Chapter 713 Boundless Fury
It was easy to kill a Wang Yu. Although Zhao Yufan was injured, this did not hinder him. After all, it was an emperor's domain, and it was more than enough to kill a Wang Yu, not to mention that he was attacking secretly.

Zimang shot out, and Wang Yu died instantly.

Zhao Yufan also didn't expect that Wang Yu was so careless, he carried the corpse away, and he started to greet the next one.The second Wang Yu was also instantly killed by Zimang, without any resistance, and he didn't even know who killed him.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhao Yufan also understood why Wang Yu was so weak, because Sun Shan and the others regarded him as too weak, so naturally they would not send any masters.But the next step will be difficult. The two teams of enemies each have three people, and they are very careful, so they shouldn't be scattered.

"How to separate them?" Zhao Yufan frowned and pondered. He couldn't make a move unless the enemy was separated.After thinking about it for a while, but he didn't have any countermeasures, he decided to heal his injuries. Anyway, this group of people will definitely come back before night.

One-tenth of the injury was healed, Zhao Yufan woke up leisurely, the sky was dark, a few nighthawks flew by, making sad screams, and the weeds danced with the cold wind, falling one by one to one place, undulating with each other.

Looking into the distance, under a few dead trees, there were six people sitting together. A bonfire rose among them. The flames danced, as if they were about to escape from the bonfire. Unfortunately, they disappeared in the air just after leaving the bonfire.

"What should we do?" A Wang Yu asked nervously, looking around from time to time, as if there was something terrifying around.

Wang Yu, the strongest among the six, shook the sword in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "We can only wait! Our young master and young master Sun Shan must send reinforcements, the people we sent back must have been killed, dare to kill them The person in charge must be that Zhao Yufan, that is to say, he also killed the powerful Emperor Domain. This Zhao Yufan must be around, if we go back, he will definitely intercept, so we can only wait for the young master and the others to send reinforcements."

Someone questioned: "No, he can kill Diyu, is he still afraid of us?"

"I'm injured, but even if he's injured, he can kill us with all his might. Don't you want to die?" Wang Yu, who was speaking just now, glanced at the crowd and said coldly, "As long as we're together, he shouldn't dare to kill us." , we must unite."


Zhao Yufan didn't know what they were thinking, but they didn't leave, which made him a little wary.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the six kings needed to rest after running around for a day. They were divided into three groups, with two people in each group, and they took turns to watch the night.

The two watchmen sat by the fire, very nervous, and looked around from time to time.Zhao Yufan hid not far away, staring at the few people closely, thinking for a long time, he suddenly turned and left, and ran towards the location of the Longmen Tower.

Originally he wanted to kill two people, but after he thought about it carefully, killing a few people was useless, he might as well take this opportunity to go back to Longmen Tower and leave here with the four girls, so as not to delay for a long time and cause complications.

The Dragon Gate Building was actually not as peaceful as Zhao Yufan thought. At the gate of the building, Wang Jiuxiao, Sun Shan and Bai Long were leading a group of followers to confront Yu Hulong and the four daughters of Qingzhu.

The three of Wang Jiuxiao were extremely bad. They were waiting for the news at first, and then they remembered the four beauties around Zhao Yufan. The three of them became lustful, so they led their entourage to find the four daughters of Qingzhu. Naturally, Xu Hulong and Hulong couldn't Let them take the guests away by force. If they take people away in the Dragon Gate Tower, their reputation will be ruined.

"Senior Xu, you'd better leave us young people alone!" Sun Shan said arrogantly, not afraid of Xu Hulong, the emperor, because he also had an emperor beside him, and he was the only one in their group. An imperial domain.This street belongs to the Sun family. In order to show his own strength, Sun Shan specially asked the family to send an emperor to support him.

Xu Hulong was very displeased, and said with a dark face: "This is not the Sun family, you don't have to be arrogant in front of me, your Sun family can't do anything to me, do you think you can be arrogant and domineering with an imperial domain? Hmph!" His words were originally intended for Sun Shan, but Di Yu who was beside Sun Shan thought that Xu Hulong looked down on him, so he couldn't help being very angry, drew out a first-grade sword, and killed him.

Emperor Yu made a move, and the other followers also rushed up, and the two sides immediately fought into a ball, and the four girls of Qingzhu were surrounded heavily and were seriously injured.

Qing Zhu's eyes were full of anger, and he pointed his sword in all directions, but the enemy was so strong, he could only step back step by step, and said sadly: "I will die even if I die, and I will never bow to you villains!"

"Qingzhu be careful." Lan Hua jumped in front of Qingzhu, pulled her away, and at the same time stretched out her right arm to help him block the sword.

Seeing Lanhua being injured for herself, Qingzhu had tears in her eyes, and she clenched her sword tightly: "I will fight with you!"

The four girls were able to fight back at first, but gradually they could only defend, with countless scars appearing on each of them.At this time, the four girls looked at the sky and thought to themselves, even if they die, they cannot be caught by this group of people. As long as the young master is still alive, they will definitely take revenge.

"Young master will definitely avenge us!" Phantom said coldly, ignoring the sword rain in front of her, and jumped out to kill.The other three women looked at each other and rushed towards the enemy one after another. They would rather die in battle than keep their innocence. If they were so shattered, they would never let the enemy touch them.

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, your young master died earlier than you." Sun Shan smiled sinisterly, and couldn't help sighing: "You should obediently obey this young master, and I will protect your prosperity and wealth in the future!"

The four daughters were heartbroken when they heard the words, the young master did not return for a long time, they must have encountered a crisis, at this time the four of them reported that they must die, and when they heard that the young master was in danger, the four of them had no hope of living, they just wanted to die Killed Sun Shan and several people before.

The four daughters rushed towards Sun Shan, Sun San was shocked and backed away quickly, while his followers rushed up and beat the four daughters away.

The four girls fell to the ground, each holding a weapon, they met each other silently, and were about to commit suicide.

At this moment, a figure flew over the night sky.

"Damn you all!"

With a roar, the fighters and onlookers all looked towards the sky.

The night sky under the stars was filled with a faint murderous aura, and a purple sword glow fell from the sky, cutting between Sun Shan and the four daughters, killing the four Wang Yu masters in the middle instantly.

Everyone was startled, and then fell into chaos again.

Zhao Yufan looked sharply at Emperor Wu who was fighting with Xu Hulong, raised his arm, and shot out a purple awn.

Zimang was fast and anxious, and directly hit the back of the strong Diyu. Just as the Diyu was about to turn around, his body burst instantly.

Diyu was killed, and the battle stopped again. Everyone looked at Zhao Yufan who was rushing down in horror, feeling extremely nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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