Chapter 756

Zhao Yufan sat there full of doubts, and didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, the matter had nothing to do with him, and he didn't want to get involved. Originally, Xu Jingjing and Yi Mu didn't like him, so he didn't want to cause trouble.

But Water King seemed to want to hand over this trouble to Zhao Yufan. He looked at Zhao Yufan and said meaningfully: "Yufan, Mu Yi wants us to recommend him to be the general of the executive department, what do you think?"

Zhao Yufan didn't expect that Water King would throw him such a question, so he glanced at Xu Jingjing and Mu Yi who looked unhappy, and he frowned slightly and said nonchalantly, "Whatever you want."


What does whatever mean?
Before Yi Mu could say anything, Xu Jingjing was furious and looked aggrieved: "Zhao Yufan, what do you mean? If you don't want Senior Shuiwang to help us, just say it, why bother to say such irrelevant things. I have conflicts with you, but Yi Mu and you have just met, I hope you will not stop his development because of me."

These words were impassioned and tear-jerking, people who didn't know thought she and Yi Mu had a good relationship, but in fact they were just using each other.These words of hers were very useful to Yi Mur'er. Although he knew that Xu Jingjing was trying to provoke the relationship between him and Zhao Yufan, he still thought Xu Jingjing's words were reasonable.

"Hmph! What do you mean casually? Agree or disagree, can't you explain a little more clearly?" Mu Yi said disdainfully, then suddenly looked at Shui Wang and said, "With the power of our Yi family, we want to get the recommendation of ten city lords That was easy."

As soon as these words came out, Shui Wang's face was a little displeased, did Yi Mu mean to look down on them? "Okay, I'm sorry I can't help you with this matter, if you have nothing to do, you can leave." He directly issued the order to evict the guest, which made Xu Jingjing and Yi Mu furious, but they didn't dare to attack.

Yi Mu looked at Zhao Yufan, walked up to him and said coldly, "I heard you are very good?"

"You want to fight here?" Zhao Yufan stood up slowly, his eyes were icy cold, with a vague murderous intent, his eyes fell on Xu Jingjing, and he warned: "Xu Jingjing, don't forget that this is the City Lord's Mansion."

Xu Jingjing didn't care, but Yi Mu frowned slightly and said, "Let's go."

"Ah, why?" Xu Jingjing stared and was very annoyed. She wanted Yi Mu to teach Zhao Yufan a lesson, but now that Yi Mu was leaving, she couldn't help but sneered: "Are you afraid? You are also from the Yi family anyway. "

Yi Mu's face darkened, and he said in a cold voice: "Shut up! You don't need to point out my affairs. If you want to stay, you can stay by yourself." After finishing speaking, he left without giving Xu Jingjing any face.

As soon as the two left, Water King came to Zhao Yufan and said in a low voice, "They will definitely not let it go. When fighting them, be careful, and don't kill them if you can. We don't care about such things."

Looking at the jade cup in front of the table, Zhao Yufan picked it up and took a sip, pursing his lips and said, "The tea is good, they are such a waste." He swept towards Xu Jingjing and Yi Mu's tea just now, shaking his head gently.

Shui Wang ordered a few more words and went back to deal with business. After Zhao Yufan finished his tea, he hurried back to Qingfeng Swordsman's headquarters.

At the gate of Qingfeng Swordsman headquarters, more than a dozen Qingfeng swordsmen glared at Xu Jingjing and Yi Mu. Zhang Yue clenched the sword in her hand and said sharply, "What do you want to do? The young master hasn't come back yet. If you want to challenge him, wait for him to come back."

Yi Mu glanced at the crowd and said disdainfully: "I heard that you Qingfeng swordsmen are very strong. Since he is not here, you can go up." He showed a golden spear, and with a flick of the spear, several shadows of the spear were like dragons emerging from the water, approaching Zhang Monthly number of people.

Zhang Yue escaped the attack, but the other Qingfeng swordsmen were not so lucky. They were seriously injured by the gun shadow, and flew out backwards, falling into the door.

When such a big event happened at the door, the four women, black and white impermanence, Han Tong and others rushed to see Xu Jingjing and Yi Mu, they were furious, and Han Tong rushed to Yi Mu immediately.Yi Mu is indeed a master of the Yi family. After a few rounds, he shot Han Tong flying, and Han Tong was cut with a bloody gash in his abdomen, and his white intestines could be seen vaguely.

"Set up the formation!" Bai Wuchang shouted.

Dozens of Qingfeng swordsmen immediately set up a network formation, but they were still not Yi Mu's opponents, and they were severely injured by Yi Mu. If it wasn't for Black and White Wuchang and Mrs. Zhang who shot in time, it is estimated that several people would be killed by Yi Mu's gun .

"Is Zhao Yufan scared?" Xu Jingjing didn't forget to taunt Zhao Yufan at this time. He knew that Zhao Yufan would not come back for a while, even if he couldn't kill Zhao Yufan, it was still possible to kill a few Qingfeng swordsmen to make Zhao Yufan angry.

But Yi Mu and Xu Jingjing still underestimated Qingfeng Swordsman, Xu Jingjing and hundreds of executors rushed to the pressure against Qingfeng Swordsman, and Yi Mu and Black and White Wuchang also felt the pressure trembling.

At this moment, a figure galloped under the hazy sky above them. This person was Zhao Yufan. When he saw the injured Han Tong and the others, he felt a nameless anger in his heart. The thunder and lightning heavy saber swept directly at the executor, knocking out more than a dozen people in an instant, and after landing with eighteen slashes, directly wiped out one of the emperors.

Zhao Yufan suddenly appeared, and before everyone could react, he had already killed four emperors and a dozen executors in a row.

Seeing that his subordinates were killed, Yi Mu was furious: "Zhao Yufan, you dare to kill people in the street, today I will kill you and eliminate harm for the people!"

As soon as the words came out, the surrounding audience burst into sighs.

Yi Mu's face turned even redder. The golden spear was like a dragon, and it opened its fangs and charged towards Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan's figure flashed, and he transformed into a small dragon, which directly made him explode in the executioner, killing dozens of people. This also relieved the pressure on Qingfeng Swordsman. I!"

Heiheiwuchang and the others looked at each other, and retreated to fight Yi Mu one after another, heading towards Xu Jingjing.

Zhao Yufan and Yi Mu were in a stalemate for a moment, and they shot almost simultaneously.

Zhao Yufan was very angry at this time. Xu Jingjing and Yi Mu took advantage of him to hurt Han Tong and others when he was in the city lord's mansion. people take revenge.

Yi Mu is very confident. In his opinion, even if he can't beat him, he still has more than enough self-protection. He wanted to fight Zhao Yufan to let him know how powerful he is, but Zhao Yufan used Yujian's Ten Thousand Swords to return to his clan as soon as he made a move. , A strike of eighteen cuts shocked him.

Yi Mu was thrown into the ground when the tenth cut was performed. This was Zhao Yufan's eighteenth cut with all his strength, and its power was quite terrifying.

Seeing that Yi Mu was in crisis, Xu Jingjing turned her eyes and suddenly shouted: "It's just hurting a few Qingfeng swordsmen, don't you dare to kill us?" Yi Mu offended the Yi family.

(End of this chapter)

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