Chapter 771 Hundred Cities Ranking Battle 2
In the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament, a third-tier city that wants to advance to a second-tier city needs a match, and there are no second-tier cities participating in this game, because they already belong to the second-tier city, and this contest is only in the third-tier city. This avoids the disparity in power, but of course this is not absolute.

As long as they can enter the top ten in the Hundred Cities Ranking Competition, these cities can be promoted to second-tier cities, and this only gives the third-tier cities an identity. As for whether they can become real second-tier cities in the future, they still need their own resources. Power, maybe they will be annexed by other second-tier cities, maybe they will continue to be reduced to third-tier cities.

However, only with the status of being promoted to the second-tier city can you get a lot of rewards, and these rewards are also the reason why they have changed from the third-tier city to the second-tier city. The capital of the first-level city, as long as you obtain these capitals and successfully use them, you can be promoted to a second-level city.

The same is true for other methods of city promotion. As long as you rank in the top ten, you will have the resources to become a high-level city. With these resources, you can gradually develop into a high-level city person.

After hearing this, Zhao Yufan couldn't help laughing.Seeing his beating expression, the King of the Five Elements felt a little helpless, they are so serious, why is this guy still smiling so happily?Could it be that he despised them?

"Several seniors, after all, isn't this just an ordinary game?"

Hearing Zhao Yufan's understatement, the King of the Five Elements opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth. As Zhao Yufan said, this is actually an ordinary match, just like the match among the disciples of the sect. It's the same as the competition between the disciples of the family, and the competition between the old people in the city. The only difference is the value of the competition.

Ordinary competitions are nothing more than competing for rankings, rewards, and who is stronger and who is weaker. However, in a hundred-city ranking battle, you earn the qualification for promotion and the strength of a city. A war of ten thousand people is not about one person, but millions of people in a city.

Zhao Yufan roughly understood their reason for coming, but he still couldn't help asking: "Do the seniors want me to participate?"

"En." Water King looked at him solemnly, and said quite seriously: "You have a very strong combat power, and you can increase your winning rate if you join. All the heads of forces in Asexual City will participate in the competition except you. There are a total of 5000 people, five hundred in the Heavenly Domain, and four thousand five in the Imperial Domain."

Zhao Yufan stared in surprise, a master of the five hundred heavens?Are there any masters from the Five Hundred Sky Domain in the Five Elements City?Why has he never seen it?Even in the city lord's mansion, there are no masters from the sky domain.

Fire King had a rather smug look on his face. It turned out that there were things in the world that Zhao Yufan didn’t know about. He thought this guy was omnipotent, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised. There are some masters in the sky, otherwise, how do you think those cities can stand for a hundred years? These masters in the sky generally don’t deal with the affairs of the city. Unless the city is attacked, they will not appear. The ranking battle of the hundred cities is about The development and future of the city, they will definitely participate, and there are many unexpected gains in this competition, not to mention the masters of the sky, even the masters of the sanctuary can't help it."

The matter was settled like this, and before leaving, the King of Gold reluctantly threw him a book about the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament, and asked Zhao Yufan to read it carefully, so as not to ask questions.Glancing at the blue book cover, Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and threw the book aside, calling for the four daughters of Qingzhu.

Seeing that the four girls have all become emperors, Zhao Yufan beamed with joy, couldn't help nodding triumphantly, and praised: "Not bad, not bad, with my demeanor back then, if you want to improve, you can improve." Hearing this, the four girls covered their mouths He chuckled lightly, and instead of dismantling him to brag, he listened with a smile on his face.

When the subject changed, Zhao Yufan stared at the four girls seriously, and took out five drops of white fox blood from the storage ring: "You Sihe, go to Tsinghua Street, give them the white fox blood, and let them distribute it themselves. These days I will To participate in the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament, you can help Bingyue and the others on Tsinghua Street."

The four girls pursed their lips one after another and nodded unhappily, but they also knew that it was impossible to stay by Zhao Yufan's side, so they didn't say anything, and looked directly at him, hoping that he would compromise.

Zhao Yufan ignored the girls, and waved his hand directly to signal that they could leave. They are all masters in the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament. He doesn't have any intention of taking care of the four of them, and he will definitely not put them in danger. Tsinghua Street or the entire Huaizhong City Here, it is estimated that there are not many people who are the opponents of the four women, of course those hidden Tianyu masters are excluded.


In the past few days, Zhao Yufan has thought a lot, and has a new understanding of the Hundred Cities Ranking Competition. The number of participants in each city must be 5000, it must be 100 Tianyu, it must be [-] Emperor Yu, and more One will not do, and one less will do.There are more than [-] third-tier cities in Tianbao Province, and only [-] cities can participate in the competition. The Five Elements City has just participated in the competition for one year, and this is the second year.

The Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament is held every 50 years, and every 50 years is also the beginning of a bloodbath. Some cities participating in this battle will be promoted to second-tier cities, and some will be annexed. It can be said that this is not just a competition. , but a contest between cities, but some cities did not participate in the Hundred Cities Ranking Competition, and will not be involved in this battle.

According to Zhao Yufan's understanding, some third-tier cities do not participate in the Hundred Cities Ranking Competition because they are accumulating strength and waiting for their strength to reach a certain level. It is inevitable to become a second-tier city. From the information obtained by Zhao Yufan, he found that The strength of several cities can already compete with some ordinary secondary cities.

The number of cities participating in the competition this year is also the strongest in the past 200 years. In the past, there were no more than one hundred cities participating in the competition, but this year there are nearly two hundred cities, which shows the danger.

In order to survive the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament, Zhao Yufan has been staying behind closed doors these days, and has been practicing, refining pills, and refining items in order to protect himself. How to get the most out of it without drawing attention to yourself.

A few days later, the Invisible King asked Zhao Yufan to rush to the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord's mansion was crowded with people, all of them participated in the Hundred Cities Ranking Tournament. Among them, there were nearly 1 masters from the Imperial Domain, but only 500 of the [-] people could go there, and the rest could only fight with envy and jealousy. I went to look at them, but at this moment, no one knew who could participate. The people gathered here were waiting for the invisible king to announce the participation. This was related to the entire Five Elements City, so it was natural that the name list should be made public.

(End of this chapter)

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