Chapter 719 Those Below the Imperial Domain Get Out
The strong wind howled, the shadows of people shuttled back and forth, and the monsters and beasts in the forest avoided one after another.

Hundreds of people formed a siege on Zhao Yufan, eager to kill Zhao Yufan with a single sword, and lead his head to receive the reward.

"Hurry up, now that Zhao Yufan is seriously injured, this is our best chance to kill him!"

"That's right, this devil is a strong man in the imperial domain. We only have this chance. When he recovers, we will have no chance to kill him."

"Go, kill him."

Everyone encouraged each other, held weapons in their hands, and kept searching for Zhao Yufan's whereabouts.

King Jin and Fire King have been following the crowd, and now they don't really want to kill Zhao Yufan, but want to see how Zhao Yufan will deal with the enemy. The means used to deal with the enemy, even if he is injured now, cannot be killed by just a few Wang Yu and Di Yu.

The reason why the two of them spoke so highly of Zhao Yufan was because they had fought with Zhao Yufan.Li Fengyang and the Sun family's powerful emperors were also at the back of the crowd. After fighting Zhao Yufan, they became wary.

Zhao Yufan was sitting cross-legged on a rock in the forest, meditating, and the sunlight shone down on his face along the branches and leaves, making his face even more resolute.A white robe fluttered in the wind, and Lei Dan's heavy knife penetrated a few inches into the stone, standing straight in front of him, like his guardian.

In the jungle, footsteps sounded, and the three Wang Yu who were searching for Zhao Yufan suddenly saw Zhao Yufan sitting cross-legged on the stone. They looked at each other, couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and slowly approached.

Zhao Yufan had already sensed someone approaching. Just as the three Wang Yu had just appeared in front of him, he opened his eyes suddenly and shot out a purple awn.

The purple awns are like lightning, fleeting in a blink of an eye.

One Wang Yu exploded in an instant, scaring the other two Wang Yu and turned around and ran away, not forgetting to notify others while running.

"Zhao Yufan is here, everyone come and kill him."

"I found Zhao Yufan, everyone come and kill him."

The crowd wasn't too far apart, and with the loud voices of the two Wang Yus, more than a dozen Wang Yus were soon attracted.When they found Zhao Yufan and saw Zhao Yufan sitting cross-legged, they were not only very suspicious, but no one dared to approach him.

One Wang Yu finally couldn't bear it any longer. Holding a knife, he suddenly rushed towards Zhao Yufan.But as soon as he took a few steps, a purple glow pierced his chest in an instant. Before he could react, he felt his body swell, his blood boiled, and then exploded.

This scene frightened more than a dozen Wang Yu to death. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't dare to go forward.

Zhao Yufan opened his eyes, glanced at Wang Yu nearby, got up slowly and said, "I advise you to leave."

"Hmph, don't be too arrogant, there are so many of us, are we still afraid that you won't succeed?"

"Yeah, everyone unite and kill him!"

Following the instigation of several people, more than a dozen Wang Yu glared at Zhao Yufan one after another, and slowly approached him.


Zhao Yufan shouted softly, 360 swords were born out of nowhere, the sharp points of the swords were aimed at the enemy, each sword was even more murderous, and could be cut off from the heads of everyone at any time.

"Kill!" Someone shouted, and a dozen Wang Yu rushed towards Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan shook his head slightly, and controlled the 360 ​​eight-treasure sword to sweep across more than a dozen kings.

The sword shook, and the shadow of the sword enveloped everyone. In the forest, only their roars, curses, and pleadings could be heard.

Zhao Yufan didn't kill them, he just stunned them, put away the storage rings of these people, looked at the stone he was sitting on just now with a smile, and came to the stone with a thunderbolt heavy knife in his hand, he wrote a line on it to show Warning: Anyone below the imperial domain, get out!
This is a warning, but more like disdain and provocation.

When a large number of Wang Yu and Di Yu powerhouses rushed here and saw the handwriting on the stone, their faces turned red with anger, wishing to tear Zhao Yufan into pieces, especially Wang Yu's masters, who were even more furious and unconvinced , But after all, some self-aware people choose to leave.

King Jin and King Fire looked at each other, their expressions of astonishment deepened. They realized that they had always underestimated Zhao Yufan.

The four emperors of the Sun family were quite afraid of Zhao Yufan, and they didn't dare to pursue him anymore, so they could only unite with the others, and with Li Fengyang fanning the flames, the momentum soon increased, shouting the slogan "Beat Zhao Yufan", and continued to pursue.

Zhao Yufan's face was pale, and there was a hint of worry between his brows. There was still a long way to go to Qingfeng Ridge, but the enemies all around were like the jungle in front of him, all around.Patting his forehead, he pursed his lips and suddenly laughed. If he could forge 360 ​​first-grade swords, then he would not have to be afraid of anyone.

Thinking of this, he glanced around, jumped onto an ancient tree, looked around, and then disappeared into the jungle.

Hundreds of people including Li Fengyang searched for several days, but they couldn't find any trace of Zhao Yufan. This made everyone feel depressed, listless, and began to complain.

Li Fengyang looked at the complaining people angrily, and cursed in his heart: "A bunch of trash, so many people have failed to find Zhao Yufan, and they still have the nerve to complain here." Thinking this way, he had a smile on his face, and kept comforting everyone .

"Senior Li, did Zhao Yufan run away?" someone asked.

Li Fengyang was in a good mood when he heard the phrase "Senior", and thought: "Impossible, how could he run so fast with a serious injury, I'm sure he is around, everyone should keep an eye on these days, I guarantee he will come out .”

Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't say anything. Anyway, they couldn't be the masters, they could only obey the orders of Li Fengyang and the others.

On the old tree near the crowd, King Jin and King Fire sat on the branches drinking and chatting, looking so relaxed and comfortable.

"Tell me, where is that little guy?" Jin Wang asked, he couldn't believe that Zhao Yufan had left.

Fire King smiled, took a sip of wine and said, "He should be in the water."

"In the water?" Jin Wang was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, and laughed.

Li Fengyang stared at the two strong men, feeling that they seemed to know something, he couldn't help but came to the two of them, bent down and saluted: "Seniors, how about rest?"

King Jin squinted at Li Fengyang, frowned and said, "Is it related to you?"

The smile on Li Fengyang's face froze, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said with a dry laugh: "Hehe... the two seniors are not in a good mood, are you worrying about Zhao Yufan's affairs? Feel free to tell me if you have any difficulties, the juniors will definitely try their best And for."

"Hmph!" Jin Wang snorted coldly, and sarcastically said, "Do you think you're smart if you want to extract Zhao Yufan's information from us? Get out of here."

Hearing this, Li Fengyang's face was ashen, and he said angrily: "Seniors, what do you mean? I am not looking for Zhao Yufan for supernatural powers, but to remove a evil for the world! Since the two seniors are willing to help this monster, The junior will take his leave." His voice was loud, and he immediately attracted the attention of everyone around him.

(End of this chapter)

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