Swire Overlord

Chapter 55 Choice

Chapter 55 Choice
Everyone's reaction was expected by Zhao Yufan. He looked deeply at the few people without saying a word, and went straight back to the attic with his hands behind his back and an unfathomable expression.

Seeing Zhao Yufan leaving indifferently, Han Bingyue and the others looked suspicious and looked at each other, a little at a loss. They really didn't want to do things to threaten their disciples, but they could do it when necessary, but no matter whether they did it or not, Because Zhao Yufan left suddenly, they are very at a loss now.

Now doing what Zhao Yufan said, they are undoubtedly surrendering to Zhao Yufan. They are unwilling to surrender because they want to surpass Zhao Yufan. Qiang, they hope that Zhao Yufan can back down on this matter, but the situation is very obvious now, and Zhao Yufan's departure put them in a dilemma again.

"Can't he let us win once?" Tie Yunshan stared and walked helplessly towards the jungle. His words spoke out the hearts of everyone.

Watching Tie Yunshan leave, Mo Qi shrugged his shoulders, bared his teeth and said, "Master, let's go, what's the use of standing here?"

Lin Yu and Lin Tao whispered at the same time: "Damn it!"

Hearing that Lin Yu also said the word damn, Lin Tai frowned, and said coldly, "Damn! Don't learn how to talk like me!"

Han Bingyue and Canyue looked at each other, shook their heads, then took a deep look at the attic, and headed towards the jungle. The two of them were more worried about Zhao Yufan's safety, because they knew more than the others, Understand Zhao Yufan's current situation.

Han Bingyue and the others took the intruder disciple out of the Twelve Heavens Gate in the form of a transaction this time. It was a last resort. There were two reasons. Don't like it, but still do it.Second, they knew that the disciples could not do without the jungle, and if Zhao Yufan came forward to make the deal in person, the disciples would lose even more.

At the very beginning, the disciples were full of confidence, thinking that they could leave the jungle easily, but when they stepped into the jungle, they suddenly felt terrified, because they found that they could not leave the jungle. Because before they destroy the trees, the steel balls will be shot out from the trees. The steel balls are not powerful, but the smoke inside the steel balls has a slight toxin, and the smoke does not disperse for a long time, making it more difficult for them to leave. The horror is that as they continue to destroy the trees, they suddenly feel that the toxin becomes stronger than it started.

The disciples fell into panic. They looked around blankly and gathered together, regretting their reckless intrusion here.

"We won't die, right?" A disciple squatted on the ground, holding his head and saying.

Another disciple frowned and analyzed calmly: "No, there are tens of thousands of disciples coming in, who dares to kill us! But it is not impossible to kill a few disciples, we should be careful and subtle, persist for a while, the elders will He will come to save us! When we get out, we are teaching that guy named Zhao Yufan a lesson!"

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, in the thick smoke, there was a curse from someone: "Fuck you, Mr. Zhao Yufan set up a monument to warn you not to trespass without authorization. You broke into here by yourself, and you are trapped because of your lack of strength. Now It's ridiculous to dare to hate Zhao Yufan!"

Mo Qi's voice was like thunder, rolling towards him. At the same time, his figure slowly walked out of the thick smoke, and behind him was Han Bingyue and his party.

When all the disciples heard the words, they all showed shame and anger, and looked at Mo Qi and his party with vigilance.The person who spoke just now had a ruthless look in his eyes, and asked calmly, "Who are you?"

"Zhao Yufan's friends!" Mo Qi said lightly, and glanced at the group of people in front of him. There were about a thousand people in this group. To leave the jungle, you must make a deal with us, the content of the deal is that you give us spirit stones, elixir and other items, and we will take you out of the jungle, of course you can refuse!"

As soon as the words fell, the disciples shouted.

"Get out, who do you think you are?"

"We will go out by ourselves, we don't need you!"

"Bastards who are ungrateful for profit, your plot will never succeed!"

Everyone shouted and cursed, wanting to drive Mo Qi and others away.

Mo Qi's face was as usual, with a hint of disdain hanging from the corner of his mouth, Han Bingyue and the others were very embarrassed, it was the first time they had been humiliated by so many people, and it was their fault, they felt ashamed and remained silent.

However, Mo Qi has always been thick-skinned, and he doesn't think that what Zhao Yufan did was wrong. If this group of people could go out by themselves today, they would inevitably humiliate Zhao Yufan. Before breaking into this place, Zhao Yufan had already given them a reminder, not to mention that there had long been regulations here that disciples from the other three departments were not allowed to break in!
"Everyone, you should be waiting for the elders to come forward, right? Then I will give you time. One day! I will come back in one day. I hope you can think about it carefully in one day! Is it a deal, or continue to refuse!" Mo Qi After speaking, he turned and left, and Han Bingyue and the others left even faster.

Along the way, Han Bingyue and the others met dozens of disciples gathered together. Their proposals to Mo Qi all ended with cursing. Among them, hundreds of disciples were willing to leave for various reasons.

Mo Qi was alone responsible for leading hundreds of disciples away, while Han Bingyue and the others returned to the attic. As soon as they stepped into the attic, they glared at Zhao Yufan. Today was a day they would never forget in their lives. For the first time in their lives, they Feel ashamed.

Zhao Yufan looked at the few people calmly. From their eyes, it could be seen that they were really angry, "Hey, are you really angry?" He asked pretending to be uncertain, with a smile on his mouth, as if he was smiling Bingyue and the others were, to be precise, laughing.

"You've gone too far!" Han Bingyue said with a frown.

Zhao Yufan was silent for a moment, and suddenly said seriously: "You are with me, and you will encounter this kind of situation one day. Now it is for you to get used to it. If you can't accept it, it's better for us to go our separate ways!"

When these words came out, the atmosphere in the attic suddenly became strange. The air in the whole room seemed to freeze together, making everyone breathless. They had never thought about what Zhao Yufan said, but they knew that what Zhao Yufan said just now was not It's alarmist!

Zhao Yufan stood in front of the window, staring at the wisteria flowers entwined on the fence outside the window. The wisteria flowers were densely entangled on the fence, as if they were fused together.

In Zhao Yufan's view, Wisteria is Bingyue and the others, and he is the fence. When the fence is burned on the fire, Wisteria will inevitably be implicated.

Now is the time for everyone to choose, some can leave, some can stay, and some can stay away.

(End of this chapter)

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