Chapter 723
The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and a purple light appeared across the sky, approaching the emperor's domain in front of it. Zhao Yufan controlled the dragon and killed that emperor's domain as well.

With a flash of sword light, Emperor Yu was killed in battle.

Once the move was successful, Zhao Yufan's momentum was like a rainbow, the dragon swung its tail and swept across the emperor's domain, turned the dragon's head and let out a long roar, and continued to go straight to an emperor's domain.

"Purple Mans Slash!"

Zhao Yufan sternly said, a sword energy covering the majestic purple awns slashed in front of the strong man in the imperial domain. .

Emperor Yu was killed, and everyone was shocked. This knife was aggressive enough. One knife could cut through the defense of Emperor Domain and then kill him. One can imagine the power of that knife just now.

Taking advantage of the chaos among several emperors, Zhao Yufan killed two emperors again, leaving everyone dumbfounded. If this continues, the ten emperors will be finished.Liu Fengyang was anxious and couldn't help shouting: "Idiot, you two go together, will you cooperate?"

This scolding immediately woke up the rest of the Emperor Territory, but they looked at Li Fengyang not with gratitude, but with anger, and they called them idiots, it was damned!

Li Fengyang also knew that he had said something wrong, so he shrank his neck involuntarily and changed the subject: "Be careful with Zhao Yufan."

Zhao Yufan chuckled awe-inspiringly, and unleashed his imperial sword. He didn't use thirty or sixty swords, but 68 first-grade swords. Ten swords were used against one emperor. Adding himself, it was enough to instantly kill six emperors.When Li Fengyang reminded, Zhao Yufan started to attack.

The sixty first-grade swords are equivalent to the ordinary attacks of the Emperor's Domain, and under Zhao Yufan's control, the swords have a certain degree of spirituality, knowing how to inflict maximum damage on the enemy.

The four emperors were instantly dismembered by chaotic swords, and the remaining two emperors were beheaded by Zhao Yufan and killed by Shenlong.

Ten emperors died tragically in the hands of Zhao Yufan within 3 minutes.

Zhao Yufan held a thunderbolt sword in his hand, and asked domineeringly and arrogantly, "Who else is there!"

Everyone was silent for a while, even Jin Wang and Fire King were a little scared. Zhao Yufan's current strength is too terrifying, no one has the confidence to defeat him.

"Go together!"

Li Fengyang's voice sounded, looking very lonely.

Zhao Yufan narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly sneered and said, "Okay, you have been hiding behind the crowd and shouting, why don't you come and fight with me? How can you say that you are also a rival of the Emperor's Domain? Are you trying to borrow a knife to kill someone? ? Do you really think that the powerhouses of the imperial domain present are all idiots?"

Everyone looked at Li Fengyang instantly, and felt that what Zhao Yufan said was indeed reasonable. This Li Fengyang hid so far away, but kept yelling for people to fight Zhao Yufan. He is also an emperor, so why didn't he fight Zhao Yufan?
"Come on."

"Aren't you a gentleman king? It sounds very powerful, you go up and meet him."

"Why don't you go up? Don't you dare?"

Everyone booed, and people from various forces remained silent, obviously wanting to use Li Fengyang as cannon fodder.

Li Fengyang's face was gloomy, and he was still concerned about his face at this time, so he argued: "I can't beat him, but if you all fight together, I, Li Fengyang, will naturally help. But I can't beat him, but I'm not afraid of him."

Hearing this, some people admired Li Fengyang's candor, some scoffed, and some looked contemptuous.

However, Li Fengyang is a small person after all, and people are more willing to pay attention to Zhao Yufan. No matter whether Zhao Yufan is evil or good, he is still a master in the hearts of people.

"Go! Let's go together!" The third elder of the Wang family said, and rushed to Zhao Yufan first, and the family emperors also rushed forward one after another. With the Wang family taking the lead, the rest rushed up desperately. There are still many kingdoms.

Zhao Yufan kept moving slightly, and when there were enough people, he would explode himself.

In fact, many people think that the self-detonation of Shenlong is a fixed place, and they even think that as long as they distance themselves from Zhao Yufan, the self-destruction of Shenlong will not hurt them. However, this is not the case. Shenlong can move, and he blew himself The location is also not fixed.

Everyone kept a certain amount of vigilance when they rushed towards Zhao Yufan, for fear that the dragon would suddenly blow itself up.But what they didn't expect was that Shenlong actually moved.

They have seen the dragon move, and they were not surprised before, but it is different now, because they thought that the dragon might explode.

Shenlong broke into the crowd in an instant, and approached Li Fengyang. Li Fengyang is such a shrewd person, he specially hides in the place with the largest number of people.

"Shenlong is going to blow itself up, everyone kill him." Li Fengyang shouted, turned around and ran away, he is not stupid, Shenlong's self-detonation is an instant thing, if you don't run, you are an idiot, the reason why I remind everyone is to let everyone help him resist Shenlong The aftermath of the explosion.


Zhao Yufan said softly.

A violent roar sounded, almost knocking down the surrounding mountains.

Countless figures flew out, and the people in the center of the explosion were wiped out. This time, the power of Shenlong's self-detonation was stronger than before. The explosion range was 1000 meters, and within a kilometer, it was instantly flattened, and the ground was scorched black.

The people watching around were also affected, but because they were far away, they didn't suffer too much harm. At this moment, the group of people were stunned, secretly glad that they didn't rush forward. If they just rushed over, they would probably be blown to pieces. I saw several imperial domains being blown up and disappearing into the air in an instant.

The smell of burnt meat filled the air, which made everyone retch and retreated one after another.

The explosion just now directly blew up the rest of Wang Yu's souls, obediently becoming spectators.They are not stupid at all, Zhao Yufan is giving them an explosion, they must die, let's wait and see what happens, and let this group of emperors work hard.

There were more than a hundred people from the Diyu who attacked Zhao Yufan just now, killing more than a dozen people, and more than [-] people felt that Zhao Yufan was too strong, so they quit the siege and chose to wait and see. More than ninety people.

More than ninety emperors did not dare to act rashly, they just stared at Zhao Yufan vigilantly.

The people watching around were impatient, urging Li Fengyang and the others to act quickly, while discussing what other killing moves Zhao Yufan had.

"His strongest is Shenlong self-destruction, right?"

"No, he still controls the swords, those swords he controlled just now. I heard that he can control a thousand of them, and all of them are first-grade swords."

"I rub it, it's so powerful."

"That's right, it's said that the purple light he shot can kill Diyu in an instant."

The ninety or so emperors were already extremely nervous, but when they heard the conversation nearby, they became even more nervous and wanted to retreat.

Zhao Yufan smiled, but he also smiled wryly in his heart. There are obviously 360 swords, how could they become a thousand?But... even 360 is enough for him to deal with everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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