Swire Overlord

Chapter 64 Lonely Ice Lonely Ice

Chapter 64 Lonely Ice Lonely Ice
Han Bingyue and the others left Dengyun Mountain and returned to their residences.

The next morning, just after dawn, Han Bingyue and the others rushed to the attic one after another.

In the attic, Zhao Yufan was still repairing his injuries. He gradually opened his eyes and looked around at everyone. He felt that everyone seemed to look at him differently. He touched his cheek and asked, "Are there any flowers on my face? Are you looking so carefully? "

"There is something more attractive than flowers on your face!" Tie Yunshan said strangely, his eyebrows twitched slightly, trying his best to restrain the idea of ​​saying the "eye of troubled times".

"Fuck you, uncle," Mo Qi pushed Tie Yunshan away, and immediately changed the subject: "What are you going to do now?"

Zhao Yufan straightened his body, let out a breath, looked at the Twelve Heavens Gate outside the window, and said softly, "Build the Twelve Heavens Gate. I guess the suzerain's punishment will not come down until the Twelve Heavens Gate is built."

"In this case, we will never build the Twelve Heavens Gate!" Tie Yunshan said coldly.

Shaking his head, Zhao Yufan sarcastically said, "It's because of the power of the Twelve Heavens Gate that they waited all this time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to live to this day!" While speaking, he slowly got up and walked out.

The foundation of the Twelve Heavens Gate has just been established. Originally, he wanted to complete the construction of the Twelve Heavens Gate alone, but now that he is seriously injured, it is impossible to complete it independently, and he wants to win over the elders of the Artifact Refiner. Let the refiner come to help.

This time, Zhao Yufan invited all the refiners of Qinglanzong, including the elders of the refiners. He handed over all the 24 drawings of the refiners he drew last night to the elders of the refiners, and informed them of the quantity and amount of refiners they needed to refine. Precautions.

A dozen elder craftsmen gathered together, staring at the 24 blueprints on the table, almost falling out of their eyes in surprise.

The 24 refining blueprints are all second-rank refining blueprints. Although the second-rank blueprints are not high, the emphasis is on quantity, and the items depicted in the refining blueprints are all they have never seen before. This represents uniqueness. They Qinglan Zong instantly has 24 unique refining items.

"Is this what you researched?" An old craftsman couldn't help asking.

Zhao Yufan smiled slightly, and shook his head calmly, "No, I got a treasure by chance, and I got these blueprints inside."

"The Twelve Heavens Gate also came from that treasure?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Yufan nodded slowly, looked at the disciples of the refining master who were waiting not far away, and said, "Several elders, let the disciples start refining. It is estimated that after the refining is completed, their refining level will improve a lot." few."

"How do you know?" Elder Ji Bing, the strongest among the craftsmen, asked with a frown.

Zhao Yufan was at a loss for words for a moment, blinked his eyes, and then replied vaguely: "Guess."

Staring at Zhao Yufan's dejected back, Elder Ji Bing's pupils shrank, and his eyes returned to the blueprint of the refining equipment.

His eyes returned to the blueprint of the refining tool, but the rest of the elders looked at him, with a look of surprise in their eyes. Elder Ji Bing is known as "Lonely Ice", and he rarely speaks, and sometimes he does not speak for a month. Recently, he hadn't spoken for half a month, but why did he talk to Zhao Yufan today?

Ji Bing is the elder of the Qinglan Sect who manages the refining masters. All things related to refining are controlled by him. He seldom speaks, but as long as he speaks, his words will be useful, even if he just hums , also represents a special meaning.

Elder Ji Bing's status is second only to the elders of the fourth line. In Qinglan sect, he said one thing. As long as he said it, he would not change it. Moreover, the elders of the four lines would give him three points. The suzerain and the elders of Yunhai did not dare It's easy to offend him, but craftsmen generally don't participate in sect battles, so no one provokes him.

What he asked Zhao Yufan was very simple, but in the eyes of some people, this sentence was not simple, because Ji Bing never talked nonsense.

The suzerain was the first to get the news. The suzerain was drinking tea with Elder Yunhai in the pavilion. The two had had an unpleasant fight because of the Skyfire Pearl, but because Zhao Yufan reconciled as before, it was also because of Zhao Yufan that they were sitting together.

"The sect wants to kill Zhao Yufan?" Elder Yunhai asked.

"Does Elder Yunhai have any different opinions?" The suzerain asked back.

"Killing him is worse than protecting him!" Elder Yunhai picked up the jade cup, took a sip, and glanced at the suzerain while drinking tea.

The suzerain frowned, fell silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "He has great potential, but after all, he is not a direct descendant of the sect. With his character, if he grows up, the Qinglan sect will be destroyed by him sooner or later!"

Elder Yunhai was about to say a few words, but just as his lips moved, he suddenly stopped talking.

The suzerain was slightly startled, and looked outside the pavilion. At this time, a person slowly appeared on the steps of the pavilion. This person is a disciple of refining equipment.

"Is something wrong?" The suzerain frowned.

"Sovereign Master, just now Elder Ji Bing asked Zhao Yufan: How do you know?"

The suzerain heard the words, looked at the jade cup in front of him, and said softly: "Tell me about the specific situation."

The disciple narrated the conversation between Zhao Yufan and Elder Ji Bing just now, then bowed back and left slowly.

Inside the pavilion, there was silence. Elder Yunhai looked in the direction of the Phoenix Department and said bluntly, "Zhao Yufan is really smart. If he can get Ji Bing's help, even if you want to kill him, you should think twice before doing so."

Hearing this, the suzerain's face turned cold, and he said sharply: "As the master of Qinglan sect, I want to punish a disciple, who dares to stop me?"

Elder Yunhai stood up slowly, shook his head and sighed: "Power is just passing away, why be persistent, there are people who dare to resist you in the Qinglan Sect...you can find them everywhere."

Looking at the back of Elder Yunhai, the suzerain snorted softly, and the two jade cups on the table instantly turned into powder.He was very angry, which made him more determined to kill Zhao Yufan!There is another person who is as angry as him, and this person is Elder Li.

Elder Li was with Elder Mingyuan, but after hearing the news, only Elder Li was angry, and Elder Mingyuan didn't seem to have much reaction to this matter.The two belong to different departments, but in recent days, they have frequently communicated secretly together.

At this time, the two were whispering under a locust tree, and people who didn't know would mistakenly think that they were talking about love.

"Little bastard, you really want to win over that old Ji Bing, you really deserve to die!" Elder Li was furious, his eyes were gloomy like poisonous snakes.

The famous elder frowned in thought, and there was not much anger in his eyes, but strangeness instead.

Seeing that the celebrity elder was not as furious as before, Elder Li opened his mouth and was speechless for a while. He wanted the celebrity to come forward and kill Zhao Yufan, but now the celebrity did not intend to kill Zhao Yufan, which made him quite puzzled, "The elder celebrity , Zhao Yufan knocked you into the air in front of tens of thousands of disciples, what a disgrace! Could it be that he was easily let go?"

The corner of the famous lady's elder raised her mouth, stared at Elder Li in disgust, and said in a cold voice, "You want to kill him, right?"

"You!" Elder Li stared, speechless.

"Someone will take care of Zhao Yufan's affairs, so don't pretend to be smart, or you will be the one who suffers!" The celebrity elder said indifferently, and left, leaving only Elder Li grinning.

(End of this chapter)

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