, let them be self-aware!"

Wang Buqi nodded, looked helplessly at Han Bingyue and the others, and shook his head slightly. Although people outside could come in now, Zhao Yufan's "self-knowledge" just made things more complicated. It would be better to stay outside the door all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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