Breeze Swordsman
Zhao Yufan asked a question, and instantly stopped the fight between the strong men on both sides, and each retreated, falling behind Zhao Yufan and Xu Zhe, protecting them.

Seeing that Zhao Yufan pulled Xu Zhe out, the Xu family knew that Zhao Yufan was wrong, but they would not admit their mistake, let alone admit that they came forward because they were afraid of Xu Zhe being killed.The head elder looked indifferent, and said in a deep voice: "We just want to tell you that you can't afford to offend our Xu family."

Zhao Yufan didn't give in, and laughed arrogantly: "Haha... I'm not even afraid of the Yi family, but I'm afraid of your little Xu family?" These words angered the Xu family, even Xu Zhe, who was seriously injured Draw your sword and fight again.

At this time, the city lord Shui Wang said: "That's enough, even with the support of the Yi family, you don't want to push people too much. Since our city lord's mansion has opened a recruitment arena, you are welcome to enter the arena, but... it must be fair! Everyone in the Xu family If the elders have any objections to our City Lord's Mansion, then the people from our City Lord's Mansion will fight you."

As soon as the words came out, the Xu family all looked at the water king. The water king wanted to protect Zhao Yufan. After thinking about it, they didn't say anything. Since the water king gave them steps, they couldn't be too tough.The chief elder groaned, and said with a smile: "Hehe... the city lord calm down, since Zhao Yufan has become a member of the city lord's mansion, then we will naturally give the city lord a little favor and leave."

The Xu family left and the game continued.Zhao Yufan had already sat on the seat behind the King of the Five Elements, talking to a few people in a low voice, as if he had become a dazzling new star in the City Lord's Mansion.

"Seniors, what should I call you now? This recruitment will last for a few days?" Zhao Yufan asked two questions in a low voice, bored.

Hearing this, the King of the Five Elements smiled, and the Water King pondered for a moment and said: "We would like to call you brothers, but we are afraid of causing you trouble. I think you call us brother when there is no one, and call us brother when there are others." Let’s add the word “senior” after our name, as for the recruitment, it will end this afternoon.”

"Okay, this junior has taken advantage of it." Zhao Yufan smiled, and shifted his gaze to the ring.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the recruitment ends.

The City Lord's Mansion has recruited more than a hundred staff members in the past few days. Water King held a banquet in the City Lord's Mansion tonight to welcome everyone. It also arranged food and daily life for the new staff and assigned them tasks.

In the evening, everyone gathered in the banquet hall, and everyone was whispering to each other. They were basically talking about Zhao Yufan. Zhao Yufan almost became the focus of the banquet. is covered up.

But there was no sign of Zhao Yufan in the banquet hall. Zhao Yufan knew that he would be watched by everyone when he arrived at the banquet hall. In order to avoid being treated like a monkey by everyone, he discussed with the king of the five elements and decided to go there later.

"Master, are we going to be here from now on?" Qingzhu asked, she is not a quiet girl, and she also knows that the young master will never live in seclusion here, but he wants to live in seclusion, Mingyue City, Huaizhong City, Xu Family, Yi The family and others will not let him settle down.

Once you enter the rivers and lakes, you can't help yourself.

Zhao Yufan can't leave now if he wants to. Since he can't leave, he can only improve his strength in order to protect himself.

"Stay here temporarily." Zhao Yufan replied vaguely, got up and looked into the night: "Let's go, the time is almost up."

As soon as Zhao Yufan and the four girls arrived at the banquet hall, they attracted everyone's attention. He bowed slightly in a very modest and polite way, as a greeting to everyone.

Seeing that everyone was present, Water King clapped his hands to signal for everyone to be quiet, and then said something like welcome.After being polite, Water King talked about the theme of tonight. The reason why the staff members came to the City Lord's Mansion is because of the generous benefits. Otherwise, who would come here to be driven by others and work hard for others.

Water King looked at the crowd, and said in a deep voice: "From now on, we will be a family. The City Lord's Mansion will help you with food, clothing, housing and transportation. You can get a corresponding salary every month, and those who make contributions to the City Lord's Mansion will be rewarded... "

After talking for nearly half an hour, Water King finally finished explaining the rules of the City Lord's Mansion, and then looked at Zhao Yufan and the other four new staff members in front of him and said, "You five are the most powerful people among the new staff members. I will temporarily let you Manage the new staff and give you some power at the same time."

He assigned powers one by one, and finally said Zhao Yufan.At this time, everyone raised their spirits one by one, and they heard that Zhao Yufan was the strongest among the new staff, and he had a close relationship with Shui Wang and others, so the distribution was naturally extraordinary.

Water King smiled slightly, and said calmly, "Zhao Yufan, Qingfeng Swordsman will be under your jurisdiction from now on."

Hearing that, everyone was stunned. They were basically from the Five Elements City, and they also knew a little about the City Lord's Mansion. There are five trump cards and 36 teams in the City Lord's Mansion, and Qingfeng Swordsman is the No. 30 and sixth team.Qingfeng Swordsman is not a person, but an organization. This organization belongs to the City Lord's Mansion, and in the 36 teams of the City Lord's Mansion, Qingfeng Swordsman belongs to the end.

The main reason is that this Qingfeng swordsman is often suppressed by other teams, and the king of the five elements seems to have acquiesced in this behavior. Although the Qingfeng swordsman belongs to the city lord's mansion, they never obey the orders of the city lord's mansion. For a while, there were rumors that : The City Lord's Mansion needs to clean up the Qingfeng Swordsman.

What does it mean for the City Lord's Mansion to hand over such an organization that he doesn't like to Zhao Yufan?This can't help but make everyone extremely strange. Is this to limit Zhao Yufan's prestige and rights in the City Lord's Mansion?Or should Zhao Yufan punish Qingfeng Swordsman?Regardless of the possibility, this is not beneficial to Zhao Yufan.

There are only a few people who can maintain a peaceful mind. The King of the Five Elements looked calm, and the four staff members looked at Zhao Yufan thoughtfully. He dealt with it with the real intention of not wanting to interfere with his development. Qingfeng Swordsman belongs to the City Lord's Mansion in name, but in fact he is already in a state of detachment. As long as he can recover Qingfeng Swordsman, then Qingfeng Swordsman will be his, and Zhao Yufan will have him in the future own team.

"Thank you, Lord City Master." Zhao Yufan responded without humility, which attracted everyone's surprised eyes.

Water King smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "No need, based on our relationship, just call me Senior Water King."

Everyone was stunned again, feeling that the relationship between Zhao Yufan and the King of the Five Elements seemed to be very good. The other staff all called the Water King as the City Lord, but the Water King asked Zhao Yufan to call him Senior, which shows that they are not as simple as the staff .

The King of the Five Elements actually knew very well that Zhao Yufan had the support of the elder Blood King behind him, so he didn't need to come here to be an aide. He was able to come here only because he was grateful to himself and others for helping him in the battle of Qingfengling.

Amid the puzzled eyes and discussions, the banquet came to an end. The new staff at the banquet were very satisfied with the arrangement just now, and some of the former staff were slightly dissatisfied with Zhao Yufan's direct management of Qingfeng Swordsman.

(End of this chapter)

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