Chapter 765 Abandonment
"Damn it! Get him."

The master of Tianyu roared and rushed out of the poisonous smoke, but he suddenly felt sick and his heart trembled. Knowing that he was poisoned, he had no choice but to rush back into the poisonous smoke and bring the others back.

Five people rushed out of the poisonous smoke, and the seven orifices were so angry that they were all well-known masters. They didn't expect to fall to this point, and they were killed so badly. What shocked them even more was that Zhao Yufan still possessed such a strong toxin, which made them Some fear.Among the few people, the one who was injured the most was Di Yu who had been slashed by Zhao Yufan. He was directly seriously injured now, which frightened the rest of the people.

"It turned out to be Qinglong powder, damn it!" Tianyu master glanced at the seriously injured Diyu, and directly deduced the poison.A few people heard that it was Qinglong Powder, and they couldn't help frowning. Qinglong Powder is a very rare poison, but the antidote is not uncommon, which makes most people not use this poison. The reason for buying it is because the antidote is not rare, so the five people have never brought this antidote, and they don't bother with Qinglong powder.

"What should we do now?" A master of the Xu family's imperial domain asked.

The Tianyu master pondered for a while, and said sharply: "Find his whereabouts and tear him into pieces. This person is not very strong, but he is extremely vicious, so we must be careful, understand?"

"Understood!" The four emperors replied.

The Tianyu master looked around, fixed his eyes on the direction Zhao Yufan was escaping from, and said, "Damn it, we can't let him run too far, let's chase after him!"

A group of four people chased after Zhao Yufan in the direction where Zhao Yufan left. One of them, Diyu, was carrying the seriously injured Diyu on his back.Several people ran wildly for a few minutes, feeling that Zhao Yufan could not be found if they kept chasing like this, so they divided into four directions and continued to pursue.

In fact, Zhao Yufan was not far away from them. When they were chasing him, they had already left him behind. Even if they had the speed of light, they still couldn't catch up with him, because they had already run ahead.

The target of Zhao Yufan's attack was Diyu who was carrying Diyu behind his back. He didn't expect Qinglong San to be so powerful that it directly poisoned a Diyu to serious injury, so the rest of the matter would be settled very easily. He was just worried about Tianyu, As for these emperors, although it was a bit troublesome to deal with them, he was not afraid.

Zhao Yufan performed the ghost step, the speed was astounding, and after a few minutes after the masters of Tianyu and the others arrived, he suddenly attacked.

Because this master of the imperial domain was carrying a seriously injured person on his back, his physical strength was very large, and he looked down on Zhao Yufan. He didn't expect that someone behind him would sneak up on him, so he was directly injured by Zhao Yufan, and the person on him was even severely injured by lightning. The knife directly cut into nothingness.

"You..." As soon as Di Yu uttered a word, Zhao Yufan immediately beheaded him with a saber in his hand.

The two emperors were beheaded, and Zhao Yufan felt a lot more relaxed. Now there are still two emperors and one master from the sky.

Perhaps feeling the crisis, the Tianyu master and the remaining two Emperor domain masters actually returned. When they met, their faces changed, and they knew that they had been fooled. After waiting for a while and seeing that the remaining two did not come back, they I knew that the two of them were in danger.

"Damn! This insidious bastard!" Yi Qingtian looked around and couldn't help but growl: "Zhao Yufan, I know you are nearby, and sooner or later I will crush you to ashes!" He knew that Zhao Yufan was nearby, so he could definitely hear his words .

The other two emperors were also full of anger, and there was still a trace of fear in their hearts. After all, the two companions were killed, and maybe it would be their turn next.One of them asked nervously, "Brother Yi, what should we do next?"

"Keep looking for him!" Yi Qingtian gritted her teeth and stared ahead, and said sharply, "From now on, don't leave me, I don't believe he can kill you."

With his words, the faces of the two emperors finally eased a lot, and they really dare not act alone now.The three of them walked for a few minutes, and saw the corpses of the two emperors just now, which made the three feel a little nervous for no reason.

"Severely wounding Di Yu with one knife, this Zhao Yufan is really powerful." Yi Qingtian stared at the broken corpse, and suddenly frowned and cursed: "Damn! He used poison again, this despicable and shameless bastard!"

Zhao Yufan secretly observed the three of them, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth. Under such circumstances, no one would pay attention to gentlemanly demeanor. He was a little anxious. The three of them were always together, which would make him have no chance to make a move. How should they be dispersed?

Suddenly, he thought of a notice, quietly opened the distance between him and the three of them, and galloped towards the opposite direction of the three of them.Soon, he grabbed a king domain monster and came back again. He sneaked up on the three of them, hid himself a few tens of meters away from the three of them, coughed lightly, and let the monster go away.

Yi Qingtian and the two Imperial Domain masters heard coughing, and the three of them looked at each other and rushed over. Yi Qingtian was much faster than the two Imperial Domain experts, and left them behind in the blink of an eye. The voice in the distance continued to pursue, and the two emperors followed closely behind, but they still lost Yi Qingtian.


Suddenly, Zhao Yufan's voice sounded, four divine dragons attacked fiercely, and 360 swords flickered coldly, like ghosts rushing towards the two emperors. attack.

Just after the eighteen cuts, Zhao Yufan retreated, and at the same time let the four dragons explode, and left quickly.

It was only three seconds from his appearance to his departure. At this time, Yi Qingtian knew that he had been fooled and returned to the scene, but Shenlong's self-destruction made him pause slightly and did not catch Zhao Yufan.

On the messy ground, only Yi Qingtian and one Diyu remained, and the other Diyu had already died in battle.The two looked at each other speechlessly. In just a few seconds, they had killed an emperor, which made the two of them a little unbearable. Who knows if they will be attacked in the next second? The feeling that there is danger but there is no way to stop it makes them flustered.

Yi Qingtian stood there quietly, his face suddenly calmed down, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he stared at the Emperor Domain master and said: "You can lure him out."

"Ah?" The master of the imperial domain looked at Yi Qingtian in surprise, and quickly understood what he meant, but he didn't want to be this bait. Zhao Yufan could kill his companion within three seconds, so he would naturally be able to kill him, "No way." , he will kill me."

Yi Qingtian stared coldly at the master of Diyu, and said calmly: "That's not my business, anyway, I don't want to be with you right now." After finishing speaking, he disappeared into the pine forest, leaving only Diyu with a horrified expression on his face. master.

(End of this chapter)

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