Chapter 75

The red-feathered falcon sealed the entrance of the cave, so that the disciples could not get the red fruit temporarily, but they could get the red-feathered falcon's corpse. The rare red-feathered falcon's corpse is very precious, at least more precious than the golden silk coiled dragon belt of the blue-robed boy. Therefore, at this time, the morale of the disciples is high, and they can't wait to use their breastfeeding strength.

"Ugh..." With a low growl, the Red Feather Falcon neighed unwillingly, its huge head drooping, as if it was about to die.

Seeing this scene, countless disciples swarmed up, and the moment they approached the red feathered falcon, a sudden change occurred.The entire body of the Chiyue Falcon split open suddenly, and countless blood stained its body, and its originally scarlet body became even more scarlet at this moment.

All of a sudden, streams of flames shot out from its body, and the agile flames wrapped around its whole body. In a short while, it turned into a red-feathered falcon braving flames. The terrifying flames radiated scorching heat and swept everything.

Even Zhao Yufan and the others, who were hiding a hundred meters away, felt a strong heat wave rushing towards their faces, and had no choice but to retreat.

The disciple closest to the Chibane Falcon was instantly burned to ashes. This terrifying flame, even a disciple of the middle-level martial artist Ninth Layer, could hardly resist it.

"Mutated monster!" Zhao Yufan said with a frown.

A mutated monster is a kind of abnormality produced by a monster after passing through a special adventure. Under normal circumstances, the strength of a mutated monster is very strong. After the transformation, the strength can almost be directly promoted to the third level of high-level warriors.

"Master, this red-feathered falcon has been hiding its strength!" Mo Qi twitched his mouth, looked at the fleeing disciples, turned around and said, "Why are you standing there, let's run too?"

The rest of the people also nodded and turned around to leave. The moment they turned around, they stopped abruptly and looked sideways at Zhao Yufan who was motionless. They didn't know why he didn't move.

"Aren't you going to kill it?" Tie Yunshan asked coldly, his face was uglier than crying.

"Master Zhao Yufan, don't hurt us, Yunshan, let's drag him away!" Mo Qi grabbed Zhao Yufan's arm and was about to drag him away. Chiyu Falcon is not a high-level warrior in the frozen imperial city, they just have Joint attack, but it is not an opponent, not to mention the flames wrapped around the red feather falcon are too fierce, before they attack, it is estimated that they will be burned to ashes.

Tie Yunshan was more straightforward, grabbed Zhao Yufan's arm, put his backhand around his waist, picked up Zhao Yufan and ran away.

"Hey, you guys..." Zhao Yufan was completely speechless, "Don't make trouble! Let me down!"

Tie Yunshan threw Zhao Yufan to the ground, and said coldly, "My wish has not been fulfilled yet, so I can't die with you. If you want to die, go yourself!"

Zhao Yufan twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced around, and said seriously: "Now is the most favorable time, otherwise, how could we get the red fruit among this group of disciples? I think the red-feathered falcon should have another passage to enter the cave, As long as we injure it, it will definitely run away, and we can enter the cave by following it, and when the time comes, we will directly kill the red-feathered falcon, and after picking the red fruit, we will rush to the sect immediately!"

He briefly explained his plan, then pointed to Chiyu Falcon and continued: "Bingyue, use your attack to lower the temperature of the flame, Yunshan, you attack later, Lin Tao is next, Mo Qi is behind, Lin Yu and Wanyue are in charge hurt it badly."

After simply finishing the sequence of attacks, he glanced at several people sharply and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"Yes, I don't want to go!" Tie Yunshan said bluntly.

Zhao Yufan glared at him, nodded at Han Bingyue, and they slowly approached Chiyu Falcon.

The Red Feather Falcon was too powerful, all the disciples around had gone down the mountain, even Liu Sishi and his group of strong men also left the top of the mountain, under the terrifying flames, they had nothing to do.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, there were only a few lonely figures shaking.

The hot air oppresses people short of breath, and the boulder baked by the heat wave is scalding, and it seems that it may melt at any time.

Suddenly, a coldness filled the air, but it was replaced by scorching heat after a while. At the same time, Han Bingyue held black and white double swords, and the two sword lights exuding cold air immediately slashed at the Chiyu Falcon.

In an instant, several people in Tie Yunshan shot at the same time.

Zhao Yufan was the same as he was in the Frozen Imperial City that day, not moving at all, his eyes were fixed on Chiyu Falcon, and he had no intention of helping Bingyue and the others at all.

"Master Zhao Yufan, you didn't make a move!" Mo Qi yelled, and hit the red-feathered Falcon with the hilt of his sword.

Everyone attacked one after another, and quickly retreated after the fight. However, the terrifying heat appeared here just now, but it was obviously much less hot than before.

The most unlucky one was Mo Qi, because he was the last one to attack, and he fought in close quarters, so countless holes were burned out in his clothes. The most ridiculous thing was that all his hair was burned, and he could even smell it while walking. The peculiar smell of burnt hair.

"It's so fucking stupid!" Tie Yunshan couldn't help but swear, and then he squatted on the ground and laughed wildly, and the others couldn't help laughing too.

Mo Qi was so angry that he almost vomited blood, stared at Zhao Yufan viciously, and cursed: "Your uncle, are you sick? Why didn't you take action? I..." Before he finished speaking, he saw the red-feathered falcon looking into the distance He galloped away, and then ran away, chasing after the Chiyu Falcon, and at the same time did not forget to scold Zhao Yufan: "Your uncle Zhao Yufan, I will settle accounts with you when I turn around!"

Mo Qi followed the Red Feather Falcon, followed by Zhao Yufan and others, but the Red Feather Falcon was very fast, and Mo Qi chased desperately, so he was not thrown off by it.

Finally, the red-feathered falcon got into a bush on the mountainside behind Longlin Peak and disappeared without a trace.

The Red Feather Falcon is huge, and it is impossible to hide its walking traces, so Zhao Yufan and the others successfully found the entrance of the cave and walked into the cave one after another.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave, Zhao Yufan stopped suddenly. Because everyone was walking back and forth, Zhao Yufan who was in the front suddenly stopped.

"Are you sick?" Wan Yue asked coldly.

Zhao Yufan curled his lips and said, "You are the only one who is sick. When you bumped into me just now, I saw that your body seemed to have no bones. Could it be that you have gained weight? Why is your body so soft?"

"You?" Can Yue snorted softly, and said: "Last time, the famous lady elder beat me seriously, and my body hasn't fully recovered, so of course I'm soft."

Hearing what Can Yue said, Zhao Yufan stopped talking immediately. What happened last time was all because of him, so he tried not to provoke Can Yue now, but he didn't think of one thing, that is, being seriously injured has nothing to do with being soft !

(End of this chapter)

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