Chapter 762 Resolve
After a long stalemate, Xu Yetian frowned and gave Xu Jingjing a sideways look, motioning for him to speak.

The corner of Xu Jingjing's mouth twitched a little unwillingly, but seeing her father staring at her, she could only shift her gaze to the King of the Five Elements, and said calmly, "My little girl has seen a few seniors."

"Yes." Water King agreed and continued to remain silent.

Xu Jingjing was a little embarrassed. The status of the Xu family was not as good as that of the City Lord's Mansion, but she was also the future daughter-in-law of the Yi family. It would be impolite to neglect her like this. "Senior, do you know my identity?" Both her father and the King of the Five Elements were taken aback.

"Are you serious? Who do you think you are?" Fire King couldn't help asking.

"I..." Xu Jingjing just opened her mouth, but was interrupted by her father Xu Yetian: "Shut up, do you have a place to speak here? You don't look at your identity, even if you are the daughter-in-law of the Yi family, seeing the elders You shouldn't speak out loud!"

By saying this, he was also reminding the King of the Five Elements that his daughter is the future daughter-in-law of the Yi family.

Jin Wang twitched his lips, looked at Huo Wang and said, "Have you heard any recent rumors?"

"What rumor?"

"There is a person married to the Yi family, but this person's daughter is said to have an affair with Zhao Yufan. What do you think the Yi family will think? Will they still agree to this marriage?"

"I definitely don't agree. No man wants such a disgusting woman."

The King of Gold and the King of Fire sang together, turning Xu's father and daughter's face livid, gritted his teeth and looked directly at the King of the Five Elements, but there were countless things to say, and they didn't mention you by name. If you want to argue with them, you have to find out scold.

"Phew..." Xu Yetian let out a foul breath, and said in a deep voice, "Guys, I didn't come here to humiliate you."

"Then what are you doing here?" Water King also asked very forcefully.

"My little girl has offended the City Lord's Mansion and Zhao Yufan a lot these days. We want to resolve the grievances with you."

"Then you should find Zhao Yufan." Fire King interjected.

Xu Yetian closed his eyes, and said helplessly: "Zhao Yufan has unlimited potential, I can't let the Xu family provoke such a dangerous person, as long as Zhao Yufan can promise not to pursue the past, I can provide two items of medicine to cure his two. Brother, it can be regarded as our apology, in the future, I will also let the people of the Xu family stop provoking him, if someone dares to provoke him, he will kill him casually, and my Xu family will not say a word after killing someone."

The King of the Five Elements was taken aback when he heard the words. It was really puzzling that Xu Yetian would spend so much blood to resolve the grievances with Zhao Yufan.

"Can you guarantee it?" Water King asked.

Xu Yetian nodded solemnly: "Yes."

"We can't decide this matter, Lao Jin and Lao Huo, go to the headquarters of Qingfeng Swordsman to discuss the matter and see what he means."

Hearing Water King's words, Fire King pursed his lips reluctantly, and sat motionless on the chair. Jin Wang glared at him, and then he got up.The two passed directly by the Xu family's father and daughter, and galloped to the headquarters of Qingfeng Swordsman.

When Zhao Yufan heard that the two were coming, he hurried out to greet them, thinking that there was some way to save them, "Seniors, have you found a way to save them?"

Jin Wang and Fire King looked at each other, with embarrassment on their faces, Jin Wang hesitated for a moment and said, "Yes, but I'm afraid you don't want to."

Zhao Yufan's pupils dilated, he shook his head and said, "For the sake of my brother, I'm willing to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, so tell me."

King Jin nodded helplessly, told Zhao Yufan what Xu Yetian meant, and then secretly checked Zhao Yufan's expression.Zhao Yufan's face was a little stiff, the veins on his forehead were raised, his fists were clenched tightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"We are just spreading the word, we will support you whether you want it or not." Fire King stared at Zhao Yufan at this moment, and said in a deep voice: "Even if you don't want to, we can use other methods to get back the fifth-grade elixir in their hands. "

Hearing this, King Jin looked at Zhao Yufan with a twitch of his mouth. Zhao Yufan had regained his composure. From his expression, he didn't seem to have the same idea as Fire King. Fire King meant to grab the fifth-grade pill, which was not wise.

"I am willing!"

Zhao Yufan spoke.

Jin Wang nodded slightly, looked at Zhao Yufan's unwilling expression and said, "That's not necessary. It's okay to find opportunities to cause trouble for the Xu family in the future. Now our main thing is to save people."

"Hmm." Zhao Yufan knew that King Jin was right.Sending the two away, he also breathed a sigh of relief. With the fifth-grade elixir, Bai Wuchang and Zhang Yue's injuries should recover, but Zhang Yue woke up and knew that he was crippled, so what should he do?I still have to find a way to help him restore his original appearance.

After a while, the King of the Five Elements rushed to Qingfeng Swordsman's headquarters. In order to resolve the grievances with Zhao Yufan, the Xu family spent a lot of money. Not only did they send two pills, but they also gave huge benefits to the City Lord's Mansion.The King of the Five Elements felt a little sorry for Zhao Yufan, so he came together.

Zhao Yufan didn't have any complaints about the King of the Five Elements, so he asked Qingzhu to give Bai Wuchang and Zhang Yue the elixir, and he asked, "Five seniors, is there any way to restore Zhang Yue's meridians? It is impossible for him to accept his It is the reality of a useless person, I must let him live well."

"Hey..." Water King sighed softly: "Before Xu Jingjing left, she gave us a map. She said that this map marked the old lair of the white fox. The white fox is a magical monster. It is said that his Blood can repair any injury, improve the meridians and bones of the human body, stimulate human potential, and get the blood of the white fox, which should help Zhang Yue." After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhao Yufan's worried reminder: "But, I am worried that there is something wrong with it." conspiracy."

"There must be a conspiracy." Zhao Yufan said coldly. He and the Xu family had resolved their grievances in name, but that didn't stop them from doing bad things secretly.

"Then you?" Water King frowned.

Zhao Yufan's face was indifferent: "Of course I'm going, I want to see what kind of conspiracy they have. But... During the time I'm away, I still hope that a few seniors can help me take care of them."

"Okay! As long as we don't die, no one can step in here." Jin Wang said seriously, and the rest of the people also nodded.

Zhao Yufan saluted gratefully, and after explaining some things, he went straight to Leishan.

As soon as he left Leishan, there was movement in the Xu family.

"Patriarch, Zhao Yufan has already rushed to Leishan." A man knelt on the ground gloomyly and said with his head bowed.

Xu Yetian and Xu Jingjing's father and daughter looked at each other, with smug smiles on the corners of their mouths.

Xu Yetian said: "Tuning the tiger away from the mountain has been successful, Crystal, it's time for you to invite someone from the Yi family."

Xu Jingjing nodded and replied with a smile: "Father, don't worry." After she left, Xu Yetian looked at the kneeling human below and said, "Ah San, continue to monitor Zhao Yufan!"

"Yes!" Ah San replied, bowed and left.

(End of this chapter)

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